User statistics for Veriasse Valence |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 103 (view posts) |
Ranked | #31432 |
Likes | 17 |
First post | 2008-01-30 15:39:00 (in thread Posting to get character picture) |
Last post | 2012-01-03 05:00:00 (in thread A 'what if' thought on Amarr - Caldari relations) |
Duration | 1434 days (active period), 6230 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 55 576 |
Longest post | An overdue apology and request for parley (3523 characters, posted 2011-06-24 17:13:00) |
Average post length | 539,6 chars/post |
Threads started | 10 |
First thread | Valence Interstellar Operations is Recruiting! |
Last thread | Smuggling boosters and other things one amuses themselves with (Likes: 0) |
Largest thread | Too many corporations? (30 posts in thread) |
90-day posting graph |
90-day likes graph |
Forum post breakdown | |
Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center | 31,07% (32 posts) |
EVE General Discussion | 25,24% (26 posts) |
EVE Fiction | 19,42% (20 posts) |
Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions | 4,85% (5 posts) |
Market Discussions | 3,88% (4 posts) |
My EVE | 1,94% (2 posts) |
Science and Industry | 1,94% (2 posts) |
Sell Orders | 1,94% (2 posts) |
EVE Forum Experiments | 1,94% (2 posts) |
Assembly Hall | 1,94% (2 posts) |
Intergalactic Summit | 1,94% (2 posts) |
Issues, Workarounds & Localization | 1,94% (2 posts) |
Ships and Modules | 0,97% (1 posts) |
Warfare & Tactics | 0,97% (1 posts) |
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