Statistics for thread
Goons are not allowed in Wormhole space
General statistics  
Total posts 510
First post 2014-04-12 14:15:00
Last post 2014-09-30 07:01:00
Duration 171 days (active period), 3664 days (since first post)
Daily average 3,0 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 230 091
Longest post Chiimera (4041 characters, posted 2014-04-17 16:30:00)
Average post length 451,2 chars/post
Unique authors 133 (avg 3,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Andrew Jester 36 (7,1%)
UAxSunShine 21 (4,1%)
Maniva Lyon 19 (3,7%)
Dmitry Wizard 18 (3,5%)
mechform 17 (3,3%)
Osiris Ettnie 17 (3,3%)
Chiimera 16 (3,1%)
Borsek 14 (2,7%)
Hatshepsut IV 14 (2,7%)
Proclus Diadochu 14 (2,7%)
MooMooDachshundCow 12 (2,4%)
Powers Sa 12 (2,4%)
Ian Praetorius 11 (2,2%)
Kalel Nimrott 11 (2,2%)
Lyris Nairn 11 (2,2%)
Rall Mekin 10 (2,0%)
Winthorp 10 (2,0%)
Axloth Okiah 9 (1,8%)
Michael1995 8 (1,6%)
Bane Nucleus 7 (1,4%)
Glyndi 7 (1,4%)
Sith1s Spectre 7 (1,4%)
Jack Miton 6 (1,2%)
Mara Tessidar 6 (1,2%)
Erica Dusette 5 (1,0%)
AssassinationsdoneWrong 5 (1,0%)
Angsty Teenager 5 (1,0%)
Staphylococcus Aureus 5 (1,0%)
ISD Ezwal 5 (1,0%)
Anize Oramara 4 (0,8%)
Andski 4 (0,8%)
Ahost Gceo 4 (0,8%)
Candi LeMew 4 (0,8%)
Lazerath Kang 4 (0,8%)
Rek Seven 4 (0,8%)
Tusen Takk 4 (0,8%)
calaretu 3 (0,6%)
Jacob Joringer 3 (0,6%)
Karen Galeo 3 (0,6%)
Keith Planck 3 (0,6%)
Le'Mon Tichim 3 (0,6%)
Loki O'Grady 3 (0,6%)
max ericshaun 3 (0,6%)
Mizhir 3 (0,6%)
Paikis 3 (0,6%)
ROSSLINDEN0 3 (0,6%)
RudinV 3 (0,6%)
The Feuror 3 (0,6%)
The Slayer 3 (0,6%)
Abbie Rova 2 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 117 (22,9%)
Goonswarm Federation 82 (16,1%)
Sky Syndicate 63 (12,4%)
Ragnarok. 55 (10,8%)
Red Coat Conspiracy 33 (6,5%)
Black Legion. 20 (3,9%)
Un.Bound 14 (2,7%)
The Amalgamation Initiative 11 (2,2%)
Sleeper Social Club 10 (2,0%)
Trapped. 10 (2,0%)
Caldari State 8 (1,6%)
Anoikis Ronin 7 (1,4%)
Disavowed. 6 (1,2%)
Verge of Collapse 6 (1,2%)
Adhocracy 5 (1,0%)
Gallente Federation 5 (1,0%)
Critical-Mass 4 (0,8%)
Infinite Anarchy 4 (0,8%)
Triumvirate. 4 (0,8%)
BLOOD UNION 3 (0,6%)
RAZOR Alliance 3 (0,6%)
Scary Wormhole People 3 (0,6%)
Unsettled. 3 (0,6%)
Critically Unstable 2 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Sky Fighters 49 (9,6%)
GoonWaffe 39 (7,6%)
THE AESIR. 34 (6,7%)
Obstergo 33 (6,5%)
Vasilkovsky Interstellar 32 (6,3%)
A.A.A 31 (6,1%)
- 24 (4,7%)
Origin. 19 (3,7%)
End-of-Line 15 (2,9%)
Rolled Out 15 (2,9%)
Cascading Failure 14 (2,7%)
Incertae Sedis 14 (2,7%)
Lazerhawks 11 (2,2%)
Tenacious Tendencies 11 (2,2%)
Future Corps 10 (2,0%)
Doom Generation 7 (1,4%)
Nighthawk Exploration 7 (1,4%)
AQUILA INC 6 (1,2%)
Conquering Darkness 6 (1,2%)
Dark Star Safari 6 (1,2%)
ISD Community Communications Liaisons 6 (1,2%)
Adhocracy Incorporated 5 (1,0%)
Broski North 5 (1,0%)
The Nexus 7's 5 (1,0%)
Probe Patrol 4 (0,8%)
S T R A T C O M 4 (0,8%)
Sin Factory 4 (0,8%)
Dominion of Inter-Celestial Kings 3 (0,6%)
Euphoria Released 3 (0,6%)
Explorer Corps 3 (0,6%)
Honestly We didnt know 3 (0,6%)
Isogen 5 3 (0,6%)
Oberon Incorporated 3 (0,6%)
Syndicate of Death 3 (0,6%)
The Dark Space Initiative 3 (0,6%)
The Scope 3 (0,6%)
The Suicide Express 3 (0,6%)
Amok. 2 (0,4%)
Anoikis Vergence 2 (0,4%)
Blackstar Privateers 2 (0,4%)
Caldari Provisions 2 (0,4%)
Dracos Dozen 2 (0,4%)
Guardians of the Underworld 2 (0,4%)
Hard Knocks Inc. 2 (0,4%)
Questionable Ethics. 2 (0,4%)
School of Applied Knowledge 2 (0,4%)
Science and Trade Institute 2 (0,4%)
State War Academy 2 (0,4%)
Temnava Legion 2 (0,4%)
The Ascended Fleet 2 (0,4%)

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