User statistics for
Maren Kirsan
General statistics  
Total posts 84 (view posts)
Ranked #38358
Likes 0
First post 2004-01-22 11:25:00 (in thread Wot ship is this?)
Last post 2010-02-25 01:31:00 (in thread WTS 1x60 Day GTC 520mil)
Duration 2226 days (active period), 7646 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 25 761
Longest post WTB Female Minmatar Specced Pilot, up to 40bil Budget. (1461 characters, posted 2009-01-23 19:26:00)
Average post length 306,7 chars/post
Threads started 7
First thread (WTA - WTS) 30 mil pure PVP amarr pilot, Dread ready
Last thread WTB Female Minmatar Specced Pilot, up to 40bil Budget.
Largest thread Trinity cause my Graphic card to "Crash". (38 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
Timecode Bazaar 33,33% (28 posts)
Character Bazaar 23,81% (20 posts)
Issues, Workarounds & Localization 15,48% (13 posts)
EVE General Discussion 7,14% (6 posts)
EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion 4,76% (4 posts)
Sell Orders 4,76% (4 posts)
Ships and Modules 4,76% (4 posts)
Crime and Punishment 2,38% (2 posts)
Want Ads & Trades 2,38% (2 posts)
My EVE 1,19% (1 posts)

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