Statistics for thread Stress testing: We need your help! |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 157 |
First post | 2006-09-29 15:51:00 |
Last post | 2006-10-02 13:12:00 |
Duration | 3 days (active period), 6701 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 52,3 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 59 397 |
Longest post | Tanis. (2381 characters, posted 2006-09-29 15:51:00) |
Average post length | 378,3 chars/post |
Unique authors | 115 (avg 1,4 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Verus Potestas | 6 (3,8%) |
Tanis. | 6 (3,8%) |
Mrmuttley | 4 (2,5%) |
Irrilian | 3 (1,9%) |
Callistus | 3 (1,9%) |
Par'Gellen | 3 (1,9%) |
Scorpyn | 3 (1,9%) |
Treelox | 3 (1,9%) |
Virida | 3 (1,9%) |
Dave White | 2 (1,3%) |
Gabriel Karade | 2 (1,3%) |
Alhambra Rainwalker | 2 (1,3%) |
Joskken Inx | 2 (1,3%) |
Kalindra naskan | 2 (1,3%) |
Kay Han | 2 (1,3%) |
l3VGV | 2 (1,3%) |
Level4 | 2 (1,3%) |
Miss Overlord | 2 (1,3%) |
ollobrains | 2 (1,3%) |
RaTTuS | 2 (1,3%) |
ThunderGodThor | 2 (1,3%) |
Valrandir | 2 (1,3%) |
Venkul Mul | 2 (1,3%) |
Womble God | 2 (1,3%) |
Zeddicus Zu'l | 2 (1,3%) |
Serathu | 2 (1,3%) |
Jenna Malone | 1 (0,6%) |
Alain DeMorgan | 1 (0,6%) |
Agent Kenshin | 1 (0,6%) |
Iron Tylenol | 1 (0,6%) |
Ilmonstre | 1 (0,6%) |
Idara | 1 (0,6%) |
Hydrian Alante | 1 (0,6%) |
Hoshi | 1 (0,6%) |
hendo001 | 1 (0,6%) |
Hellspawn01 | 1 (0,6%) |
Helison | 1 (0,6%) |
Gungankllr | 1 (0,6%) |
Gudan | 1 (0,6%) |
Greavus | 1 (0,6%) |
Grainsalt | 1 (0,6%) |
GeekWarrior | 1 (0,6%) |
Fuujin | 1 (0,6%) |
Evolyn | 1 (0,6%) |
evistin | 1 (0,6%) |
Dooshotron | 1 (0,6%) |
Der Komissar | 1 (0,6%) |
Dentad | 1 (0,6%) |
Deadzone | 1 (0,6%) |
DDemon | 1 (0,6%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 96 (61,1%) |
Dusk and Dawn | 5 (3,2%) |
Ascendant Frontier | 4 (2,5%) |
R i s e | 4 (2,5%) |
United Confederation of Corporations | 4 (2,5%) |
Axiom Empire | 3 (1,9%) |
Lotka Volterra | 3 (1,9%) |
Pure. | 3 (1,9%) |
Blood of the Innocents | 2 (1,3%) |
Daikoku Trade Syndicate | 2 (1,3%) |
Firmus Ixion | 2 (1,3%) |
Interstellar Services Department | 2 (1,3%) |
Mercenary Coalition | 2 (1,3%) |
Morsus Mihi | 2 (1,3%) |
New Eve Order | 2 (1,3%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 2 (1,3%) |
Xelas Alliance | 2 (1,3%) |
Antigo Dominion | 1 (0,6%) |
Black Reign Syndicate | 1 (0,6%) |
Blood Raiders Alliance | 1 (0,6%) |
Distant Star Alliance | 1 (0,6%) |
D-L | 1 (0,6%) |
Establishment | 1 (0,6%) |
Ethereal Dawn | 1 (0,6%) |
GoonSwarm | 1 (0,6%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 25 (15,9%) |
Fiat Mort | 6 (3,8%) |
House of Tempers | 5 (3,2%) |
Eve University | 4 (2,5%) |
Low Grade Ore | 4 (2,5%) |
0utbreak | 3 (1,9%) |
Coreli Corporation | 3 (1,9%) |
Infinitus Odium | 3 (1,9%) |
Mindstar Technology | 3 (1,9%) |
Storm Industries | 3 (1,9%) |
5th Front enterprises | 2 (1,3%) |
Asgard Schiffswerften | 2 (1,3%) |
Beagle Corp | 2 (1,3%) |
BIG | 2 (1,3%) |
Body Count Inc. | 2 (1,3%) |
Compression Space Transport | 2 (1,3%) |
Forum Moderator | 2 (1,3%) |
Garoun Investment Bank | 2 (1,3%) |
Infinite Improbability Inc | 2 (1,3%) |
J.H.E.N.R | 2 (1,3%) |
KIA Corp | 2 (1,3%) |
Office linebackers | 2 (1,3%) |
Rage and Terror | 2 (1,3%) |
Red Frog Investments | 2 (1,3%) |
Reprocity | 2 (1,3%) |
Rosa Alba | 2 (1,3%) |
Shiva | 2 (1,3%) |
Solar Storm | 2 (1,3%) |
Stardust Heavy Industries | 2 (1,3%) |
Astronomic Influence | 1 (0,6%) |
Bladerunners | 1 (0,6%) |
Brotherhood of the Shadows | 1 (0,6%) |
BURN EDEN | 1 (0,6%) |
CAD Inc. | 1 (0,6%) |
Caelli-Merced | 1 (0,6%) |
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve | 1 (0,6%) |
Caldari Provisions | 1 (0,6%) |
Caldari Scouting and Intel Group | 1 (0,6%) |
Celestial Horizon Corp. | 1 (0,6%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 1 (0,6%) |
DAB | 1 (0,6%) |
Dark and Light inc. | 1 (0,6%) |
Demon Womb | 1 (0,6%) |
Dirty Deeds Corp. | 1 (0,6%) |
Draconis Laboratories | 1 (0,6%) |
Draconis Navitas Aeterna | 1 (0,6%) |
Ecchi co. | 1 (0,6%) |
Elite United Corp | 1 (0,6%) |
Enigma Enterprises | 1 (0,6%) |
Eve Defence Force | 1 (0,6%) |
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