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1. Test server: Requests for account reactivation and unbanning - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Can you activate 'Susy Assulu' Thanks
- by Susy Assulu - at 2011.07.08 10:16:00
2. Best fittings on Battleship (Hyperion) - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
How about triple rep lolperion [Hyperion, lol3replol] Large Armor Repairer II Large Armor Repairer II Large Armor Repairer II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Damage Control II Heavy Capacitor Booster II, C...
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.05.25 21:24:00
3. Navy Raven Fit for Plex/missions - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Pr1ncess Alia I always want to call it a ravey naven. I'm not sure why.
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.05.08 15:08:00
4. The Best Rapier Fit? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Alsyth Armor tank it (1600mm), have 3 webs, a disruptor, a MWD, and a sensor booster or painter depending on your team, and light AC to kill drones ? It would ruin your speed.
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.04.13 11:44:00
5. NERF GALLENTE! - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.04.07 21:56:00
6. Basic drone question - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Gallente drones: Highest raw dps Minmatar drones: Fastest Amarr/Caldari: ???!?!?!
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.04.07 14:04:00
7. CNR uber fits - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Tian Nu what ever you do : 1, dont buy Golem (only ppl that never used one talk about it) 2, don't get shild bost implants on that much tank (keep +5 implants) 3, i like Liang (but don't put TP's on cruse CNR there is no ne...
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.04.05 23:34:00
8. If you could only fly one ship your whole EVE career.. - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Nightmare with faction stuff or pimp fit mael
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.31 16:33:00
9. absolution going to be any better then the Astarte? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Edited by: Susy Assulu on 29/03/2010 16:02:14 Quote: wat r u doin? pvp = abso pve = nighthawk edit: anyone eslse notice a trend? pvp = amarr pve = cal No, I don't see this trend.
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.29 16:00:00
10. request: indicate meta level on module icons - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
There was something like this posted about a year ago, that came with pics of waht it might look like
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.19 21:26:00
11. Jump Freighter ganking in high Sec - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
It will get suicide ganked if your dumb enough to sit in system waiting to get shot, if you undock and jump you will be fine. (more or less)
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.17 17:06:00
12. Singularity installing error - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.16 23:00:00
13. Gallente: Hyperion vs Mega vs Domi - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Iam apparently the only person that likes the hype the way it is, passive tanking everything is boring
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.16 18:03:00
14. Is there updated ship setup? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Best bet would be to ask here or have a trawl through battle clinic.
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.13 14:39:00
15. Assault Frigates...What Happened? - in Test Server Feedback [original thread]
Originally by: Arushia Originally by: Marlona Sky "Why should we work on T2 frigates when we can work on T3 frigates?" -CCP I hope this helps. Because T3 frigates will cost half a billion. In one of the fanfest videos I beli...
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.09 17:31:00
16. Golem highs - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
The cargo cuts it easily, the crap that takes up the most space is cap boosters and scrap metal, both of which are worth nothing anyway. 100% bonus to range and velocity of tractor beams JFYI since you seem to be upset at the tractor beam spe...
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.06 16:04:00
17. ECM (its time) - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Edited by: Susy Assulu on 05/03/2010 17:19:15 ECM on ships is not as much of a problem as ECM drones, ECM drones really are very annoying and very easy to get your hands on.
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.05 17:19:00
18. Medium smartbomb against ECM drones - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
You could always try a ship/tactic change taking out their smaller ships in hit and run attacks could prove more fun instead of sitting there and dieing.
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.05 17:10:00
19. Medium smartbomb against ECM drones - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
BEst thing to do is target them as soon as they are deployed and then use your own drones to kill them, they should go down relatively fast. That is if you can target them
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.03.05 16:43:00
20. Haulers - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Originally by: Slade Hoo Instead of buying orca+skill book you simply can buy a freighter lol What are you talking about its about 550-600m for an orca with skill books and cargo rigs. The freighter costs about 700m and the skill books a...
- by Susy Assulu - at 2010.02.27 22:39:00
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