Statistics for thread MC [Red] vs. BB [Blue] |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 377 |
First post | 2006-06-02 20:01:00 |
Last post | 2006-06-08 02:30:00 |
Duration | 6 days (active period), 6852 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 62,8 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 285 068 |
Longest post | Exploding Fist (4275 characters, posted 2006-06-07 13:45:00) |
Average post length | 756,1 chars/post |
Unique authors | 209 (avg 1,8 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Seleene | 19 (5,0%) |
ParMizaN | 8 (2,1%) |
Prohibited | 8 (2,1%) |
Traxio Nacho | 7 (1,9%) |
Gail | 6 (1,6%) |
Alorin Tye | 5 (1,3%) |
Draximus Cane | 5 (1,3%) |
Deja Thoris | 5 (1,3%) |
LoxyRider | 5 (1,3%) |
Marie Elise | 5 (1,3%) |
Recluse Viramor | 5 (1,3%) |
Shaelin Corpius | 5 (1,3%) |
Spartan239 | 5 (1,3%) |
Zandramus | 5 (1,3%) |
DrDopehat | 4 (1,1%) |
deadmanwalking | 4 (1,1%) |
Darko1107 | 4 (1,1%) |
Equinox II | 4 (1,1%) |
GoGo Yubari | 4 (1,1%) |
Hectic | 4 (1,1%) |
KIAEddZ | 4 (1,1%) |
Kingdoc | 4 (1,1%) |
Porter Hadlend | 4 (1,1%) |
Riddari | 4 (1,1%) |
Exploding Fist | 3 (0,8%) |
Eyeshadow | 3 (0,8%) |
Gavin Kineli | 3 (0,8%) |
Grimster | 3 (0,8%) |
H00KER | 3 (0,8%) |
Jenny Spitfire | 3 (0,8%) |
Jin Entres | 3 (0,8%) |
K Shara | 3 (0,8%) |
Kannteir | 3 (0,8%) |
Manus Ghostface | 3 (0,8%) |
Miramax | 3 (0,8%) |
Omber Zombie | 3 (0,8%) |
SengH | 3 (0,8%) |
Suppiluliumas | 3 (0,8%) |
Trooper B99 | 3 (0,8%) |
Vincent Gaines | 3 (0,8%) |
Wizie | 3 (0,8%) |
Cohkka | 2 (0,5%) |
Chronus26 | 2 (0,5%) |
Aciid | 2 (0,5%) |
Cowboy | 2 (0,5%) |
Daald | 2 (0,5%) |
Double TaP | 2 (0,5%) |
Dave White | 2 (0,5%) |
El Yatta | 2 (0,5%) |
Emsigma | 2 (0,5%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 377 (100,0%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 377 (100,0%) |
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