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2021. 31mil SP Amarr Char for sale - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
6 bil
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.03 15:36:00
2022. Lahi Khana, Global Gang Bangers Scammer - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Teecee Vandis 1. You are looking WAY too deep into this lang thing. 2. You are trolling and steering the post a different direction. 3. I have already said I do not believe what you spent so much time writing about. 4. Inte...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.03 14:13:00
2023. I AM MARLONA SKY - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
'Radical' Damage Control Post I
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.03 12:35:00
2024. Drake setup - what am i doing wrong ? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Quote: Drake setup - what am i doing wrong ? EFT & Ebay.
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.03 04:20:00
2025. WTB Amarr Combat Character ~6 bil budget - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
bump :|
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.03 03:35:00
2026. [WTA] 41.0mil SP Pure Amarr PvP Character! - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Originally by: Damien Gaunt Since no other valid offers were posted. I am accepting the buy out offer from Celege Je'thries at 11 bil. Transaction will be complete was isk is transferred to main. Transaction will include account, with 5 w...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.02 22:22:00
2027. recommendations from experienced hardcore missionbears? - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
Originally by: AstarothPrime Come agan? Training pure PVE alt without caring about missile skills? That doesnt sound right, no? I tried several options. Going BIG isnt the answer. Anything bigger then heavy missiles is just -> too big...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.02 22:03:00
2028. Salvage, Loot or Both. - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
Loot what you can fit (cap boosters are the first things to drop) and salvage the largest wrecks and leave once you've completed the mission.
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.02 21:48:00
2029. WTB Amarr Combat Character ~6 bil budget - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Edited requirements a little and bump.
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.01 15:41:00
2030. [Bond] F9x [Hilarious Failure] - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Originally by: Lecherito F90 has always been a goon. At least now his gooness is incontrovertible, public knowledge. I feel it does raise the question, however, of, taking into consideration all of the logical inferences and deductions as...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.01 15:27:00
2031. wts amarr pvp char with 37M skillpoints - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
I can offer a 7b b/o right now if you don't mind going that low.
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.10.01 04:10:00
2032. [Pricecheck] 43mil Amarr PvP toon - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
I could give you 6b right now but I'm sure that's way below what you'd like ;)
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.30 22:27:00
2033. W00T faction drop lol. - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
Done 10+ overseers on Guristas/Serpentis Worlds Collide in the last week, only thing of note was 16m of salvage from a 4.25m Serpentis Overseer, next highest bounty was 1.05m or so and gave nothing of worth.
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.30 19:49:00
2034. wreck thieves - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
That's certainly a horrible crime committed against you, what system are you having trouble in? As soon as I know I will get right on it.
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.29 18:05:00
2035. WTB Amarr Combat Character ~6 bil budget - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Saw a perfect character the other day :( bump
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.29 00:48:00
2036. WTB Amarr Combat Character ~6 bil budget - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.28 14:35:00
2037. WTB Amarr Combat Character ~6 bil budget - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Originally by: Don Abba Your budget is too low, but if you decide to spend more check me out! Don Abba Remember, quality only hurts once Awesome character but out of my price range, I have a whole hangar of slaves, militants and ...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.26 21:57:00
2038. WTB Amarr Combat Character ~6 bil budget - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Requires the following: -Amarr Frigate 5 -Amarr Cruiser 5 -Amarr Battleship 5 -Advanced Weapon Upgrades 5 -Large Beam Specialization prerequisites trained -Decent Gunnery support skills -Drones 5 -Scout Drone Operation 5 -Hull Upgrades 5 Anyt...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.26 04:07:00
2039. Thanks go out to Eve scammers/pirates, Yes I really mean it - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Fouljin Well actually you can camp the bank and when the banker comes out shoot some missiles or projectiles to his car! But doing so the RL concord will surely pod you. RL Concord need a buff because I hear about crimi...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.25 21:22:00
2040. Training Marauders still worth it if you factor in a Noctis? - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
Originally by: Hyey You call that properly fit? I don't understand the XL booster seeing as I've never ever EVER needed one. My Golem tanks all missions fine with a large booster, 2 CN invulns, and an Amp. More than 1 way to skin a cat a...
- by Elizabeth Norn - at 2010.09.21 14:21:00
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