User statistics for
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Total posts 364 (view posts)
Ranked #8693
Likes 29
First post 2009-07-01 04:14:00 (in thread EVE Online Apocrypha 1.3 Issues Thread)
Last post 2015-04-26 10:50:17 (in thread Apocalyptic twist from CCP?)
Duration 2125 days (active period), 5729 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,2 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 254 189
Longest post Possibly new hidden sleeper info found at sites. (4149 characters, posted 2011-05-12 04:42:00)
Average post length 698,3 chars/post
Threads started 5
First thread @ccp, will i be forced to do hairless borked character on tq as well ?
Last thread Will I ever be able to do this in eve ?
Largest thread @ccp, will i be forced to do hairless borked character on tq as well ? (7 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
EVE General Discussion 53,02% (193 posts)
EVE Fiction 9,34% (34 posts)
Missions & Complexes 8,52% (31 posts)
Out of Pod Experience 7,42% (27 posts)
EVE Information Portal 5,77% (21 posts)
Assembly Hall 3,30% (12 posts)
Timecode Bazaar 3,30% (12 posts)
Player Features and Ideas Discussion 1,65% (6 posts)
Warfare & Tactics 1,37% (5 posts)
Ships and Modules 1,10% (4 posts)
Test Server Feedback 1,10% (4 posts)
Crime and Punishment 0,82% (3 posts)
My EVE 0,82% (3 posts)
Intergalactic Summit 0,55% (2 posts)
Issues, Workarounds & Localization 0,55% (2 posts)
Market Discussions 0,55% (2 posts)
EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion 0,27% (1 posts)
Events and Gatherings Archive 0,27% (1 posts)
Sell Orders 0,27% (1 posts)

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