User statistics for
General statistics  
Total posts 247 (view posts)
Ranked #13091
Likes 10
First post 2006-01-12 20:55:00 (in thread Noob-ship GankFest 2005!)
Last post 2015-12-01 16:27:08 (in thread [Video] Ferocious 7.0 Teaser!)
Duration 3610 days (active period), 7000 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 47 304
Longest post 125 MILL SP LOOKING FOR PEW (1827 characters, posted 2015-01-27 00:25:47)
Average post length 191,5 chars/post
Threads started 47
First thread Devil Dogs Recruiting
Largest thread The Hurt Locker - New PvP Corporation now recruiting (53 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center 54,66% (135 posts)
Timecode Bazaar 20,65% (51 posts)
Character Bazaar 9,72% (24 posts)
My EVE 7,29% (18 posts)
Test Server Feedback 2,02% (5 posts)
Sell Orders 1,21% (3 posts)
Player Gatherings and Events 0,81% (2 posts)
Ships and Modules 0,40% (1 posts)
Warfare & Tactics 0,40% (1 posts)
Out of Pod Experience 0,40% (1 posts)
Player Features and Ideas Discussion 0,40% (1 posts)
Assembly Hall 0,40% (1 posts)
Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions 0,40% (1 posts)
Events and Gatherings Archive 0,40% (1 posts)
Issues, Workarounds & Localization 0,40% (1 posts)
Jita Park Speakers Corner 0,40% (1 posts)

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