User statistics for Karze Dywine |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 43 (view posts) |
Ranked | #72722 |
Likes | 0 |
First post | 2007-05-17 13:38:00 (in thread PETITION: enough with the mission update text in every chat channel!!!) |
Last post | 2008-07-08 06:22:00 (in thread idea related to: standings, mission running/agents, skills) |
Duration | 418 days (active period), 6498 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 22 125 |
Longest post | Science Battlecruiser Concept. (4092 characters, posted 2008-07-02 08:53:00) |
Average post length | 514,5 chars/post |
Threads started | 2 |
First thread | Isk Farmers/Sellers shame list |
Last thread | [Idea] Anti Capital BC Stealth Bomber |
Largest thread | [Idea] Anti Capital BC Stealth Bomber (16 posts in thread) |
90-day posting graph |
90-day likes graph |
Forum post breakdown | |
Player Features and Ideas Discussion | 34,88% (15 posts) |
Assembly Hall | 32,56% (14 posts) |
EVE General Discussion | 6,98% (3 posts) |
Jita Park Speakers Corner | 6,98% (3 posts) |
Missions & Complexes | 4,65% (2 posts) |
Intergalactic Summit | 4,65% (2 posts) |
My EVE | 2,33% (1 posts) |
EVE Information Portal | 2,33% (1 posts) |
EVE Fiction | 2,33% (1 posts) |
EVE Forum Experiments | 2,33% (1 posts) |
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