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1. WTS 84m pvp character - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Originally by: GoGo Rens Bah,, defender missiles only trained to iv. Yup couldnt keep up the crack habit that you needed to press fire, was always hoping they would do the rocket version :)
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2010.03.14 06:30:00
2. WTS 84m pvp character - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Skill link should work now.
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2010.03.13 21:52:00
3. Is it safe to play with a notebook?? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: brinelan Originally by: Furb Killer stuff should just shut down when it becomes too hot, it shouldnt get damaged. It works like this in theroy, and has for years. Is the roy aware it's working like this in him?
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.15 23:42:00
4. LOL at Jita - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Micheal Dietrich Originally by: Tippia Originally by: Emma Durham Yeah, go to Rens, that's where I get my 199,999,999 isk Damage Control IIs. Great idea! They apparently cost cost 300k where I live, so that...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.15 23:39:00
5. If you owned and devloped EVE - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Ruze Ahkor'Murkon Originally by: Mutnin Originally by: Slapchop Gonnalovemynuts Your #2 point is completely unfeasible for a MMO... Do you realize the load that umpteen thousand different ship types would cau...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.15 21:22:00
6. The capacitor bug has returned - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
all a cmos battery does is keep your bios settings for you when your pc is disconnected from the mains you can quite happily play without a cmos battery so long as you are connected to the mains and dont turn your pc off.
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.15 09:13:00
7. I wish I knew this sooner - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Sydian Rie Don't close tutorial if you are a new player. I spent 2 weeks without training skills before learning of them. hehe i did that one
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.14 22:35:00
8. GFX Cards for Dell 4300 - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Originally by: neo sun F**K its the wrong video card.... oops!
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.14 22:30:00
9. Walking Avatars?? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Kinuko Walking avatars?!?!? Needless to say you meant walking stations. I think he meant walking avatars as walking stations would look rather silly plus what would a station walk on in space?
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.14 22:29:00
10. Scamming is out of control - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
It truly amazes me that people fall for that stuff i just ignore local if i want to buy something i use the market or contracts it's really not that hard. you cant blame spammers when there are so many stupid people playing eve tbh.
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.14 09:06:00
11. Fleet question - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Cypherous Yes You need an unbroken chain in order to give bonuses and yes the squad member should get the bonuses but here's the catch, the fleet commander will only get whatever bonuses he's providing as bonuses only flow ...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.14 08:58:00
12. Does EVE support LAA? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Taedrin Originally by: Mashie Saldana The servers are 64bit but as stated above, no need for the client to go 32bit anytime soon. You do not understand what he is asking. It is (relatively) common knowledge that ...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.13 10:58:00
13. Does EVE support LAA? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
eve doesn't come anywhere close to breaking the 32-bit limit so adding that flag to eve would have absolutley no effect on performance, the only game that does benefit from it atm is supreme commander when using a 80x80 map with 10000 units per si...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.12 10:16:00
14. Doctor Who Wormhole - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
there was a thread by a dev on what a rl wormhole would look like and they based the eve wormholes on some theory looks like dr who makers read teh same theory.
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.12 10:13:00
15. ... PL got me - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Pubic Lice?
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.12 10:13:00
16. Does EVE support LAA? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
no eve is a 32-bit app with no plans for a 64-bit version for a good few years yet.
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.12 10:09:00
17. Custom resolutions for running EVE in - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Karia Icehawk Is there a way, perhaps from the command line/shortcut, to convince the EVE client to run in a custom resolution? Problem: I have a monitor running to 1650 x 1080. If I try to run EVE at that resolution in win...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.12 10:08:00
18. 1 Minute of silence for Factional Warfare! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Rellik B00n I joined the militia very recently, figured it would be ideal for some part-timer pew pew. Within 24 hours of joining i left as it appeared: no targets to shoot almost every green i saw engaged me on sight - c...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.12 10:07:00
19. game resolution - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
30" here 2560x1600 looks lovely
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.11 17:07:00
20. Fresh install of XP - EVE restarts my entire PC - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: MissileBella Hi guys, Just a quick question, have any of you experienced what I've detailed below in a petition I submitted? Basically, I have formatted my PC, installed the right drivers and EVE either freezes the PC or ju...
- by Khlitouris RegusII - at 2009.04.11 08:48:00
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