User statistics for
General statistics  
Total posts 141 (view posts)
Ranked #22951
Likes 0
First post 2007-12-30 13:58:00 (in thread What Does EVE TV Need?)
Last post 2011-02-03 10:45:00 (in thread Why does World Of Warcraft have these and EvE Online does not?)
Duration 1131 days (active period), 6279 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 189 239
Longest post Two New ideas (4186 characters, posted 2009-11-04 05:59:00)
Average post length 1 342,1 chars/post
Threads started 37
First thread Inventory list for containers
Last thread Why does World Of Warcraft have these and EvE Online does not?
Largest thread Known Spy corp and flipper corp. (33 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
Player Features and Ideas Discussion 80,14% (113 posts)
EVE Fiction 7,09% (10 posts)
EVE General Discussion 3,55% (5 posts)
Test Server Feedback 2,84% (4 posts)
Crime and Punishment 1,42% (2 posts)
EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion 0,71% (1 posts)
Assembly Hall 0,71% (1 posts)
Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions 0,71% (1 posts)
EVE Information Portal 0,71% (1 posts)
Intergalactic Summit 0,71% (1 posts)
Issues, Workarounds & Localization 0,71% (1 posts)
Skill Discussions 0,71% (1 posts)

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