Statistics for thread [ALXVP] Standings Reset Notification |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 159 |
First post | 2014-03-04 00:27:00 |
Last post | 2014-03-08 07:12:00 |
Duration | 4 days (active period), 4009 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 39,8 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 111 117 |
Longest post | Havohej (3663 characters, posted 2014-03-05 01:55:00) |
Average post length | 698,8 chars/post |
Unique authors | 38 (avg 4,2 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Lucien Rouen | 15 (9,4%) |
Havohej | 13 (8,2%) |
Anslo | 13 (8,2%) |
Erica Dusette | 12 (7,5%) |
Gosakumori Noh | 11 (6,9%) |
Anatole Madullier | 10 (6,3%) |
Diana Kim | 9 (5,7%) |
Katrina Oniseki | 7 (4,4%) |
Stitcher | 7 (4,4%) |
Sofia Roseburn | 5 (3,1%) |
Ayallah | 5 (3,1%) |
Evi Polevhia | 4 (2,5%) |
Astera Zandraki | 4 (2,5%) |
Valerie Valate | 4 (2,5%) |
Streya Jormagdnir | 3 (1,9%) |
Fredfredbug4 | 3 (1,9%) |
Saede Riordan | 3 (1,9%) |
Pieter Tuulinen | 3 (1,9%) |
Kyllsa Siikanen | 3 (1,9%) |
Claudia Osyn | 3 (1,9%) |
Cerise Solette | 3 (1,9%) |
Candi LeMew | 2 (1,3%) |
Morwen Lagann | 2 (1,3%) |
Veikitamo Gesakaarin | 1 (0,6%) |
Tiberious Thessalonia | 1 (0,6%) |
Shiori Shaishi | 1 (0,6%) |
Scherezad | 1 (0,6%) |
Nauplius | 1 (0,6%) |
Naraish Adarn | 1 (0,6%) |
Liuni Kalthis | 1 (0,6%) |
Leopold Caine | 1 (0,6%) |
Karmilla Strife | 1 (0,6%) |
kai il | 1 (0,6%) |
James Syagrius | 1 (0,6%) |
Desiderya | 1 (0,6%) |
DeadRow | 1 (0,6%) |
Ava Starfire | 1 (0,6%) |
Anabella Rella | 1 (0,6%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 103 (64,8%) |
Gallente Federation | 14 (8,8%) |
Caldari State | 9 (5,7%) |
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive | 8 (5,0%) |
Shaktipat Revelators | 6 (3,8%) |
Monyusaiya Industry Trade Group | 5 (3,1%) |
Pyre Falcon Defence Combine | 5 (3,1%) |
WAFFLES. | 5 (3,1%) |
Cult of War | 3 (1,9%) |
Amarr Empire | 1 (0,6%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Alexylva Paradox | 38 (23,9%) |
- | 15 (9,4%) |
Sky Fighters | 14 (8,8%) |
The Scope | 13 (8,2%) |
Seraglio Hastatus Hagia Sophia | 11 (6,9%) |
State Protectorate | 9 (5,7%) |
Revenent Defence Corperation | 8 (5,0%) |
True Slave Foundations | 6 (3,8%) |
Gradient | 5 (3,1%) |
SniggWaffe | 5 (3,1%) |
Stillwater Corporation | 5 (3,1%) |
Verdant Inquiries | 5 (3,1%) |
Church of The Crimson Saviour | 4 (2,5%) |
Eve Defence Force | 3 (1,9%) |
Ishukone-Raata Strike Force Tsuun | 3 (1,9%) |
Mythic Security Service | 3 (1,9%) |
Pyre Falcon Defence Cadre XV-01A | 3 (1,9%) |
Pyre Falcon Defence and Security | 2 (1,3%) |
Tyrathlion Interstellar | 2 (1,3%) |
24th Imperial Crusade | 1 (0,6%) |
Federal Defense Union | 1 (0,6%) |
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque | 1 (0,6%) |
Syndicated Ice | 1 (0,6%) |
Terpalen Trading Corporation | 1 (0,6%) |
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