Statistics for thread
Its getting harder to catch up with other player the longer eve exists
General statistics  
Total posts 51
First post 2010-06-24 20:57:00
Last post 2010-07-15 17:15:00
Duration 21 days (active period), 5146 days (since first post)
Daily average 2,4 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 72 325
Longest post Valandril (5177 characters, posted 2010-07-04 21:58:00)
Average post length 1 418,1 chars/post
Unique authors 35 (avg 1,5 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Yingpang 6 (11,8%)
Valandril 4 (7,8%)
Misanthra 3 (5,9%)
Jint Hikaru 2 (3,9%)
Guy LeDuche 2 (3,9%)
Party Scout 2 (3,9%)
Ori Blake 2 (3,9%)
Ressiv 2 (3,9%)
Abbot Laarkin 2 (3,9%)
CCP Fear 1 (2,0%)
Redflare 1 (2,0%)
Yavanna Akallabeth 1 (2,0%)
Xyanthia 1 (2,0%)
Veliria 1 (2,0%)
Varis Idle 1 (2,0%)
Mr SmartGuy 1 (2,0%)
Mara Rinn 1 (2,0%)
Jovialmadness 1 (2,0%)
WaffleOfDoom 1 (2,0%)
Turelus 1 (2,0%)
Tarron Sarek 1 (2,0%)
Tarasina 1 (2,0%)
Shin Dari 1 (2,0%)
ShahFluffers 1 (2,0%)
SemiCharmed 1 (2,0%)
Santiago Fahahrri 1 (2,0%)
Grarr Dexx 1 (2,0%)
Goose99 1 (2,0%)
Gelvina 1 (2,0%)
Flesh Slurper 1 (2,0%)
Ceratin 1 (2,0%)
Blue Dragon 1 (2,0%)
Ben Derindar 1 (2,0%)
Asarus Atreyu 1 (2,0%)
Asariasha 1 (2,0%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 48 (94,1%)
DEM0N HUNTERS 1 (2,0%)
IT Alliance 1 (2,0%)
OWN Alliance 1 (2,0%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 31 (60,8%)
Ex-Mortis 4 (7,8%)
OffWorld Exploration Inc 2 (3,9%)
Order Of Mystical Mountain Monks 2 (3,9%)
Biotronics Inc. 1 (2,0%)
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1 (2,0%)
Center for Advanced Studies 1 (2,0%)
Clans of the Sanctums 1 (2,0%)
Dark-Rising 1 (2,0%)
Dirty Deeds Corp. 1 (2,0%)
Federal Investigations Agency 1 (2,0%)
Galactic Geographic 1 (2,0%)
GK inc. 1 (2,0%)
Ice Fire Warriors 1 (2,0%)
Pandemic Fleet Inc. 1 (2,0%)
The Kairos Syndicate 1 (2,0%)

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