User statistics for Jeremy Kamira |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 141 (view posts) |
Ranked | #23108 |
Likes | 23 |
First post | 2014-01-31 04:45:00 (in thread I am using the trial right now, and i need help with purchasing) |
Last post | 2017-04-14 11:17:12 (in thread So how many unoccupied C1s are left?) |
Duration | 1169 days (active period), 4029 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 70 980 |
Longest post | Some More Google Spreadsheet Help (2206 characters, posted 2014-12-24 20:03:19) |
Average post length | 503,4 chars/post |
Threads started | 37 |
First thread | I am using the trial right now, and i need help with purchasing (Likes: 0) |
Last thread | Has anyone tried booking tours through Reykjavik Excursions? (Likes: 0) |
Largest thread | Why is the mood so different on the forums than in the game? (152 posts in thread) |
90-day posting graph |
90-day likes graph |
Forum post breakdown | |
EVE Technology Lab | 12,77% (18 posts) |
Ships and Modules | 12,77% (18 posts) |
EVE General Discussion | 9,93% (14 posts) |
Character Bazaar | 9,22% (13 posts) |
EVE New Citizens Q&A | 8,51% (12 posts) |
Wormholes | 7,80% (11 posts) |
Sell Orders | 7,09% (10 posts) |
Missions & Complexes | 5,67% (8 posts) |
Crime and Punishment | 4,96% (7 posts) |
Skill Discussions | 4,26% (6 posts) |
Warfare & Tactics | 3,55% (5 posts) |
Science and Industry | 2,84% (4 posts) |
Market Discussions | 2,84% (4 posts) |
Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center | 2,13% (3 posts) |
Price Checks | 1,42% (2 posts) |
Test Server Feedback | 1,42% (2 posts) |
Out of Game Events and Gatherings | 0,71% (1 posts) |
Player Features and Ideas Discussion | 0,71% (1 posts) |
Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions | 0,71% (1 posts) |
Macintosh | 0,71% (1 posts) |
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