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Take me to the EVE-Online forum thread View author posting habits View only posts by author
Posted - 2004.09.16 07:49:00 - [1]

Welcome to the Want Ads forum. Couple of rules to remember here:

1. Only post if you are willing to pay In-Game ISK for an In-Game item or items. No out of game currency or items will be posted!
2. When you have purchased an item with in-game ISK, make a final post stating that you have purchased the item. This will prevent follow-up posts.
3. No out of game currency will be used for any transactions on this forum. Notice a trend here? Smile Posts mentioning any currency other than In-Game ISK will be immediately deleted and the poster warned.
4a. Bumping is allowed only by the character who started the thread. If you use another character you will get warned.
4b. Bumping must consist of a real sentence, not simply the word "bump". For example: "Auction still open" is an acceptable bump.
4c. Bumping may only be done once per day*.

*Once per day means that the date has to be differen't on your post. If you bump 2006.02.05 then your next bump can only be 2006.02.06 and then 2006.02.07. It doesn't matter when during the day you bump, as long as the date is one day apart.

Community Manager,
EVE Online

Take me to the EVE-Online forum thread View author posting habits View only posts by author
Posted - 2004.09.16 07:49:00 - [2]

Welcome to the Want Ads forum. Couple of rules to remember here:

1. Only post if you are willing to pay In-Game ISK for an In-Game item or items. No out of game currency or items will be posted!
2. When you have purchased an item with in-game ISK, make a final post stating that you have purchased the item. This will prevent follow-up posts.
3. No out of game currency will be used for any transactions on this forum. Notice a trend here? Smile Posts mentioning any currency other than In-Game ISK will be immediately deleted and the poster warned.
4a. Bumping is allowed only by the character who started the thread. If you use another character you will get warned.
4b. Bumping must consist of a real sentence, not simply the word "bump". For example: "Auction still open" is an acceptable bump.
4c. Bumping may only be done once per day*.

*Once per day means that the date has to be differen't on your post. If you bump 2006.02.05 then your next bump can only be 2006.02.06 and then 2006.02.07. It doesn't matter when during the day you bump, as long as the date is one day apart.

Community Manager,
EVE Online

Take me to the EVE-Online forum thread View author posting habits View only posts by author
Posted - 2004.09.16 07:49:00 - [3]

Welcome to the Want Ads forum. Couple of rules to remember here:

1. Only post if you are willing to pay In-Game ISK for an In-Game item or items. No out of game currency or items will be posted!
2. When you have purchased an item with in-game ISK, make a final post stating that you have purchased the item. This will prevent follow-up posts.
3. No out of game currency will be used for any transactions on this forum. Notice a trend here? Smile Posts mentioning any currency other than In-Game ISK will be immediately deleted and the poster warned.
4. Bumping may be done only once per day*.
4a. Bumping is allowed only by the character who started the thread. If you use another character you will get warned.
4b. Bumping must consist of a real sentence, not simply the word "bump". For example: "Auction still open" is an acceptable bump.
5. Trial accounts cannot post to this forum.

*Once per day means that the date has to be differen't on your post. If you bump 2006.02.05 then your next bump can only be 2006.02.06 and then 2006.02.07. It doesn't matter when during the day you bump, as long as the date is one day apart.

Community Manager,
EVE Online
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