Statistics for thread New Dev Blog: CEO's Letter: EVE Fanfest |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 59 |
First post | 2011-02-26 14:51:00 |
Last post | 2011-05-27 11:16:00 |
Duration | 90 days (active period), 5089 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 0,7 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 40 600 |
Longest post | Dillon Arklight (2599 characters, posted 2011-02-27 04:52:00) |
Average post length | 688,1 chars/post |
Unique authors | 51 (avg 1,2 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Mrs Snowman | 4 (6,8%) |
Darth Sith | 2 (3,4%) |
kKayron Jarvis | 2 (3,4%) |
CCP Manifest | 2 (3,4%) |
PTang | 2 (3,4%) |
Kralizek Kharr | 2 (3,4%) |
CCP Navigator | 1 (1,7%) |
Knug LiDi | 1 (1,7%) |
Poul Nyrup | 1 (1,7%) |
PC l0adletter | 1 (1,7%) |
Pasmerktas | 1 (1,7%) |
Nova Fox | 1 (1,7%) |
Nayette Ellis Dalogne | 1 (1,7%) |
yorkie2 | 1 (1,7%) |
XenosisReaper | 1 (1,7%) |
Vyktor Abyss | 1 (1,7%) |
Wollari | 1 (1,7%) |
Vincent Athena | 1 (1,7%) |
Wibbit Rabbit | 1 (1,7%) |
TorTorden | 1 (1,7%) |
Siiee | 1 (1,7%) |
Selene D'Celeste | 1 (1,7%) |
Sarmatiko | 1 (1,7%) |
Sakaane Eionell | 1 (1,7%) |
Red Raider | 1 (1,7%) |
Rainus Max | 1 (1,7%) |
mkmin | 1 (1,7%) |
Meiyang Lee | 1 (1,7%) |
Mashie Saldana | 1 (1,7%) |
Malcanis | 1 (1,7%) |
Lost Hamster | 1 (1,7%) |
Leovarian Lavitz | 1 (1,7%) |
Kyoko Sakoda | 1 (1,7%) |
Kalum Ra | 1 (1,7%) |
Jupix | 1 (1,7%) |
JitaPriceChecker2 | 1 (1,7%) |
jason hill | 1 (1,7%) |
ITTigerClawIK | 1 (1,7%) |
Ishina Fel | 1 (1,7%) |
Hakaru Ishiwara | 1 (1,7%) |
Eyeowyn Ozz | 1 (1,7%) |
D'Kelle | 1 (1,7%) |
Dillon Arklight | 1 (1,7%) |
Chribba | 1 (1,7%) |
Che Biko | 1 (1,7%) |
Bomberlocks | 1 (1,7%) |
Bhattran | 1 (1,7%) |
Astomichi | 1 (1,7%) |
Apollo Gabriel | 1 (1,7%) |
andeira | 1 (1,7%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 43 (72,9%) |
M. PIRE | 2 (3,4%) |
Veto Corp | 2 (3,4%) |
C C P Alliance | 1 (1,7%) |
Etherium Cartel | 1 (1,7%) |
Fatal Ascension | 1 (1,7%) |
Galactic-Rangers | 1 (1,7%) |
Gunboat Diplomacy | 1 (1,7%) |
Important Internet Spaceship League | 1 (1,7%) |
Intaki Prosperity Initiative | 1 (1,7%) |
Intrepid Crossing | 1 (1,7%) |
ISK Six | 1 (1,7%) |
Morsus Mihi | 1 (1,7%) |
Otherworld Empire | 1 (1,7%) |
Sspectre | 1 (1,7%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 27 (45,8%) |
C C P | 3 (5,1%) |
Genbuku. | 2 (3,4%) |
Tech 3 Constructions | 2 (3,4%) |
Abyss Research | 1 (1,7%) |
Alcohlics Anonymous | 1 (1,7%) |
Azteca Transportation Unlimited | 1 (1,7%) |
Azule Dragoons | 1 (1,7%) |
Brotherhood Of Fallen Angels | 1 (1,7%) |
Caldari Provisions | 1 (1,7%) |
Clan Shadow Wolf | 1 (1,7%) |
CTRL-Q | 1 (1,7%) |
Fusion Enterprises Ltd | 1 (1,7%) |
Galactic Rangers | 1 (1,7%) |
Hamster Holding Corp | 1 (1,7%) |
Humanitarian Communists | 1 (1,7%) |
Intaki Liberation Front | 1 (1,7%) |
MuroBBS United | 1 (1,7%) |
N00bFleeT | 1 (1,7%) |
Novafox Shipyards | 1 (1,7%) |
Otherworld Enterprises | 1 (1,7%) |
Phoenix Industries | 1 (1,7%) |
Recycled Heroes | 1 (1,7%) |
Republic Military School | 1 (1,7%) |
Rising Ashes Inc. | 1 (1,7%) |
Terra Incognita | 1 (1,7%) |
The D'Celeste Trading Company | 1 (1,7%) |
Universal Army | 1 (1,7%) |
Veto. | 1 (1,7%) |
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