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1. @CCP, please fix the speeds ingame... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Lady Ayeipsia wrote: lollerwaffle wrote: Creating true deep safes is no longer possible. CCP moved all my 100AU-200AU bookmarks to within 20AU of the nearest celestial. Pre 2009/2010, they used to work like this:
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.10.12 14:08:42
2. @CCP, please fix the speeds ingame... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Creating true deep safes is no longer possible. CCP moved all my 100AU-200AU bookmarks to within 20AU of the nearest celestial. Pre 2009/2010, they used to work like this: Then CCP nerf...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.10.12 13:19:37
3. This whole training alts thing... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Jotunhammer Al'Vargh wrote: this...just made my mind up and I cancelled my subscription thank you for being such a good representative of the EVE community. Good. Can I have your stuff?
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.09.28 06:12:26
4. Stealling Pocket, Combat Site's.... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Lucas Aiderone wrote: OP, I'm sorry to say this but tbh you should just forget about EVE, unsub and go someplace else. If you can't already tell by the community here, this game is packed with disgusting people with personalitydisorders who are...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.08.23 05:15:33
5. This game is filled with socipaths and I will fight them! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
To get 5+ pages is some Garmon level trolling. 11/10 read the 'serious responses' in here and had a good lol
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.07.08 10:58:08
6. ++++++ß++++ +++¦+¦+¡ GÇô Shoot-a-Tippia - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Logged at work just to say good luck, and I've always enjoyed your posts, even the obnoxious nitpicky ones schooling people with horribad attitudes! o7 fly safe and good bye! btw, you'll be back, I know it, you know it The only way to truly wi...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.23 03:37:24
7. Can we PLEASE get an option to turn off in-station billboards? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
TackyTachy1 wrote: Is tuppence actually money? I was crew on a USA Guided Missile Destroyer in the 60's, the last time I was in the UK. But I watch a lot of BBC stuff, that's probably where I got the tuppence thing from. Yes it is, but no on...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.17 08:23:27
8. Steam Account + Controller help - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I'll give it a try tonight and see if I can get it to work. That said, I can't imagine playing EVE with the controller though.
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:59:47
9. PLEASE STOP IGNORING US !!! GHOST FITTING ! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:57:56
10. The future of solo/small gang pvp - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:55:53
11. Can we PLEASE get an option to turn off in-station billboards? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
TackyTachy1 wrote: 99% of the posters despise the in station videos, CCP apparently not listening and if they are then they are not caring. The videos are naught but in your face marketing and in future we'll probably see a ratcheting up of con...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 10:47:35
12. Anyone know of any Citadels in highsec yet? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Memphis Baas wrote: Click the = triple lines above your picture on the toolbar, for the full Start menu, and find the Structure Locator app that will tell you where all them citadels are. There are a few close to Jita, 2-3 jumps. Did not kn...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 09:27:35
13. NO DROP FOR GANKERS????? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Lots of people who have never ganked before making up motivation for ganking in here LOLOLOL
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.06.02 02:16:03
14. How do you pronounce... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
The hard C pronunciation of Cerberus sounds weird when you shorten it, 'OMG it's a HML curb' Although, I guess the upside is that 'curbstomping' can be literally getting stomped with Cerburii
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.05.17 06:23:51
15. My revised take on Wardecs. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Kaelhula Waki wrote: Station shenanigans Don't play station games with wardec corps in highsec. Here are some tips you can try to either succeed, or at least avoid failing: 1. Make insta-undocks. These are bookmarks typically at least 200k...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.05.17 03:30:34
16. My revised take on Wardecs. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Kaelhula Waki wrote: I'm bored. My buddy is bored. Game is just too boring for us. We leave the game. I heard Dreddit is recruiting? :lol: Seriously though, sounds like EVE is not the game for you and your friends, if you can't create conte...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.05.16 09:19:54
17. My revised take on Wardecs. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Have a like +1 EDIT: I meant the OP, not the 5 pages of whining crybabies.
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.05.16 08:05:07
18. What The H-E-Double Hockey Sticks Happened to Mining? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Aucturis Arbosa wrote: lollerwaffle wrote: Aucturis Arbosa wrote: What I'm thinking about is taking my Typhoon out to where I got ganked....cloak and wait for those 2 a-holes to show back up in their frigates.... Because a BS with a c...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.05.16 07:55:55
19. What The H-E-Double Hockey Sticks Happened to Mining? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Terra Universum wrote: People of the forums... Realize that a lot of people play Eve for other reasons than the actual game play. Do you think people mine in high sec because the isk is good? Please... They mine there because mining is a very ...
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.05.16 07:52:51
20. What The H-E-Double Hockey Sticks Happened to Mining? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Aucturis Arbosa wrote: Hey Mr. "I'm better then you" I'm not looking for Trolls....I'm looking for solutions. Solution: Don't play AFK.
- by lollerwaffle - at 2016.05.13 08:45:39
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