Statistics for thread NC titan going down |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 161 |
First post | 2010-01-08 20:32:00 |
Last post | 2010-01-18 15:14:00 |
Duration | 10 days (active period), 5536 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 16,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 60 806 |
Longest post | Marlona Sky (1677 characters, posted 2010-01-10 13:40:00) |
Average post length | 377,7 chars/post |
Unique authors | 104 (avg 1,5 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Bedrock | 7 (4,3%) |
Andrew IFA | 6 (3,7%) |
j3bus | 6 (3,7%) |
Red Thunder | 5 (3,1%) |
Lasakywa | 4 (2,5%) |
Aideware Batha | 4 (2,5%) |
General Windypops | 4 (2,5%) |
OrDeR | 4 (2,5%) |
Gobbins | 3 (1,9%) |
C4w3 | 3 (1,9%) |
Marlona Sky | 3 (1,9%) |
Ace Frehley | 2 (1,2%) |
Butter Dog | 2 (1,2%) |
Cerlestes | 2 (1,2%) |
Don Shadow | 2 (1,2%) |
Carcusian | 2 (1,2%) |
Helen | 2 (1,2%) |
Kinsy | 2 (1,2%) |
King Dave | 2 (1,2%) |
Karbowiak | 2 (1,2%) |
ian666 | 2 (1,2%) |
Major Raditz | 2 (1,2%) |
Malcanis | 2 (1,2%) |
Miklas Laces | 2 (1,2%) |
Mylea Tenebrae | 2 (1,2%) |
Myz Toyou | 2 (1,2%) |
Nooto | 2 (1,2%) |
sNaKe353 | 2 (1,2%) |
Spathi | 2 (1,2%) |
Trebor Notlimah | 2 (1,2%) |
Lee Wai | 1 (0,6%) |
Le Cardinal | 1 (0,6%) |
hmmmmmmmm | 1 (0,6%) |
laotse | 1 (0,6%) |
Lady Gravewalker | 1 (0,6%) |
Kushmir | 1 (0,6%) |
Kristinne | 1 (0,6%) |
Kris Longknife | 1 (0,6%) |
Kishin Sendo | 1 (0,6%) |
Jihad J0e | 1 (0,6%) |
J'aghatai | 1 (0,6%) |
Grumber1 | 1 (0,6%) |
Frantico | 1 (0,6%) |
F4ze | 1 (0,6%) |
Emperor Ryan | 1 (0,6%) |
Elianora | 1 (0,6%) |
Dyzzy Dyvyl | 1 (0,6%) |
diR7y | 1 (0,6%) |
Dimitryy | 1 (0,6%) |
Desiree Mabuto | 1 (0,6%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Triumvirate. | 62 (38,5%) |
- | 24 (14,9%) |
IT Alliance | 21 (13,0%) |
Ushra'Khan | 9 (5,6%) |
Atlas Alliance | 6 (3,7%) |
Systematic-Chaos | 6 (3,7%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 4 (2,5%) |
Against ALL Authorities | 3 (1,9%) |
The Initiative. | 3 (1,9%) |
Coercion Phenomenon | 2 (1,2%) |
Morsus Mihi | 2 (1,2%) |
Tau Ceti Federation | 2 (1,2%) |
Veni Vidi Vici | 2 (1,2%) |
Aeternus. | 1 (0,6%) |
Black Swan. | 1 (0,6%) |
BricK sQuAD. | 1 (0,6%) |
C0VEN | 1 (0,6%) |
Circle-Of-Two | 1 (0,6%) |
Cry Havoc. | 1 (0,6%) |
Cult of War | 1 (0,6%) |
Eternus Imperium Alliance | 1 (0,6%) |
Ev0ke | 1 (0,6%) |
Ewoks | 1 (0,6%) |
GoonSwarm | 1 (0,6%) |
Privateer Alliance | 1 (0,6%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
tr0pa de elite | 30 (18,6%) |
Viper Squad | 12 (7,5%) |
D00M. | 10 (6,2%) |
Black Nova Corp | 8 (5,0%) |
Point Blank. | 7 (4,3%) |
Capax Infiniti | 6 (3,7%) |
The Littlest Hobos | 6 (3,7%) |
Destructive Influence | 5 (3,1%) |
Section XIII | 4 (2,5%) |
eXceed Inc. | 3 (1,9%) |
ANZAC ALLIANCE | 2 (1,2%) |
Big Shadows | 2 (1,2%) |
Dragon Clan | 2 (1,2%) |
H A V O C | 2 (1,2%) |
hirr | 2 (1,2%) |
ICE is Coming to EVE | 2 (1,2%) |
Lone Star EVE Group | 2 (1,2%) |
Optimus Crime. | 2 (1,2%) |
Roving Guns Inc. | 2 (1,2%) |
Temple of Exotic Dancers | 2 (1,2%) |
The Viral | 2 (1,2%) |
Vanishing Point. | 2 (1,2%) |
A.W.M | 1 (0,6%) |
Blackwater Syndicate | 1 (0,6%) |
Blue Republic | 1 (0,6%) |
Children of Gjallarhorn | 1 (0,6%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 1 (0,6%) |
Dark Knights of Deneb | 1 (0,6%) |
Di-Tron Heavy Industries | 1 (0,6%) |
DRUCKWELLE Evolution | 1 (0,6%) |
Einherjar Rising | 1 (0,6%) |
Emerald Empire | 1 (0,6%) |
Ever Flow | 1 (0,6%) |
Evoke. | 1 (0,6%) |
Evolution | 1 (0,6%) |
Fairlight Corp | 1 (0,6%) |
FinFleet | 1 (0,6%) |
GoonFleet | 1 (0,6%) |
Imperial Syndicate Forces | 1 (0,6%) |
Insidious Existence | 1 (0,6%) |
Interstellar Brotherhood of Gravediggers | 1 (0,6%) |
LOST IDEA | 1 (0,6%) |
Militaris Industries | 1 (0,6%) |
Nex Exercitus | 1 (0,6%) |
North Star Networks | 1 (0,6%) |
Ore Mongers | 1 (0,6%) |
Phantom Squad | 1 (0,6%) |
Pilots Of Honour | 1 (0,6%) |
Pretty Good Piracy | 1 (0,6%) |
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