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Posted - 2005.03.08 06:32:00 - [1]

I was looking through my stuff and noticed a few 0 run bps in my hanger and had a few thoughts...
If you read a bp it says "licensed runs remaining" how about being able to use unlicensed with a change every 20 minutes or so of getting caught, fined and print confiscated by authorities. Make a skill to adjust this.... as it is checked regularly, small common items would be easy, but ships, let alone t2 ships much harder.

on this same tangent my mind went to the long missing reverse engineering skill: how about say a 5% chance of making a 0 run (unlicensed) bp by taking apart (item lost) / level of rev. eng skill. so even max skill would only have a 25% chance of succeding, and would still be difficult to produce.

problems/arguements I see: No authority in 0.0 to enforce patents, hard to justify this, but maybe list manufacturer on item and make know knock-off manufaturered items unmarketable. This could also move some more people out to 0.0... the first person to reverse engineer a harvy isn't going to want the print taken first time they try to use it....

any thoughts.... keep the flames to a low burn

Gunrunners and Gamblers

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Posted - 2005.03.08 06:32:00 - [2]

I was looking through my stuff and noticed a few 0 run bps in my hanger and had a few thoughts...
If you read a bp it says "licensed runs remaining" how about being able to use unlicensed with a change every 20 minutes or so of getting caught, fined and print confiscated by authorities. Make a skill to adjust this.... as it is checked regularly, small common items would be easy, but ships, let alone t2 ships much harder.

on this same tangent my mind went to the long missing reverse engineering skill: how about say a 5% chance of making a 0 run (unlicensed) bp by taking apart (item lost) / level of rev. eng skill. so even max skill would only have a 25% chance of succeding, and would still be difficult to produce.

problems/arguements I see: No authority in 0.0 to enforce patents, hard to justify this, but maybe list manufacturer on item and make know knock-off manufaturered items unmarketable. This could also move some more people out to 0.0... the first person to reverse engineer a harvy isn't going to want the print taken first time they try to use it....

any thoughts.... keep the flames to a low burn


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Posted - 2005.03.19 04:03:00 - [3]

33 reads no comments.... i'm hurt

Gunrunners and Gamblers

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Posted - 2005.03.19 04:03:00 - [4]

33 reads no comments.... i'm hurt


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Posted - 2005.03.19 13:01:00 - [5]


Seriously, I think the reason you have had so few replies is people can't predict how this would affect the game and so cant have any valid opinions on the issue and therfore do not post.

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Automated Industries

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Posted - 2005.03.19 13:01:00 - [6]


Seriously, I think the reason you have had so few replies is people can't predict how this would affect the game and so cant have any valid opinions on the issue and therfore do not post.

Admiral of King Frieza's Super Saiyan fleet.
Marzaris Onbarny
Marzaris Onbarny

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Posted - 2007.08.05 19:29:00 - [7]

changing the way items are brought into the game is playing god. IT is the largest factor in balance, once in its hard to get them out. You may not see th potential downfalls for your ideas, and to be honest some things don't need to be considered. Do we really need what you suggest? does it add some fundamentally change to the way the game is played? or just add a different kind of grind, or a little more role playing flavor?

I dont see getting some extra runs off a bpc as a change in game play.
Ellaine TashMurkon
Ellaine TashMurkon

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Posted - 2007.08.05 23:23:00 - [8]

Tons of people live in 0.0 where there is no authorities and laws beyond players and having COCORD confiscate my BPC would be silly.
I assume that runs on BPC etc, are forced by some advanced encryption methods and/or data storage based on quantum indeterminate.
Reggie Stoneloader
Reggie Stoneloader
Teikoku Trade Conglomerate

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Posted - 2007.08.06 04:13:00 - [9]

Or just eliminate the notion of finite-tun BPs and have the patent-holding corps charge a licencing fee per run that the BP is used, adjustable by standings, so if you've got wicked low standings with the Caldari faction, they suspend your authorization to build Scorpions, but if you've got +10 standings, they let you do it for free.
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