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1. Combat Scanner Loophole - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: CCP Spitfire Moved from 'Issues, Workarounds & Localization'. I just realised that I don't give CCP enough credit. Bravo sir, bravo. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.19 22:51:00
2. Ransoming - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 02/02/2011 18:14:44 Originally by: Deladian flashy red still ask for ransoms and also honour them after. Except me. I don't ask unless I'm really sure I'm not about to get bounced by backup or other preda...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.02 18:14:00
3. Dub Step for hire n ****z yo - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Crack is awesome. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.01.24 08:30:00
4. WHOS THE SEXIEST PIRATE OF THEM ALL? AKA the Mr NoPants BIOMASS Thread - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Count MonteCarlo yes Oh **** it's CSI New Eden. DUST THE GUNS OFF. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.01.19 00:05:00
5. Crime: Double standards of moderation - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 09/01/2011 08:44:07 Originally by: Loraine Gess Originally by: Stuart Price 4. Caught a guy in a Ferox and his ransom conditions were to construct a banjo out of paper, post a picture of it on the fo...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.01.09 08:43:00
6. Crime: Double standards of moderation - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 09/01/2011 02:42:03 Bad things I have done or been part of that I can remember: 1. Ransomed the same dread pilot three times in an hour (we had a 15 minute grace period). With an Eagle. After popping his cyno Arazu....
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.01.09 02:40:00
7. EvE "Sec" vs Real Life "Sec" - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
UK reporting in. Looks like we're Yulai. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.08.29 19:22:00
8. The Python Cartel: Betrayal From The Highest Level. - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Best trolls ever. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.08.15 18:36:00
9. A grave injustice has been committed against The Python Cartel - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
I was lucky enough to bear witness to the mighty edifice before it was torn down by jealous gods. It was impressive. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.07.27 02:23:00
10. Finding an informative guide to Pirate and Anti-Pirating tactics - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Doctorr Who Edited by: Doctorr Who on 25/06/2010 07:13:17 Pirate tactics are simple. You camp a gate and kill people as they jump in. The odds are normaly the entire gang v a lone target lets say 6 V 1. Before the range...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.06.25 16:49:00
11. Finding an informative guide to Pirate and Anti-Pirating tactics - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Anti-pirating tactics, there are a few basic ones I see, with limited variations thereof: 1. Put humongous unholy sized blob of BC/BS on a highsec gate in a lowsec system. Put one Drake in the top belt. Wait. Talk Russian in local. LIMITED VARIAT...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.06.25 03:06:00
12. How to solo yarr? - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
How do you solo pvp? Very, very carefully. The targets are still out there, but more and more people have backup and nothing ruined my solo fun more than the Covops Cloak II. The amount of times I've engaged something only to be met by at least o...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.06.19 23:40:00
13. Hulkageddon III - A Miner's Holiday - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Pre-event tears. Nice. Ultimately though, for those of you complaining about Hulkageddon, if you can't be bothered to defend yourselves you have only yourselves to blame if you get ganked. We want to kill mining ships and we're prepared to take o...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.06.17 19:12:00
14. Paper , Rock, Scissors - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
I vote 'emo' instead of paper. They ruined rock but get ****ed up by scissors. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.07 19:04:00
15. Paper , Rock, Scissors - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Darkopteron Quote: The objective is to select a gesture which defeats that of the opponent. Gestures are resolved as follows: Rock blunts or breaks scissors: that is, rock defeats scissors Scissors cut paper: scissors ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.07 18:09:00
16. best pirate corps/alliances?? - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Owen Drakkar Originally by: ANGRY23 Hey stu hows it going, cant beat a whos the leetest C & P thread, brings out all the pro forum hoes. Why so angry? He's Scottish, he was born angry. Putting the 'irate' int...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.07 18:04:00
17. Paper , Rock, Scissors - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
There is not a single problem, ever, that cannot be solved without the judicious, and in some cases extremely swift, application of rock. Test me. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.07 17:58:00
18. best pirate corps/alliances?? - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Confirming our non-presence in this thread. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.07 17:52:00
19. [CSM5] I need your support to address lowsec and pirating issues. - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Shorter GCC timers would be nice, but more importantly is for CCP to actually fix aggro timer issues. My beautiful Cynabal got probed out and killed after I'd logged off mid-warp with NO visible timers :( I don't mind that it died so much, more t...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.01 15:03:00
20. What Happened? - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
The Art of Solo is finding what may, to the casual observer, appear to be a fair or close fight but which you are extremely confident of winning. It reaches it's zenith when two masters close in, both knowing (or thinking they know) something the ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.04.04 00:51:00
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