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1. To Dev - POS anomalies to fix :) - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Hello, Dear devellopers, they are some anomalie which need to be fix for POS : A starbase fuel technitien can see - the reaction panel - set the link betwen reactor and silo, - fuel and see fuel quantity - set reaction but he is unable to cha...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2012.03.26 08:10:00
2. Pos Tracker Temar Edition - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
I follow the installation step and when i try to launch the install : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /homepages/29/d337927867/htdocs/pos/includes/class.pos.php on line 4403 Can someone help me ?
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.09.22 13:57:00
3. Alliance and Corporation Website - Bete Tester Needed - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Edited by: OrxaGrondii on 22/09/2010 12:46:36 I'm CEO of a corp and i'm interested by your offer so i'm agree to be beta tester on my corp. You can ask me by email. I read it each day
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.09.22 12:45:00
4. Military system and upgrade - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
Edited by: OrxaGrondii on 15/09/2010 11:46:27 Thanks for your answer. Perhaps i'm not understandable (i'm french so i have some trouble with sheakspear language ;) ). Tradari : i know how to use pirate signature, but when you plug an upgrade...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.09.15 11:45:00
5. Military system and upgrade - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
Edited by: OrxaGrondii on 15/09/2010 10:04:42 Hi all, I'm a CEO of a corporation and i want to speak with you of the upgrade which are used on infrastructure hub, and more specificly on both of them : - Pirate Detection - Entrapment array. S...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.09.15 10:00:00
6. Corporation right : Why a pilot who board a ship can offline the stct. - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Hi all, hi dev. I pass few hours to configure properly right for my corpmate. We lived in deep space so in POS and there is a problem : It's not possible to allow a pilot to have access to ship maintenance bay and board their ship if he is not "...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.09.13 14:07:00
7. ok latest patch doesnt let the game start - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Hey the Dev team, do you find normal that you published a patch which can't allow Eve sisi starting ? not really serious. Like other : splash screen and stop. This time, i be obliged to destroyed the sisi folder and make another clone ... Please...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.07.20 21:04:00
8. Frozen market - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Hi all, It's impossible to use the market, (bug with display, can't buy anthing ...)? Are know the problem (probably yes) and when does it become normal again please ? Fly safe Orxa
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.07.20 11:08:00
9. Eve Singularity server : market failure - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Hi all, I don't know where write that, so this place seems good. Eve Singularity market is frozen and not work, does someone know when it become normal again ? And another question, Eve singularity is the test server : ok, it's a clone of real ...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.07.20 11:00:00
10. Game Master - CCP Staff, explanation please ? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Oh yes one thinks more : it's hard to win isk with the actual price of ore, if you add a tanker, you must divised benefice. So it's not interesting, in that way it's better to do mission lvel 4 or probing ... If miner can't do real benefice well ...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.03.18 17:02:00
11. Game Master - CCP Staff, explanation please ? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
yeah sure, you think that you often find when you want to mine a friend which stay in belt to have aggro and don't do anything, he could watch tv. It's your solution ? To mine : you must have a person which lost is game time to have the aggro ? ...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.03.18 16:56:00
12. Game Master - CCP Staff, explanation please ? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Hello, I'm a miner in deep space, i ask you because i have some question : day after day, it's harder to mine in deep space. The mineral cost decrease, the difficulty of mining increase. NPC pop, cannot be tank on hulk even if we fit commander it...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.03.18 16:46:00
13. Help for third party program - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Up, for the moment i don't arrive to configure out of eve, any help please ?
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.10 15:20:00
14. Help for third party program - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Well thanks you verryyy much. I have it, now, i upload it : ok and i try to install it. Uh i'm not a specialist of database and it's hard i hope for me. Well, i try to change the config.php with my version, i use on my ftp the folder /outofeve ...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.09 22:13:00
15. Help for third party program - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Edited by: OrxaGrondii on 09/02/2010 12:51:38 Well, you're right. It's exactly what i need, firstly i see the website with menu, i hope that it's not possible but i find the package. PROBLEM The main package "outofeve-1.6ap.tar.bz2 - the ma...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.09 12:50:00
16. Help for third party program - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Well thanks very much for your hep. I currently installing POS Traker on the corporation website. Despit the fact Out of eve is interresting, i don't want to use it because i search web program or code that i can use on the website. I don't want...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.09 12:05:00
17. Help for third party program - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Hi, Well i put this subject here but i'm not sure that is the right place. I work on a website for a corporation. I want to know if some module in html or php exist to see many thinks like fuel time for POS, blueprint research time, time left fo...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.08 14:01:00
18. Help for third party program - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Hello, i work on a website for a corporation. I want to know if some module in html or php exist to see many thinks like fuel time for POS, blueprint research time, time left for production ... I know that program like EveHQ do that, but i want t...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.08 13:55:00
19. High sec pos builder, JF, miner, research char 57.4mil sp caldari - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Well, nice chart, i offer 8 bils but my wallet can't offer more , your toon is interesting, able to pilot jumpfreighter and that i'm looking for, have a good standing in Amarr, and that i'm looking for too. Pehaps you will be interested if no one...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.06 11:51:00
20. [WTB] Amarr Miner/Orca Pilot/Faction Amarr standing - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Hello, I want to buy a character which have this : - Good learning ( Level V for x1 level IV for x3) - Abble to pilot Hulk and Orca - Have standing to Amarr faction up to 6 - Production standing wich be appreciate. No particular prince, i can ...
- by OrxaGrondii - at 2010.02.01 17:29:00
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