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Total posts 961
First post 2009-12-09 04:40:00
Last post 2010-02-13 01:56:00
Duration 66 days (active period), 5560 days (since first post)
Daily average 14,6 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 161 209
Longest post T'Amber (4910 characters, posted 2010-01-09 19:19:00)
Average post length 167,8 chars/post
Unique authors 748 (avg 1,3 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
T'Amber 53 (5,5%)
WHCFreAk 10 (1,0%)
Arden Elenduil 9 (0,9%)
Edward Harris 6 (0,6%)
F90OEX 6 (0,6%)
DonHel 5 (0,5%)
Tuttomenui II 5 (0,5%)
Zelmorph 5 (0,5%)
BloodMia 4 (0,4%)
Braskyte 4 (0,4%)
Mikal Drey 4 (0,4%)
Dalden V 3 (0,3%)
Elric Jenserric 3 (0,3%)
G aladan 3 (0,3%)
KardelSharpeye 3 (0,3%)
Kilryte 3 (0,3%)
Knight Hippaforalkus 3 (0,3%)
Mehrune Khan 3 (0,3%)
Peraxx 3 (0,3%)
Presti 3 (0,3%)
Sassaniak 3 (0,3%)
Selpuka 3 (0,3%)
Shak'Rah 3 (0,3%)
Sonofa Preacher 3 (0,3%)
Spectre Wraith 3 (0,3%)
stolen4u 3 (0,3%)
Thrymren 3 (0,3%)
Toberrone 3 (0,3%)
tuade 3 (0,3%)
Alageth 2 (0,2%)
Aloe Cloveris 2 (0,2%)
Archangel Divinity 2 (0,2%)
bassie12bf1 2 (0,2%)
Alathus Christensen 2 (0,2%)
BhurakStarkiller 2 (0,2%)
bjtardiff 2 (0,2%)
Chack'Nul 2 (0,2%)
Contorqueo Proeliator 2 (0,2%)
Crushall 2 (0,2%)
Daimian Mercer 2 (0,2%)
Damagebladee 2 (0,2%)
Darrel Johnson 2 (0,2%)
Devona Nephtys 2 (0,2%)
DmitryEKT 2 (0,2%)
Dominatus Crispus 2 (0,2%)
Evolyze 2 (0,2%)
Fenris Rake 2 (0,2%)
Funkydoodlette 2 (0,2%)
Gogela 2 (0,2%)
HaVoC StAr 2 (0,2%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 769 (80,0%)
Atlas Alliance 13 (1,4%)
Wildly Inappropriate. 12 (1,2%)
IT Alliance 9 (0,9%)
Triumvirate. 8 (0,8%)
Pandemic Legion 6 (0,6%)
3rd Party Secured 5 (0,5%)
Cry Havoc. 5 (0,5%)
Systematic-Chaos 5 (0,5%)
Against ALL Authorities 4 (0,4%)
BricK sQuAD. 4 (0,4%)
The Kadeshi 4 (0,4%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 3 (0,3%)
Ivy League 3 (0,3%)
Rote Kapelle 3 (0,3%)
Ushra'Khan 3 (0,3%)
Aeternus. 2 (0,2%)
Amici Noctis 2 (0,2%)
Apotheosis of Virtue 2 (0,2%)
Black Core Alliance 2 (0,2%)
Black Swan. 2 (0,2%)
Clandestine. 2 (0,2%)
Dead Terrorists 2 (0,2%)
deadspace society 2 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 496 (51,6%)
ships of eve 52 (5,4%)
Cut Throats And Wise Guys 16 (1,7%)
F9X 7 (0,7%)
BUDAPIG LTD 5 (0,5%)
Agent-Orange 4 (0,4%)
Shade. 4 (0,4%)
The United Federation of Planets 4 (0,4%)
tr0pa de elite 4 (0,4%)
Aliastra 3 (0,3%)
Darwin Inc. 3 (0,3%)
DEATHFUNK 3 (0,3%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 3 (0,3%)
Eve University 3 (0,3%)
exiles. 3 (0,3%)
FinFleet 3 (0,3%)
Genos Occidere 3 (0,3%)
Guiding Hand Social Club 3 (0,3%)
Midnight Elites 3 (0,3%)
Minmatar Ship Construction Services 3 (0,3%)
Peraxx Lottery Corp. 3 (0,3%)
Queens of the Stone Age 3 (0,3%)
The Tuskers 3 (0,3%)
The Unforgettables 3 (0,3%)
AMMO INC 2 (0,2%)
Aperture Harmonics 2 (0,2%)
Aurelius Federation 2 (0,2%)
Big Guns Inc. 2 (0,2%)
Blacksteel Mining and Manufacturing 2 (0,2%)
Blood Covenant 2 (0,2%)
Broski Enterprises 2 (0,2%)
Brothers of Ugh 2 (0,2%)
Brutor tribe 2 (0,2%)
Cool Ninjas of Awesome Ownage 2 (0,2%)
D00M. 2 (0,2%)
Dark-Rising 2 (0,2%)
Debitum Naturae 2 (0,2%)
Destructive Influence 2 (0,2%)
Empire Assault Corp 2 (0,2%)
Enigmatic Inventions 2 (0,2%)
Freeport Exploration 2 (0,2%)
Funny Men In Funny Hats 2 (0,2%)
Gladiators of Rage 2 (0,2%)
GPDSK 2 (0,2%)
Gulliver Corp 2 (0,2%)
H A V O C 2 (0,2%)
Legendary Knights 2 (0,2%)
M. Corp 2 (0,2%)

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