User statistics for
General statistics  
Total posts 157 (view posts)
Ranked #20708
Likes 2
First post 2004-11-10 17:02:00 (in thread We should be able to change skill thur the website!)
Last post 2012-04-01 22:26:00 (in thread So its fine to tell black people to die in local but not at fanfest... Got it.)
Duration 2699 days (active period), 7416 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 101 074
Longest post Jita - A step in the right direction (3003 characters, posted 2007-07-16 02:11:00)
Average post length 643,8 chars/post
Threads started 19
First thread test
Last thread MBA final reseach project
Largest thread Market Hub - Removal of the one system hub idea (22 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
Player Features and Ideas Discussion 33,12% (52 posts)
EVE General Discussion 26,11% (41 posts)
Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center 16,56% (26 posts)
EVE Information Portal 7,64% (12 posts)
Sell Orders 4,46% (7 posts)
Market Discussions 1,91% (3 posts)
Want Ads & Trades 1,27% (2 posts)
Windows 1,27% (2 posts)
Crime and Punishment 1,27% (2 posts)
EVE Forum Experiments 1,27% (2 posts)
Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions 0,64% (1 posts)
Corporations and Alliances Summit 0,64% (1 posts)
EVE New Citizens Q&A 0,64% (1 posts)
Events and Gatherings Archive 0,64% (1 posts)
Skill Discussions 0,64% (1 posts)
Timecode Bazaar 0,64% (1 posts)
Out of Pod Experience 0,64% (1 posts)
Science and Industry 0,64% (1 posts)

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