User statistics for
MinmatarCitizen 90242
General statistics  
Total posts 109 (view posts)
Ranked #29669
Likes 0
First post 2008-05-18 01:24:00 (in thread information on INTREPID CROSSING (IRC))
Last post 2008-12-22 07:06:00 (in thread ATLAS new home?)
Duration 218 days (active period), 6068 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 28 223
Longest post A message to ADAMA Corps (IRC) (3895 characters, posted 2008-08-07 07:05:00)
Average post length 258,9 chars/post
Threads started 4
First thread Krall amarr finds a new home!
Last thread IRON under attack in the drones?
Largest thread Russians move to steamroll Mostly Harmless? (148 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions 79,82% (87 posts)
Ships and Modules 4,59% (5 posts)
Crime and Punishment 3,67% (4 posts)
EVE General Discussion 3,67% (4 posts)
Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center 1,83% (2 posts)
Character Bazaar 1,83% (2 posts)
Test Server Feedback 0,92% (1 posts)
Warfare & Tactics 0,92% (1 posts)
Missions & Complexes 0,92% (1 posts)
Science and Industry 0,92% (1 posts)
Sell Orders 0,92% (1 posts)

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