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1. Extended Downtime on Wednesdat 12th August 2009 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Darkeen on 10/08/2009 11:38:59 Didnt find this on the forums or on the front/home page - I found it at Battleclinic, so I thought Id link here so at least some people woul...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.08.10 11:39:00
2. Ideas Wanted: Simpit Design - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Darkeen on 28/07/2009 06:35:40 Hi, Complete remote control (no cables) and put it on rollers..... So that any joystick movement is directly related to the ship so your actually upside down and roll with the ship..... I know that s...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.07.28 06:26:00
3. Does anyone have the link to... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
The goon jump bridge map? I found it by accident on the iterwebs about 2-6 months ago and my history doesnt have it (so more than 3 months ago). I made a few notes but didnt appear to save it or print it (dumb me ) Thanks in advance.
- by Darkeen - at 2009.07.28 06:19:00
4. Turn the machines back on... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Darkeen on 25/07/2009 12:11:37 yes, add another still waiting for DT to end... :(
- by Darkeen - at 2009.07.25 12:11:00
5. Catching up to Older Players - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Ohhh Matron Kids today! They just expect it all with no effort. Plus for some reason young people seem to think that you are born with a quota of respect that must be...well..respected. I've seen it at work. 17-18 year ol...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.07.21 23:47:00
6. Catching up to Older Players - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Darkeen on 21/07/2009 23:37:35 Originally by: Leviathan9 Edited by: Leviathan9 on 19/07/2009 01:25:16 People seem to forget that "older" players started off as the "newer" player.. if the "newer" players want to catch up...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.07.21 23:37:00
7. Day Without a Carebear - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Mavrk Originally by: Vagilicious Well if the 'carebears' went away who would build all the shiny new toys for the l33t uber PVPers to shoot each other with? the l33t uber PVPers' industry alts. Nope, he doesn...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.07.16 23:36:00
8. i wants to pay - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Saint Spuks Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms Responsibility, July of 9th, 2009 Thank you for your attention. I am regular player of Eve Onlines Game of Spaceshipping for the last 3 weeks, and I must have admit you have done great job, ...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.07.10 00:14:00
9. China makes gold farming illegal. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Mark Interiis Originally by: Nemesis Factor Edited by: Nemesis Factor on 30/06/2009 00:25:47 On another note, does this mean the Chinese will be allowed to sell software? next time read what you're linking to,...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.06.30 04:20:00
10. Dear CCP, do something about asteroid belts. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
"I wish to unsubscribe from this Troll based Newsletter". Originally by: Abrazzar There is an infinite amount of ore available. Not only in gravimetric sites but also in asteroids found in missions, cosmic anomalies and other exploration...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.05.18 03:59:00
11. Seriously CCP, do a rollback or something.. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.30 03:15:00
12. Eve online now unplayable... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: temponita I've been struggling with the latest patch since it came out and haven't made any progress whatsoever with any of the issues with it. <snip> Has anyone who has come across this found a way to get around it? ...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.30 03:12:00
13. end/start of DST - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Hello All, Being in WA, Australia, we are about to end DST (we are on a 3 year trial to see how much we despise the idea.... but thats another story...) I was wondering when CCP starts DST for their summer.. Do you go on UK DST time (with the s...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.17 11:21:00
14. CRC failed, CRC failed, CRC failed, CRC failed. 10GB of wasted time. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Ikanden Reiss ive gotten it dowloaded but now for some reason, it wont allow me to download a classic variant, just the premium. so now ive to upgrade my PC or i cant play eve anymore. apocrypha best be absolutely amazing. ...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.11 22:43:00
15. patch note - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Yes. Discuss.
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.09 21:09:00
16. Charachter on Ebay - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Esamir Originally by: Sniper Wolf18 Heh Anyone bother to think that it coule be all an elaborate plot to get this guy banned? No His first ebay transaction is in 2002, 3 years before the character was created...
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.09 01:21:00
17. Where are my chars? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Strange.... The character must exist as you can post on the forum, which is requried to have an active account (and character), so it must be a database issue.... The petition should work....
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.04 04:42:00
18. Easy guide to finding Wormholes in systems? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Look at this and come back to me: Massively article So, according to this (if it stays true) you can warp into a system and if it has a new Background piccy then you know that there is a wormhole in the system! ??
- by Darkeen - at 2009.03.03 08:28:00
19. Damn that new sidebar. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Adding my Hatred for the New sidebar... Come on ppl, lets all give out opinion so that CCP will change it back to the way it was!
- by Darkeen - at 2009.02.24 11:37:00
20. menu changed? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I agree. The menu changes just plain suck. Regards, Jason Brisbane
- by Darkeen - at 2009.02.20 11:24:00
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