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1. The Second Nano Age - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 02/03/2011 22:04:26 1. Spool up time on cyno's and disallow the cyno ship to receive remote reps during cyno timers. Cyno's should be strategic, not tactical, for best usage. 2. Increase the agility on most Gallente...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.03.02 22:01:00
2. The CPU discrepancy of BCU's vs any other damage mod - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
In all my years (oh god that's literal, slightly depressing?) fitting and flying missile boats for pve and pvp I can't say I've ever really had CPU issues. Powergrid issues maybe, but not CPU. In fact, it's probably telling that I roll with a grid...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.19 22:44:00
3. Solo PvP Enyo - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Tony SoXai Drake is the only BC that can reliably kill AB + Nos AF which are competently flown. Double web ones can do it too but if it's not a Drake it NEEDS double webs. The way I fit mine it shouldn't be much troubl...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.16 05:18:00
4. Solo PvP Enyo - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Predator989 Originally by: Merin Ryskin Originally by: Tony SoXai It really shines when you go after bigger ships like cruisers and stuff though. Well, I suppose the bright explosion you'll make counts as...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.16 03:47:00
5. Help me decide which ship to aim for - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Naomi Ito Thanks for your replies everyone! It seems my understanding of solo pvp is incorrect- that a cloak is by no means needed. Why is this so? I would have thought that anyone who saw you appear on d-scan who's solo th...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.15 01:15:00
6. Interceptors - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Have some delicious copypasta from the many threads this fit has been in: [Crusader, Dogfighter] 4 x Gat Pulse II 1 x Cat Cold-Gas I MWD 1 x Faint Epsilon Warp Scram 1 x SAR II (I have a 'liberated' C-Type from an Ishkur on mine atm) 1 x Pseud...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.13 16:55:00
7. Looking for opinions on Hurricane fit - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Burial Day Edited by: Burial Day on 13/02/2011 08:05:30 Thanks Stuart, awesome explanations overall, especially that tip for small neuts Shah, thanks for explaining that bit about fighting in falloff range - helps me un...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.13 08:42:00
8. Solo PvP Enyo - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
I always like to see people getting some success with underrated ships. I think that, personally, I'd still prefer a Wolf for this kind of work. Mostly selectable damage, better engagement envelope, less vulnerable to neuting and faster while stil...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.13 08:20:00
9. Looking for opinions on Hurricane fit - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
This is how I roll a shield 'cane: 6 x 425mm AC II 2 x Med Neut II 1 x Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon MWD 1 x Warp Disruptor II 1 x Invul II 1 x LSE II 1 x DC II 2 x Gyro II 2 x TE II 1 x Nano II 2 x Shield Extender I 1 x Anti-EM Screen I 6 x W...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.13 01:50:00
10. I miss the days when..... - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
I miss a lot of things. Mostly I miss when logistics took more effort than a cyno-kestrel. Make people guard freighters through a bajillion jumps again goddamit. Make 'em WORK for the shinies. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.11 07:13:00
11. Zealot Proper DPS? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Harbinger. That is all. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.09 23:53:00
12. Malediction the worst ceptor in the game? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 09/02/2011 03:13:33 OP lacks faith. [Malediction, Shake ME off *****] 3 x 125mm Gat AC II 1 x RL II 1 x Cat Cold-Gas I MWD 1 x Warp Disruptor II 1 x Med F-S9 Extender 2 x Nano II 1 x OD II 1 x Polycarb I 1 x Ion...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.09 03:10:00
13. Concern about tech III frigates regarding Battleships - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Istvaan Shogaatsu Was there a dev blog about T3 frigs I missed? No, I think the magic 8-ball has been doing the rounds again. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.06 18:32:00
14. Wolf vs hawk/harpy , advice requested - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Lugalzagezi666 Originally by: yani dumyat SML crow is possibly the best solo interceptor in the game. To be fair, I respect his opinion. We had a decent debate about the pro's and con's of the Crow (rocket...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.05 18:08:00
15. Wolf vs hawk/harpy , advice requested - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Liang Nuren Reasons to train Caldari Frig 5: - The Manticore - The Kitsune - The Hookbill - The Crow - The Harpy These are all excellent ships. I even hear good things about the Hawk these days. -Liang I agree with all...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.04 20:41:00
16. Wolf vs hawk/harpy , advice requested - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Rail Harpy MIGHT be worth it - it lolkills ab fit AF's with contemptuous ease - unless they can almost permarun a 150dps+ tank, in which case it simply flies off to look for easier prey. It's an acquired taste though and it gets chewed up by comba...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.04 00:14:00
17. How did Drake the pvp lolship become Drake the pvp god? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 02/02/2011 20:52:31 Originally by: Dizeezer Velar Originally by: Stuart Price HAM Drake 83k EHP (94k if you overload the invuls) with a passive tank of 149 (175) at peak to reduce incoming damage Up ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.02 20:50:00
18. How did Drake the pvp lolship become Drake the pvp god? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
HAM Drake 83k EHP (94k if you overload the invuls) with a passive tank of 149 (175) at peak to reduce incoming damage Up to 658 dps (760 if you overload the launchers) and the ability to choose damage type to exploit resistance holes (for less pa...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.02 20:31:00
19. Anti-Frigate Platform - Which is best? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 01/02/2011 02:47:26 Originally by: Slantic Right now it looks like I'm going for Caracal up to Caracal Navy Issue up to Cerberus, and I'm already pretty happy with my cheap Caracal's performance so far. N...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.01 02:46:00
20. Phantasm fit? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Zhilia Mann Originally by: Stroke victim Also out of interest, what is a cookie-cutter setup for a Phantasm? I believe the Zealot Sansha Issue courtesy of Merin Ryskin went something like this before CCP nerfed t...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.01 00:38:00
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