Statistics for thread QUAM Singulari turns 6 today! |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 62 |
First post | 2009-10-24 09:07:00 |
Last post | 2009-10-28 19:46:00 |
Duration | 4 days (active period), 5585 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 15,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 7 681 |
Longest post | MarKand (542 characters, posted 2009-10-26 08:20:00) |
Average post length | 123,9 chars/post |
Unique authors | 61 (avg 1,0 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
malet | 2 (3,2%) |
SpaceSavage | 1 (1,6%) |
Souvera Corvus | 1 (1,6%) |
Skywalker | 1 (1,6%) |
Shubs | 1 (1,6%) |
Shinma Apollo | 1 (1,6%) |
Shemmy | 1 (1,6%) |
Sentille | 1 (1,6%) |
Seiver D'amross | 1 (1,6%) |
Rock urSocksoff | 1 (1,6%) |
Ralios Gelain | 1 (1,6%) |
Piper Halliwell | 1 (1,6%) |
OrDeR | 1 (1,6%) |
Nostradamous | 1 (1,6%) |
MarKand | 1 (1,6%) |
Manfred Sideous | 1 (1,6%) |
LTD THOR | 1 (1,6%) |
Lowa | 1 (1,6%) |
Lord Dexxus | 1 (1,6%) |
Klezz | 1 (1,6%) |
K'Bar | 1 (1,6%) |
JuGGeR | 1 (1,6%) |
JoelCoen | 1 (1,6%) |
JeepersCreepers | 1 (1,6%) |
HyperBeanie | 1 (1,6%) |
h4x0r84 | 1 (1,6%) |
Gyrn Fzirth | 1 (1,6%) |
Guma | 1 (1,6%) |
Glassback | 1 (1,6%) |
fuze | 1 (1,6%) |
EntroX | 1 (1,6%) |
Engad Tanon | 1 (1,6%) |
Draahk Chimera | 1 (1,6%) |
Dr Sabrina | 1 (1,6%) |
dookes | 1 (1,6%) |
Denpositive | 1 (1,6%) |
CWevers | 1 (1,6%) |
Cupdeez | 1 (1,6%) |
crice | 1 (1,6%) |
Commanders Heaven | 1 (1,6%) |
Colonel Sharpe | 1 (1,6%) |
britishfish | 1 (1,6%) |
BlackKnight | 1 (1,6%) |
Bifferd | 1 (1,6%) |
Bailian Moxtain | 1 (1,6%) |
Avicenna Sarfaraz | 1 (1,6%) |
ArmyOfMe | 1 (1,6%) |
Anikadir | 1 (1,6%) |
Allister Feind | 1 (1,6%) |
Alex Sosco | 1 (1,6%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Cult of War | 14 (22,6%) |
- | 11 (17,7%) |
Atlas Alliance | 8 (12,9%) |
IT Alliance | 4 (6,5%) |
Triumvirate. | 4 (6,5%) |
Zenith Affinity | 4 (6,5%) |
Against ALL Authorities | 3 (4,8%) |
Cry Havoc. | 2 (3,2%) |
Gentlemen's Club | 2 (3,2%) |
Black Star Alliance | 1 (1,6%) |
Consortium. | 1 (1,6%) |
Distant Drums | 1 (1,6%) |
Ev0ke | 1 (1,6%) |
Exalted. | 1 (1,6%) |
INFINITY. | 1 (1,6%) |
Mostly Harmless | 1 (1,6%) |
Systematic-Chaos | 1 (1,6%) |
The Purge Alliance | 1 (1,6%) |
Wildly Inappropriate. | 1 (1,6%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Phantom Squad | 5 (8,1%) |
Quam Singulari | 5 (8,1%) |
THE MuPPeT FaCTOrY | 4 (6,5%) |
FinFleet | 3 (4,8%) |
Best Path Inc. | 2 (3,2%) |
D00M. | 2 (3,2%) |
Destructive Influence | 2 (3,2%) |
Nex Exercitus | 2 (3,2%) |
Total Mayhem. | 2 (3,2%) |
7th Space Cavalry | 1 (1,6%) |
Body Count Inc. | 1 (1,6%) |
CRICE Corporation | 1 (1,6%) |
Dark Knights of Deneb | 1 (1,6%) |
Darkness and Chaos | 1 (1,6%) |
Delusion of Grandeur | 1 (1,6%) |
Endstati0n | 1 (1,6%) |
Enterprise Estonia | 1 (1,6%) |
Exotic Dancers Club | 1 (1,6%) |
Gladiators of Rage | 1 (1,6%) |
H A V O C | 1 (1,6%) |
Invasive Species | 1 (1,6%) |
Liga Freier Terraner | 1 (1,6%) |
Liquid Inc. | 1 (1,6%) |
LOCKDOWN. | 1 (1,6%) |
M. Corp | 1 (1,6%) |
Malus Exitium | 1 (1,6%) |
North Star Networks | 1 (1,6%) |
Out of Order | 1 (1,6%) |
Phobia. | 1 (1,6%) |
Point Blank. | 1 (1,6%) |
Point of No Return | 1 (1,6%) |
Priory Of The Lemon | 1 (1,6%) |
Reikoku | 1 (1,6%) |
Shut Up And Play | 1 (1,6%) |
Solstice Systems Development Concourse | 1 (1,6%) |
Subach-Tech | 1 (1,6%) |
The Hull Miners Union | 1 (1,6%) |
The Maverick Navy | 1 (1,6%) |
The Older Gamers | 1 (1,6%) |
tr0pa de elite | 1 (1,6%) |
Unknown Soldiers | 1 (1,6%) |
V I R I I | 1 (1,6%) |
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