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1. Ultra easy solution to fix blobs and save pvp - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 23/02/2011 00:35:15 Edited by: Stuart Price on 23/02/2011 00:30:40 Originally by: baltec1 Originally by: Ephemeron you have to understand why blobs happen Why doesn't it happen in real life comba...
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.02.23 00:28:00
2. How to make profit without firing a shot. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Faith Triump GO Gal and use drones, 0 cost missioning Aren't those pesky Sansha programmed to shoot drones? Sounds like it could be pretty expensive to me. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.01.25 21:34:00
3. Huh.... where's my new avatar? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
You look new. I looked old last time I checked :( Probably some sort of delay going on. Either that or my newly added beard has killed something. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2011.01.19 01:43:00
4. The best way to play eve? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Pffft, somewhere I have a picture of Verone mining in a Nightmare. He was target calling rocks in local. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.12.31 05:07:00
5. Best 24 Character Sentence you can think of? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Running with Scissors or Dock Lobsters Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.12.31 05:04:00
6. Baiting: The cancer that is killing solo PVP - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 22/12/2010 22:41:21 Edited by: Stuart Price on 22/12/2010 22:40:17 I had some massive reply half typed out when I realised no-one would really care about what I used to get up to in my pirating career. Therefore ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.12.22 22:38:00
7. Sebo, ECCM and other effects... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread] Jump drives 4tw Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.08.27 17:11:00
8. Super Carriers Killing Low Sec PVP - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Said it before and I'll say it again: change cyno mechanics. Currently it goes: Ship pops cyno -> Capships can cyno instantly to that cyno until it goes down, no limit on the amount of ships that can jump to the same cyno. I want it to go: ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.07.22 04:41:00
9. Should This be Allowed? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Entirely fine with this. 1. Stupid people are stupid people, regardless of religion. 2. Scams target stupid people. 3. Scam isn't inciting religious hatred (under the legal definitions) OR discriminating based on religion. 4. Scam can't be prosec...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.07.12 17:36:00
10. Gift - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
It's a shuttle that looks exactly like a popular female member of the dev team. Putting the 'irate' into 'Pirate'
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.06.24 18:24:00
11. Make EvE more "Girl Friendly" please CCP, or "There's no Pink in EvE". - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Barakkus Girly Kestrel I'd fly it. Imagine the emorage if you killed someone in that. Epic. It's one reason I love the Moa, "you killed me in something that looks like THAT!? I'm going to cut myself and write some bad ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.06.20 20:36:00
12. Nerfing fun: Dramiel - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Olleybear Dramiel vs Jaguar ( assuming equal skilled pilots ) The Dramiel is no Assault Frig. Jaguar will eat a Dramiel up close with autos. Thats a win for the Jaguar. Far away, a Dramiel cant do enough DPS wihout drone...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.25 04:00:00
13. Nerfing fun: Dramiel - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 25/05/2010 02:33:18 Originally by: Olleybear Originally by: Stuart Price Name those weaknesses, go on. I'm not going to do all the work for you. But here are 3 ships that can fight off a Dram...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.25 02:30:00
14. Nerfing fun: Dramiel - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Olleybear The Dramiel has a few weaknesses you can exploit if you use your head. Dont believe me? In comparison to other frigates? No I don't believe you (I fly a LOT of frigates and can, and have, flown every single on...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.25 01:41:00
15. Nerfing fun: Dramiel - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Fast? Check (the fastest even). Can operate within scram range? Check (go go dual-prop). Tough? Check (for a frig, hello MSE). High damage? Check (guns AND drones, can break 200dps pretty easily). Selectable damage? Check. Capless weapons? Check. ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.25 00:24:00
16. 18 Accounts Closed - Here's Why - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Veloran Please speed things up. And I don't mean response time. I mean the actual mechanics of playing this game. 30 seconds to dock and switch anything? 3 minute mining cycles? Time to travel 20 jumps round trip? Time to ga...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.23 17:53:00
17. Is It Possible To Actually Discuss Buffing Low Sec? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
The 'problem' is metagaming. Pirates work in gangs - precious few solo. The opposition, such as it is, goes one of two ways normally. Solo - they missions alone, they mine alone, they trade alone. They may be in a corp but it's more a place to ...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.20 02:02:00
18. Stocks in CCP - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: CCP Manifest Originally by: Zeba Finally CCP comes out of the closet and just admits they are ebil. Woah woah there. Sure, I may have a bit of ebil streak, but CCP and its devs are true and good of heart! Wel...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.07 02:36:00
19. Is it possible to change character's name? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Stuart Price on 07/05/2010 02:30:05 My refusal to use a comedy name combined with a total brain freeze during character creation led to my current state. If I ever come to hate this name I have bigger problems in RL than in game tho...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.07 02:25:00
20. Main failure of Eve imo - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Lance Fighter OP has never flown an interceptor. QFT. You can expand that to include a lot of things. It's one thing bringing an advantage but applying it is something else entirely and separates the good pilots from th...
- by Stuart Price - at 2010.05.05 05:35:00
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