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Announcement:EVE Online: Ascension - Issues (PC)
General statistics  
Total posts 526
First post 2016-11-15 10:15:07
Last post 2017-03-11 22:24:05
Duration 116 days (active period), 2718 days (since first post)
Daily average 4,5 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 324 952
Longest post CCP Phantom (4372 characters, posted 2016-11-15 10:15:07)
Average post length 617,8 chars/post
Unique authors 295 (avg 1,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
CCP Goliath 12 (2,3%)
billwhizz 8 (1,5%)
Milla Goodpussy 8 (1,5%)
ToObEY 8 (1,5%)
David Grogan 7 (1,3%)
Ncc 1709 7 (1,3%)
Nyctos 7 (1,3%)
RaVenC 7 (1,3%)
Nana Skalski 6 (1,1%)
NightmareX 6 (1,1%)
Samshini 6 (1,1%)
Sgt Ocker 6 (1,1%)
Stefan Cel Mare 6 (1,1%)
CCP Falcon 6 (1,1%)
Hulk Miner 5 (1,0%)
Jeven HouseBenyo 5 (1,0%)
Josef Djugashvilis 5 (1,0%)
Pendra Tahyan 5 (1,0%)
Ueli Toni 5 (1,0%)
CCP Lebowski 5 (1,0%)
Ben Thomas 4 (0,8%)
Fer'isam K'ahn 4 (0,8%)
Gyrr Sie 4 (0,8%)
Karl Jerr 4 (0,8%)
Rivr Luzade 4 (0,8%)
Towaoc 4 (0,8%)
Tyfanna 4 (0,8%)
Cytherea Deesse 3 (0,6%)
Astroyka 3 (0,6%)
Acks 3 (0,6%)
Falck Longbottom 3 (0,6%)
Florian Kuehne 3 (0,6%)
Iria Ahrens 3 (0,6%)
ISD Max Trix 3 (0,6%)
Kaleesh 3 (0,6%)
Kynareth Rose 3 (0,6%)
Maja Chou 3 (0,6%)
Mark O'Helm 3 (0,6%)
Memphis Baas 3 (0,6%)
Michal Jita 3 (0,6%)
Moac Tor 3 (0,6%)
Nerath Naaris 3 (0,6%)
Pavlakakos 3 (0,6%)
Ruthbar 3 (0,6%)
Sara Lafisques 3 (0,6%)
Sul Glass 3 (0,6%)
tarrsik 3 (0,6%)
TheSmokingHertog 3 (0,6%)
Trusty Trader 3 (0,6%)
Valencia Blackheart 3 (0,6%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 203 (38,6%)
Gallente Federation 39 (7,4%)
Caldari State 29 (5,5%)
C C P Alliance 24 (4,6%)
Minmatar Republic 19 (3,6%)
Goonswarm Federation 16 (3,0%)
Ivy League 14 (2,7%)
Mercenary Coalition 10 (1,9%)
Amarr Empire 9 (1,7%)
DARKNESS. 9 (1,7%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 9 (1,7%)
Integritas Constans 8 (1,5%)
Badfellas Inc. 7 (1,3%)
End of Life 7 (1,3%)
Circle-Of-Two 6 (1,1%)
AddictClan 5 (1,0%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 5 (1,0%)
Pandemic Horde 5 (1,0%)
The Methodical Alliance 5 (1,0%)
Agents of Fortune 4 (0,8%)
Gentlemen's.Club 4 (0,8%)
Madhouse 4 (0,8%)
Red Squad Alliance 4 (0,8%)
ChaosTheory. 3 (0,6%)
Darwinism. 3 (0,6%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 25 (4,8%)
C C P 24 (4,6%)
Federal Navy Academy 15 (2,9%)
EVE University 14 (2,7%)
Republic Military School 14 (2,7%)
Center for Advanced Studies 13 (2,5%)
University of Caille 11 (2,1%)
Caldari Provisions 8 (1,5%)
The Scope 8 (1,5%)
Wild Bullet 8 (1,5%)
Fusion Enterprises Ltd 7 (1,3%)
Kriegsmarinewerft 7 (1,3%)
School of Applied Knowledge 7 (1,3%)
The Motley Crew Reborn 7 (1,3%)
Application Rejected 6 (1,1%)
Coreli Corporation 6 (1,1%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 6 (1,1%)
Knowledge is Money - Money is Power 6 (1,1%)
Taisaanat Kotei 6 (1,1%)
Absolute Massive Destruction 5 (1,0%)
Heuristic Industrial And Development 5 (1,0%)
Pandemic Horde Inc. 5 (1,0%)
State War Academy 5 (1,0%)
Vanity Thy Name Is 5 (1,0%)
Applied Technologies Inc 4 (0,8%)
EVE CORPORATION 10210116 4 (0,8%)
Herzack Unit 4 (0,8%)
Kenshin. 4 (0,8%)
Remember The Fallen. 4 (0,8%)
SAS Veterinarians 4 (0,8%)
Starfleet Academy Red Squad 4 (0,8%)
W.O.R.M-S.W.A.R.M 4 (0,8%)
Your Loss 4 (0,8%)
Angels of D00M 3 (0,6%)
Cyber Core 3 (0,6%)
Fam. Zimin von Reizgenschwendt 3 (0,6%)
Fat Dragon Mining Co. 3 (0,6%)
GoonWaffe 3 (0,6%)
ISD Community Communications Liaisons 3 (0,6%)
Isk-Must-Flow 3 (0,6%)
IXXAXAAR 3 (0,6%)
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium 3 (0,6%)
KarmaFleet 3 (0,6%)
Pator Tech School 3 (0,6%)
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy 3 (0,6%)
RONA Corporation 3 (0,6%)
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates 3 (0,6%)
Tech3 Company 3 (0,6%)
Thuggee 3 (0,6%)
Trusty Trading 3 (0,6%)

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