Statistics for thread just angry kids here, trolling down every new idea |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 82 |
First post | 2013-05-05 10:26:00 |
Last post | 2013-05-05 12:47:00 |
Duration | 0 days (active period), 4313 days (since first post) |
Daily average | |
Typed characters | 34 553 |
Longest post | Harry Forever (1679 characters, posted 2013-05-05 12:15:00) |
Average post length | 421,4 chars/post |
Unique authors | 27 (avg 3,0 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Harry Forever | 19 (23,2%) |
Danni stark | 8 (9,8%) |
Tippia | 6 (7,3%) |
Praetor Meles | 6 (7,3%) |
Rhivre | 6 (7,3%) |
Klymer | 5 (6,1%) |
terzho | 4 (4,9%) |
Zimmy Zeta | 3 (3,7%) |
Masuka Taredi | 3 (3,7%) |
Brooks Puuntai | 2 (2,4%) |
baltec1 | 2 (2,4%) |
Mag's | 2 (2,4%) |
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode | 1 (1,2%) |
Vaju Enki | 1 (1,2%) |
Solhild | 1 (1,2%) |
Skeln Thargensen | 1 (1,2%) |
Reuben Johnson | 1 (1,2%) |
mr ed thehouseofed | 1 (1,2%) |
Lady Areola Fappington | 1 (1,2%) |
Kaliska Asuful | 1 (1,2%) |
I Love Boobies | 1 (1,2%) |
Frank Millar | 1 (1,2%) |
Concurssi Mellenar | 1 (1,2%) |
Arduemont | 1 (1,2%) |
Aracimia Wolfe | 1 (1,2%) |
Abrazzar | 1 (1,2%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 35 (42,7%) |
Gallente Federation | 20 (24,4%) |
Amarr Empire | 8 (9,8%) |
RvB - BLUE Republic | 6 (7,3%) |
Red Alliance | 4 (4,9%) |
RvB - RED Federation | 3 (3,7%) |
Minmatar Republic | 2 (2,4%) |
Negative Ten. | 2 (2,4%) |
Blackwater Separatists | 1 (1,2%) |
CODE. | 1 (1,2%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Federal Navy Academy | 19 (23,2%) |
- | 9 (11,0%) |
Blue Republic | 6 (7,3%) |
Sunshine and Lollipops | 6 (7,3%) |
TarNec | 6 (7,3%) |
Hedion University | 5 (6,1%) |
StarFleet Enterprises | 4 (4,9%) |
Imperial Academy | 3 (3,7%) |
Red Federation | 3 (3,7%) |
Bat Country | 2 (2,4%) |
Horizon Research Group | 2 (2,4%) |
Solar Nexus. | 2 (2,4%) |
the united | 2 (2,4%) |
All Hail Boobies | 1 (1,2%) |
Filthy Carebear Tax Avoidance Shell Corp | 1 (1,2%) |
Gal-Min Industries | 1 (1,2%) |
Goat Research Team | 1 (1,2%) |
ISD Community Communications Liaisons | 1 (1,2%) |
New Order Logistics | 1 (1,2%) |
Republic Military School | 1 (1,2%) |
Rotten Legion Ops | 1 (1,2%) |
Sebiestor Tribe | 1 (1,2%) |
Secular Wisdom | 1 (1,2%) |
The Cursed Navy | 1 (1,2%) |
The Scope | 1 (1,2%) |
Vardaugas Family | 1 (1,2%) |
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