User statistics for Ihar Enda |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 154 (view posts) |
Ranked | #21007 |
Likes | 0 |
First post | 2006-07-09 20:31:00 (in thread GeoTech: UK/Euro, 0.0, Death, Destruction and Beer.) |
Last post | 2012-09-13 12:06:00 (in thread Sticky:EVE-Dust Summerfest 2012, Sep 14 - 16) |
Duration | 2258 days (active period), 6745 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 96 186 |
Longest post | Megathron vs Hyperion (a straight comparison) (2777 characters, posted 2006-11-18 14:54:00) |
Average post length | 624,6 chars/post |
Threads started | 5 |
First thread | [Suggestion] Improve fleet combat without the HP increase |
Last thread | API feature request: Custom Access API Key |
Largest thread | Repopulate low sec please (176 posts in thread) |
90-day posting graph |
90-day likes graph |
Forum post breakdown | |
Ships and Modules | 35,71% (55 posts) |
Revelations Testing and Development | 25,32% (39 posts) |
EVE General Discussion | 24,03% (37 posts) |
Crime and Punishment | 2,60% (4 posts) |
EVE Technology Lab | 1,95% (3 posts) |
Test Server Feedback | 1,95% (3 posts) |
EVE Forum Experiments | 1,95% (3 posts) |
Sell Orders | 1,30% (2 posts) |
EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion | 1,30% (2 posts) |
Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center | 1,30% (2 posts) |
Assembly Hall | 0,65% (1 posts) |
Events and Gatherings Archive | 0,65% (1 posts) |
Out of Game Events and Gatherings | 0,65% (1 posts) |
Out of Pod Experience | 0,65% (1 posts) |
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