Statistics for thread
Skill training queue system wanted!
General statistics  
Total posts 799
First post 2007-06-04 15:08:00
Last post 2009-02-15 11:53:00
Duration 622 days (active period), 6489 days (since first post)
Daily average 1,3 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 854 680
Longest post Zachstar (6782 characters, posted 2007-07-14 00:29:00)
Average post length 1 069,7 chars/post
Unique authors 378 (avg 2,1 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Belmarduk 58 (7,3%)
Grarr Dexx 37 (4,6%)
Kusha'an 32 (4,0%)
Apertotes 30 (3,8%)
Liu 26 (3,3%)
Malcanis 19 (2,4%)
Dimagus 13 (1,6%)
Veryez 13 (1,6%)
Sue Mee 12 (1,5%)
Achran Dexx 11 (1,4%)
Humwawa 10 (1,3%)
MotoMissles 9 (1,1%)
b1zz 8 (1,0%)
Dretzle Omega 7 (0,9%)
Zachstar 7 (0,9%)
ceyriot 6 (0,8%)
Connor Banks 6 (0,8%)
KidBrat 6 (0,8%)
Ogdru Jahad 6 (0,8%)
1Commando1 5 (0,6%)
Brother Welcome 4 (0,5%)
Atius Tirawa 4 (0,5%)
Elain Reverse 4 (0,5%)
Guttripper 4 (0,5%)
Leora Nomen 4 (0,5%)
Max Essen 4 (0,5%)
Mesper 4 (0,5%)
RaTTuS 4 (0,5%)
Reygrimm 4 (0,5%)
Sazeh Dova 4 (0,5%)
Shan'Talasha Mea'Questa 4 (0,5%)
Squidgey 4 (0,5%)
Atsuko Ratu 3 (0,4%)
Ares Lightfeather 3 (0,4%)
Andre Coeurl 3 (0,4%)
Danorium 3 (0,4%)
Guyy Fawkes 3 (0,4%)
ICommandoI 3 (0,4%)
Irebura 3 (0,4%)
Kyra Felann 3 (0,4%)
padraig animal 3 (0,4%)
Rialtor 3 (0,4%)
Tyranis Bolke 3 (0,4%)
Warlord o'Dragons 3 (0,4%)
Zakurai 3 (0,4%)
AncientGuardian 2 (0,3%)
Angmar Da'Kirith 2 (0,3%)
Angel DeMorphis 2 (0,3%)
Andrymeda 2 (0,3%)
Astria Tiphareth 2 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 603 (75,5%)
Carpe Universitas 30 (3,8%)
Curse Alliance 18 (2,3%)
Four Elements 17 (2,1%)
Enuma Elish. 9 (1,1%)
Axiom Empire 8 (1,0%)
Stellar Economy Experts 7 (0,9%)
Intrepid Crossing 6 (0,8%)
Triumvirate. 6 (0,8%)
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate 5 (0,6%)
Hedonistic Imperative 4 (0,5%)
R0ADKILL 4 (0,5%)
Brutally Clever Empire 3 (0,4%)
Cold Star Alliance 3 (0,4%)
FREGE Alliance 3 (0,4%)
Hydra Alliance 3 (0,4%)
Rule of Three 3 (0,4%)
SMASH Alliance 3 (0,4%)
The Volition Cult 3 (0,4%)
C0VEN 2 (0,3%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 2 (0,3%)
Daisho Syndicate 2 (0,3%)
Edge Of Sanity 2 (0,3%)
GoonSwarm 2 (0,3%)
Ka-Tet 2 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 405 (50,7%)
de Prieure 38 (4,8%)
Naval Protection Corp 35 (4,4%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 30 (3,8%)
High4Life 20 (2,5%)
Equinox Industrial Co. 15 (1,9%)
State War Academy 11 (1,4%)
CompleXion Industries 10 (1,3%)
School of Applied Knowledge 9 (1,1%)
RuffRyders 8 (1,0%)
Psychedelic Party 7 (0,9%)
Caldari Provisions 6 (0,8%)
BIG 4 (0,5%)
Crimson Rebellion 4 (0,5%)
The Perfect Harvesting Experience 4 (0,5%)
Utopian Research I.E.L. 4 (0,5%)
Wreckless Abandon 4 (0,5%)
Aliastra 3 (0,4%)
Shokei 3 (0,4%)
TOHA Heavy Industries 3 (0,4%)
Volition Cult 3 (0,4%)
VSP Corp. 3 (0,4%)
16th Interspacial Dynasty 2 (0,3%)
An Eye For An Eye 2 (0,3%)
Brothers In Scarlet 2 (0,3%)
Central Defiance 2 (0,3%)
Darwin With Attitude 2 (0,3%)
Hidden Agenda 2 (0,3%)
Imperial Academy 2 (0,3%)
Incoherent Inc 2 (0,3%)
Kinda'Shujaa 2 (0,3%)
Kingfisher Industries 2 (0,3%)
Lords Of Kaos 2 (0,3%)
MegaTech Enterprises 2 (0,3%)
Ministry of War 2 (0,3%)
MisFunk Inc. 2 (0,3%)
Perkone 2 (0,3%)
Polaris Project 2 (0,3%)
Revelation Space 2 (0,3%)
RONA Midgard Academy 2 (0,3%)
Science and Trade Institute 2 (0,3%)
The Fated 2 (0,3%)
The LoneStar Corp 2 (0,3%)
The Return 2 (0,3%)
The Wild Bunch 2 (0,3%)
Vinyl Roid 2 (0,3%)
Xynomorph Industries 2 (0,3%)
A Quest Millitia 1 (0,1%)
Abyssus Incendia 1 (0,1%)

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