Statistics for thread PL yet again aids the NC |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 153 |
First post | 2010-04-26 13:33:00 |
Last post | 2010-05-05 21:19:00 |
Duration | 9 days (active period), 5405 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 17,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 113 841 |
Longest post | Dogs Breath (5309 characters, posted 2010-05-05 06:24:00) |
Average post length | 744,1 chars/post |
Unique authors | 89 (avg 1,7 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Minigin | 11 (7,2%) |
BlueMajere | 10 (6,5%) |
Heath Ledger | 8 (5,2%) |
Tiger's Spirit | 6 (3,9%) |
Hinkledolph | 4 (2,6%) |
Homo Erectus | 3 (2,0%) |
DurrHurrDurr | 3 (2,0%) |
Dogs Breath | 3 (2,0%) |
Salivan Harddin | 3 (2,0%) |
Suitonia | 3 (2,0%) |
Vasili Z | 3 (2,0%) |
Cynthia Ysolde | 2 (1,3%) |
DirtyDozen | 2 (1,3%) |
dastommy79 | 2 (1,3%) |
Elendar | 2 (1,3%) |
Elektrea | 2 (1,3%) |
FireIceHulk | 2 (1,3%) |
Han Lector | 2 (1,3%) |
Grath Telkin | 2 (1,3%) |
Ace Frehley | 2 (1,3%) |
Fred0 | 2 (1,3%) |
Julia Ginzinger | 2 (1,3%) |
Lamb Chop | 2 (1,3%) |
Mah Bess | 2 (1,3%) |
Nostradamous | 2 (1,3%) |
paracidic | 2 (1,3%) |
Revisal | 2 (1,3%) |
Shamis Orzoz | 2 (1,3%) |
Shinma Apollo | 2 (1,3%) |
McDonald Douglas | 1 (0,7%) |
mamolian | 1 (0,7%) |
Lord Nefarious | 1 (0,7%) |
Kaar | 1 (0,7%) |
JS LiamElms | 1 (0,7%) |
Jimmi Bones | 1 (0,7%) |
Jigro | 1 (0,7%) |
Ituralde | 1 (0,7%) |
Imran | 1 (0,7%) |
Flinx Evenstar | 1 (0,7%) |
FlameGlow | 1 (0,7%) |
Gesty Riddick | 1 (0,7%) |
Garreth Vlox | 1 (0,7%) |
Gaius Bismarck | 1 (0,7%) |
Faekurias | 1 (0,7%) |
Elise Randolph | 1 (0,7%) |
Dr Ngo | 1 (0,7%) |
D3rg3 | 1 (0,7%) |
Dipluz | 1 (0,7%) |
Deviana Sevidon | 1 (0,7%) |
Arrador | 1 (0,7%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Pandemic Legion | 46 (30,1%) |
WE FORM VOLTRON | 25 (16,3%) |
- | 19 (12,4%) |
IT Alliance | 9 (5,9%) |
Atlas Alliance | 7 (4,6%) |
Wildly Inappropriate. | 4 (2,6%) |
BricK sQuAD. | 3 (2,0%) |
HYDRA RELOADED | 3 (2,0%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 3 (2,0%) |
Dystopia Alliance | 2 (1,3%) |
Honourable Templum of Alcedonia | 2 (1,3%) |
Morsus Mihi | 2 (1,3%) |
Ushra'Khan | 2 (1,3%) |
Against ALL Authorities | 1 (0,7%) |
Black Legion. | 1 (0,7%) |
Black Star Alliance | 1 (0,7%) |
Blade. | 1 (0,7%) |
Butterfly Effect Alliance | 1 (0,7%) |
Chain of Chaos | 1 (0,7%) |
Cursed Alliance | 1 (0,7%) |
Dead Terrorists | 1 (0,7%) |
DEFI4NT | 1 (0,7%) |
Elysium Alliance | 1 (0,7%) |
En Garde | 1 (0,7%) |
Exalted. | 1 (0,7%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Sniggerdly | 19 (12,4%) |
North Eastern Swat | 14 (9,2%) |
Shut Up And Play | 14 (9,2%) |
Trinity Corp | 11 (7,2%) |
ElitistOps | 10 (6,5%) |
24th Imperial Guard | 6 (3,9%) |
Di-Tron Heavy Industries | 5 (3,3%) |
Dreddit | 5 (3,3%) |
ANZAC ALLIANCE | 3 (2,0%) |
Cosmic Odyssey | 3 (2,0%) |
Destructive Influence | 3 (2,0%) |
Divine Power. | 3 (2,0%) |
Evolution | 3 (2,0%) |
Genos Occidere | 3 (2,0%) |
Big Shadows | 2 (1,3%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 2 (1,3%) |
Griefer-B-Gone | 2 (1,3%) |
Scotia Syndicate | 2 (1,3%) |
Tax Free Corporation | 2 (1,3%) |
Zor Industries | 2 (1,3%) |
4S Corporation | 1 (0,7%) |
Alpann Siad Anam | 1 (0,7%) |
Beyond Divinity Inc | 1 (0,7%) |
Blood Covenant | 1 (0,7%) |
Broski Reloaded | 1 (0,7%) |
Cruoris Seraphim | 1 (0,7%) |
Darkwave Technologies | 1 (0,7%) |
Empire Assault Corp | 1 (0,7%) |
FoFoFo Monkeys | 1 (0,7%) |
GK inc. | 1 (0,7%) |
GoonWaffe | 1 (0,7%) |
Guiding Hand Social Club | 1 (0,7%) |
Habitual Euthanasia | 1 (0,7%) |
Highwaymen | 1 (0,7%) |
HUN Corp. | 1 (0,7%) |
Hysterical Dementia | 1 (0,7%) |
Isis Progeny | 1 (0,7%) |
Legio Octae | 1 (0,7%) |
Lyonesse. | 1 (0,7%) |
Macabre Votum | 1 (0,7%) |
Manhaj of Hejaz | 1 (0,7%) |
Metalworks | 1 (0,7%) |
No Limit Productions | 1 (0,7%) |
NoobFleet | 1 (0,7%) |
Origin. | 1 (0,7%) |
Pandemic Fleet Inc. | 1 (0,7%) |
Panta-Rhei | 1 (0,7%) |
Pax Amarria Corp | 1 (0,7%) |
Red Federation | 1 (0,7%) |
Red Horizon Inc | 1 (0,7%) |
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