Statistics for thread 37mil sp pvper looking for corp |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 42 |
First post | 2010-10-16 12:24:00 |
Last post | 2010-11-29 02:00:00 |
Duration | 44 days (active period), 5243 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 1,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 15 496 |
Longest post | jin Lee1 (1972 characters, posted 2010-10-17 13:23:00) |
Average post length | 369,0 chars/post |
Unique authors | 37 (avg 1,1 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Dame Death | 5 (11,9%) |
Pony Tail | 2 (4,8%) |
Wotlankor | 1 (2,4%) |
Vonlin | 1 (2,4%) |
Wex Manchester | 1 (2,4%) |
smotch | 1 (2,4%) |
Shogun Ruah | 1 (2,4%) |
Saland3r | 1 (2,4%) |
Saikoyu | 1 (2,4%) |
Cyber Ten | 1 (2,4%) |
Crash124 | 1 (2,4%) |
Cosmoboy | 1 (2,4%) |
Cheiftan | 1 (2,4%) |
Chagal Civ | 1 (2,4%) |
Bruce Kemp | 1 (2,4%) |
Bioshibby1 | 1 (2,4%) |
Big Trey | 1 (2,4%) |
Attia Wyn | 1 (2,4%) |
Andy Croxton | 1 (2,4%) |
Amymuffmuff | 1 (2,4%) |
Amanda Eidolo | 1 (2,4%) |
M'haratoh | 1 (2,4%) |
Man Barthelme | 1 (2,4%) |
Light Darkness | 1 (2,4%) |
Kani Thrain | 1 (2,4%) |
Kambiri Zoltana | 1 (2,4%) |
Kafkan | 1 (2,4%) |
Juni Sato | 1 (2,4%) |
jin Lee1 | 1 (2,4%) |
IntegralHellsing | 1 (2,4%) |
ImmortalisMyst | 1 (2,4%) |
Hypatus | 1 (2,4%) |
GrimmRipper | 1 (2,4%) |
greeneyedirish | 1 (2,4%) |
gengas charn | 1 (2,4%) |
Forlorn Wongraven | 1 (2,4%) |
Djana Libra | 1 (2,4%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 22 (52,4%) |
Damu'Khonde | 4 (9,5%) |
Blade. | 2 (4,8%) |
Test Alliance Please Ignore | 2 (4,8%) |
DEM0N HUNTERS | 1 (2,4%) |
Fatal Ascension | 1 (2,4%) |
Focused Intentions | 1 (2,4%) |
Intrepid Crossing | 1 (2,4%) |
Jakkaru Reikon | 1 (2,4%) |
Ka'ge Kumi | 1 (2,4%) |
-Mostly Harmless- | 1 (2,4%) |
Negative Ten. | 1 (2,4%) |
OWN Alliance | 1 (2,4%) |
Systematic-Chaos | 1 (2,4%) |
Veritas Immortalis | 1 (2,4%) |
Wildly Inappropriate. | 1 (2,4%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 9 (21,4%) |
The Rising Phoenix | 5 (11,9%) |
Martyr's Vengence | 2 (4,8%) |
Best Path Inc. | 1 (2,4%) |
black-body | 1 (2,4%) |
Clubs and Diamonds | 1 (2,4%) |
CTRL-Q | 1 (2,4%) |
Dark Electric Society | 1 (2,4%) |
Eve Defence Force | 1 (2,4%) |
Fallen Angel's | 1 (2,4%) |
Gladiators of Rage | 1 (2,4%) |
House Aratus | 1 (2,4%) |
Intercision | 1 (2,4%) |
Mercenaries of Andosia | 1 (2,4%) |
Militaris Industries | 1 (2,4%) |
Mindstar Technology | 1 (2,4%) |
New Eden Renegades | 1 (2,4%) |
Rho Dynamics | 1 (2,4%) |
Sarz'na Khumatari | 1 (2,4%) |
screaming skulls | 1 (2,4%) |
Shinryaku | 1 (2,4%) |
Silver Snake Enterprise | 1 (2,4%) |
The Darkness Falls | 1 (2,4%) |
The Python Cartel. | 1 (2,4%) |
The Tuskers | 1 (2,4%) |
the united | 1 (2,4%) |
Therapy. | 1 (2,4%) |
Twisted Inc. | 1 (2,4%) |
UK Corp | 1 (2,4%) |
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