Statistics for thread [Issue] DUST 514 Console Exclusivity |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 359 |
First post | 2009-08-19 00:11:00 |
Last post | 2010-06-05 20:26:00 |
Duration | 290 days (active period), 5675 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 1,2 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 222 562 |
Longest post | WheatGrass (6999 characters, posted 2009-10-30 13:51:00) |
Average post length | 619,9 chars/post |
Unique authors | 264 (avg 1,4 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 267 (74,4%) |
Triumvirate. | 11 (3,1%) |
Ethereal Dawn | 4 (1,1%) |
IT Alliance | 4 (1,1%) |
Dominus Bellorum | 3 (0,8%) |
GoonSwarm | 3 (0,8%) |
Morsus Mihi | 3 (0,8%) |
Pandemic Legion | 3 (0,8%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 3 (0,8%) |
The Compass | 3 (0,8%) |
The Initiative. | 3 (0,8%) |
United Front Alliance | 3 (0,8%) |
DeMoN's N AnGeL's | 2 (0,6%) |
Legion of xXDEATHXx | 2 (0,6%) |
RED.OverLord | 2 (0,6%) |
Soldiers of Solitude | 2 (0,6%) |
Against ALL Authorities | 1 (0,3%) |
Atlas Alliance | 1 (0,3%) |
Avarice. | 1 (0,3%) |
Beer and Smoke Federation | 1 (0,3%) |
Black Thorne Alliance | 1 (0,3%) |
Blade. | 1 (0,3%) |
Brotherhood of the Spider | 1 (0,3%) |
Circle-Of-Two | 1 (0,3%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 184 (51,3%) |
D00M. | 14 (3,9%) |
PAX Interstellar Services | 8 (2,2%) |
Agent-Orange | 3 (0,8%) |
Bregan Dearthe | 3 (0,8%) |
Collegium Mechanicae | 3 (0,8%) |
Dark-Rising | 3 (0,8%) |
GoonFleet | 3 (0,8%) |
North Eastern Swat | 3 (0,8%) |
Shadow Cadre | 3 (0,8%) |
Silent but Friendly | 3 (0,8%) |
The Space Bar South | 3 (0,8%) |
Vandal Empire | 3 (0,8%) |
Vanishing Point. | 3 (0,8%) |
Airbourne Demons | 2 (0,6%) |
Aliastra | 2 (0,6%) |
Crushed Ambitions | 2 (0,6%) |
Demented Unity | 2 (0,6%) |
Hedion University | 2 (0,6%) |
Reavers | 2 (0,6%) |
Sane Industries Inc. | 2 (0,6%) |
Serious Business Incorporated | 2 (0,6%) |
Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams | 2 (0,6%) |
The xDEATHx Squadron | 2 (0,6%) |
Vrix Nation | 2 (0,6%) |
1st Furtive | 1 (0,3%) |
24th Imperial Crusade | 1 (0,3%) |
Allied Combat Team | 1 (0,3%) |
Alternative Innovations | 1 (0,3%) |
Altruism. | 1 (0,3%) |
Antares Shipyards | 1 (0,3%) |
Ara Veritas | 1 (0,3%) |
Astralite Technologies | 1 (0,3%) |
Azer Irregulars | 1 (0,3%) |
Black Nova Corp | 1 (0,3%) |
Black Thorne Corporation | 1 (0,3%) |
Blue is the New Red | 1 (0,3%) |
Body Count Inc. | 1 (0,3%) |
Brutor tribe | 1 (0,3%) |
Buggers' Advanced Interstellar Transport | 1 (0,3%) |
C0LDFIRE | 1 (0,3%) |
Caldari Empire | 1 (0,3%) |
Caldari Provisions | 1 (0,3%) |
Callide Vulpis | 1 (0,3%) |
Clearly Compensating | 1 (0,3%) |
Conflagration. | 1 (0,3%) |
Critical Mass Inc. | 1 (0,3%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 1 (0,3%) |
Danke fuer den Fisch | 1 (0,3%) |
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