Statistics for thread
Test server: Requests for account reactivation and unbanning
General statistics  
Total posts 13710
First post 2007-04-21 11:31:00
Last post 2011-09-09 14:26:00
Duration 1602 days (active period), 6208 days (since first post)
Daily average 8,6 posts/day (active period), 2,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 584 316
Longest post Tridentus Maximus (4525 characters, posted 2011-01-06 21:46:00)
Average post length 115,6 chars/post
Unique authors 10724 (avg 1,3 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
CCP Oneiromancer 325 (2,4%)
CCP Habakuk 43 (0,3%)
fab24 38 (0,3%)
CCP Shoelace 35 (0,3%)
CCP Sisyphus 21 (0,2%)
houndbite 20 (0,1%)
CCP Nimbus 13 (0,1%)
Samie Sunset 12 (0,1%)
Deitre Cibrus 10 (0,1%)
cytomatrix 10 (0,1%)
Rastocon 10 (0,1%)
xVx dreadnaught 10 (0,1%)
Dantrag Baenre 9 (0,1%)
Sasuke73 8 (0,1%)
Kerkar 8 (0,1%)
Tonto Auri 8 (0,1%)
CCP Tanis 8 (0,1%)
korrey 7 (0,1%)
CCP Sharkbait 7 (0,1%)
Ariswill 7 (0,1%)
Blind Man 7 (0,1%)
Fird 7 (0,1%)
CCP Vertex 7 (0,1%)
Grek Forto 7 (0,1%)
keuel 7 (0,1%)
IRevolution 7 (0,1%)
Leon Fox 7 (0,1%)
Reyho 7 (0,1%)
Th3 HuNt3r 7 (0,1%)
Vrenth 7 (0,1%)
death orion 6 (0,0%)
desteny69 6 (0,0%)
sims23 6 (0,0%)
Blafam 6 (0,0%)
GENERALW 6 (0,0%)
JALEW 6 (0,0%)
LucidPhoenix 6 (0,0%)
Indigosia 6 (0,0%)
shade505 6 (0,0%)
CCP Thrustmaster 6 (0,0%)
Lord Matrix 6 (0,0%)
matthew2451 6 (0,0%)
Princess Aspire 6 (0,0%)
Amatius 5 (0,0%)
Bruce Destro 5 (0,0%)
Emit Remmah 5 (0,0%)
Anslo 5 (0,0%)
Chewaerae 5 (0,0%)
CaosSpinner 5 (0,0%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 11714 (85,4%)
GoonSwarm 52 (0,4%)
Against ALL Authorities 40 (0,3%)
Atlas Alliance 38 (0,3%)
Morsus Mihi 37 (0,3%)
IT Alliance 35 (0,3%)
Triumvirate. 33 (0,2%)
Pandemic Legion 29 (0,2%)
Band of Brothers 28 (0,2%)
RAZOR Alliance 28 (0,2%)
Wildly Inappropriate. 25 (0,2%)
Sev3rance 20 (0,1%)
Intrepid Crossing 19 (0,1%)
Systematic-Chaos 19 (0,1%)
KIA Alliance 18 (0,1%)
Mostly Harmless 17 (0,1%)
Imperial Republic Of the North 15 (0,1%)
Mercenary Coalition 15 (0,1%)
The Laughing Men 15 (0,1%)
BricK sQuAD. 14 (0,1%)
Executive Outcomes 14 (0,1%)
Ivy League 14 (0,1%)
Majesta Empire 14 (0,1%)
The Church. 14 (0,1%)
Atropos. 13 (0,1%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 9144 (66,7%)
The Scope 84 (0,6%)
Aliastra 83 (0,6%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 80 (0,6%)
Caldari Provisions 71 (0,5%)
Sebiestor tribe 56 (0,4%)
Perkone 41 (0,3%)
Viziam 35 (0,3%)
Brutor tribe 33 (0,2%)
GoonFleet 28 (0,2%)
Reikoku 22 (0,2%)
Garoun Investment Bank 21 (0,2%)
Sacred Templars 21 (0,2%)
Ministry of War 20 (0,1%)
Eve University 19 (0,1%)
Infinitus Odium 19 (0,1%)
Order of Anarchy 17 (0,1%)
Imperial Shipment 15 (0,1%)
hirr 13 (0,1%)
State War Academy 13 (0,1%)
State Protectorate 12 (0,1%)
Big Shadows 11 (0,1%)
Death of Virtue 11 (0,1%)
FinFleet 11 (0,1%)
M. Corp 11 (0,1%)
Retribution. Inc. 11 (0,1%)
Agony Unleashed 10 (0,1%)
Evolution 10 (0,1%)
Federal Navy Academy 10 (0,1%)
Federation of Freedom Fighters 10 (0,1%)
Macabre Votum 10 (0,1%)
Native Freshfood 10 (0,1%)
Shiva 10 (0,1%)
The Collective 10 (0,1%)
Tribal Liberation Force 10 (0,1%)
24th Imperial Crusade 9 (0,1%)
AWE Corporation 9 (0,1%)
Corp 1 Allstars 9 (0,1%)
Cutting Edge Incorporated 9 (0,1%)
Destructive Influence 9 (0,1%)
GoonWaffe 9 (0,1%)
Imperial Syndicate Forces 9 (0,1%)
Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams 9 (0,1%)
Slacker Industries 9 (0,1%)
Sniggerdly 9 (0,1%)
Therapy. 9 (0,1%)
0utbreak 8 (0,1%)
DarkStar 1 8 (0,1%)
Epic. 8 (0,1%)
Heretic Army 8 (0,1%)

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