Statistics for thread
What's the Avatar above me thinking?
General statistics  
Total posts 3373
First post 2011-01-19 00:05:00
Last post 2011-09-01 15:22:00
Duration 225 days (active period), 4844 days (since first post)
Daily average 15,0 posts/day (active period), 0,7 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 635 398
Longest post Hecatonis (1741 characters, posted 2011-02-27 16:32:00)
Average post length 188,4 chars/post
Unique authors 1730 (avg 1,9 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Syn Callibri 45 (1,3%)
Acac Sunflyier 32 (0,9%)
Cathy Drall 30 (0,9%)
Titus Phook 28 (0,8%)
Sader Rykane 26 (0,8%)
Elena Severina 24 (0,7%)
Sabriel Charen'Teng 22 (0,7%)
Commander Amy Stewart 21 (0,6%)
Jennifer Starling 21 (0,6%)
Scortched Merc 20 (0,6%)
stoicfaux 18 (0,5%)
Alpheias 17 (0,5%)
Jenny Cameron 16 (0,5%)
Igerua 15 (0,4%)
Whitehound 15 (0,4%)
Volsted Gridban 15 (0,4%)
Ingvar Angst 14 (0,4%)
Irani Firecam 14 (0,4%)
Jisu Viscera 14 (0,4%)
Henrica Gaufridus 13 (0,4%)
Zarah Jade 13 (0,4%)
Zezman 13 (0,4%)
Jak Silverheart 12 (0,4%)
Lelith Hellebron 12 (0,4%)
Scarlet des Loupes 12 (0,4%)
Blane Xero 11 (0,3%)
Bodrul 11 (0,3%)
DemetRYS 11 (0,3%)
Kurama Bingyi 11 (0,3%)
Merrya 11 (0,3%)
mr id 11 (0,3%)
SemiCharmed 11 (0,3%)
Cynter DeVries 10 (0,3%)
Indahmawar Fazmarai 10 (0,3%)
Jinx Barker 10 (0,3%)
Lion Around 10 (0,3%)
Rownen Kasozi 10 (0,3%)
Akirei Scytale 9 (0,3%)
Agallis Zinthros 9 (0,3%)
Anne Arqui 9 (0,3%)
Cheque Please 9 (0,3%)
Velu Mate 9 (0,3%)
Yoshiko Myamoto 9 (0,3%)
Aynen 8 (0,2%)
Benilopax 8 (0,2%)
Crewman Jenkins 8 (0,2%)
Desire Dominion 8 (0,2%)
Hekira Soikutsu 8 (0,2%)
Ikarus Gaul 8 (0,2%)
Ila Gant 8 (0,2%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 2813 (83,4%)
Midnight Space Syndicate 27 (0,8%)
R.A.G.E 27 (0,8%)
-Mostly Harmless- 19 (0,6%)
Hounds of Anarchy 15 (0,4%)
Fidelas Constans 14 (0,4%)
Morsus Mihi 14 (0,4%)
BricK sQuAD. 13 (0,4%)
Important Internet Spaceship League 13 (0,4%)
SpaceMonkey's Alliance 11 (0,3%)
GoonSwarm 9 (0,3%)
Intergalactic Exports Group 9 (0,3%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 9 (0,3%)
Sanctuary Pact 8 (0,2%)
K162 7 (0,2%)
NISYN Inc. 7 (0,2%)
Violent Entity 7 (0,2%)
Against ALL Authorities 6 (0,2%)
Cognitive Development 6 (0,2%)
Intrepid Crossing 6 (0,2%)
Pandemic Legion 6 (0,2%)
RED.OverLord 6 (0,2%)
Twilight Federation 6 (0,2%)
Veto Corp 6 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1912 (56,7%)
21st Eridani Lighthorse 47 (1,4%)
Royal Amarr Institute 38 (1,1%)
Midnight Sentinels 27 (0,8%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 20 (0,6%)
University of Caille 17 (0,5%)
Ordo Eventus 16 (0,5%)
Ketsui ga Katai 15 (0,4%)
StarHunt 15 (0,4%)
The Whitehound Corporation 15 (0,4%)
Setenta Corp 14 (0,4%)
Ministry of War 13 (0,4%)
Havoc Violence and Chaos 12 (0,4%)
Clans of the Sanctums 11 (0,3%)
The Firestorm Cartel 11 (0,3%)
The Scope 11 (0,3%)
GFB Scientific 10 (0,3%)
Perkone 10 (0,3%)
State War Academy 10 (0,3%)
Diamonds in the Rough Enterprises 9 (0,3%)
Euphoria Released 9 (0,3%)
Hot Like Mexico 9 (0,3%)
MM Incorporate 9 (0,3%)
Aperture Harmonics 8 (0,2%)
BlackWing Cartel 8 (0,2%)
Caldari Provisions 8 (0,2%)
Eiffel Initiatives 8 (0,2%)
Malicious Demi-Lancers 8 (0,2%)
Malicous Mischief 8 (0,2%)
Northstar Cabal 8 (0,2%)
Steel Fleet 8 (0,2%)
Terra Rosa Militia 8 (0,2%)
Vivicide 8 (0,2%)
Viziam 8 (0,2%)
Advanced Planetary Exports 7 (0,2%)
Cosmodynamics 7 (0,2%)
Federal Navy Academy 7 (0,2%)
Light Years Ahead 7 (0,2%)
Nisaba Syndicate 7 (0,2%)
Phoenix Accord 7 (0,2%)
Ragnarok Rising 7 (0,2%)
Shad0wtech 7 (0,2%)
Suicide by Cop 7 (0,2%)
Center for Advanced Studies 6 (0,2%)
Confederated States of Anton 6 (0,2%)
Future Dynamics 6 (0,2%)
Imperial Shipment 6 (0,2%)
League of War 6 (0,2%)
L'Opaline 6 (0,2%)
Macabre Votum 6 (0,2%)

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