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Gerk Corporation

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Posted - 2016.11.16 11:27:51 - [1] - Quote

Swag item request:

1. Wall Posters of the beautiful ships we fly.
2. Framed artwork or models of said ships.
3. Pullover hoodies, not just zip-ups, each representing a main empire faction, and pirate factions.
4. The black coffee cup looks cool but how can you see how much coffee you have left? Let's get faction colored coffee cups.
5. Option to pay a bit more to get alliance logos on said eve coffee cups.
6. Eve trampoline. yeah, that's right a huge trampoline with the image of a wormhole imprinted on it.
7. Empire & Pirate faction decals/stickers for plastering on anything. Not bumper stickers.
8. Packet of 10 flyers to recruit real people into your corporation in game with instruction on how to download EVE. (Free with every order)
9. Figure out a way to use this store so people who don't play the game can still gift their friends who do play, eve store items and in-game items like Plex or ship skins, etc.

And for my ultimate request item.
10. Leather bound instruction manual for drug manufacturing. Cause it took me two months to figure it all out on my own and no one should have to suffer like I did.

Also not a swag item request but a sensible request for any future drug manufacturing structures released in any future patches.... please let us cloak the structure... putting the "shade" back into shady business.
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