Statistics for thread Hedonistic Imperative: Official Statement |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 69 |
First post | 2007-09-02 20:45:00 |
Last post | 2007-09-04 02:27:00 |
Duration | 2 days (active period), 6368 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 34,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 66 387 |
Longest post | Masu'di (4328 characters, posted 2007-09-02 20:45:00) |
Average post length | 962,1 chars/post |
Unique authors | 42 (avg 1,6 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Masu'di | 7 (10,1%) |
Andor Traxel | 5 (7,2%) |
RogueWing | 3 (4,3%) |
Sivona | 3 (4,3%) |
Owi | 3 (4,3%) |
Imperator Jora'h | 3 (4,3%) |
Kcel Chim | 3 (4,3%) |
Cabre | 2 (2,9%) |
jeffb | 2 (2,9%) |
Kirenna Zhon | 2 (2,9%) |
Omega Man | 2 (2,9%) |
Shar'Tuk TheHated | 2 (2,9%) |
Yosarian | 2 (2,9%) |
Patch86 | 2 (2,9%) |
Kreul Intentions | 1 (1,4%) |
Paniq | 1 (1,4%) |
William DeMeo | 1 (1,4%) |
Vando | 1 (1,4%) |
TigerWoman | 1 (1,4%) |
The Socialworker | 1 (1,4%) |
Stoffer Ninjapirate | 1 (1,4%) |
Shamis Orzoz | 1 (1,4%) |
SATAN | 1 (1,4%) |
Sarchez | 1 (1,4%) |
Ogul | 1 (1,4%) |
Nicholas Barker | 1 (1,4%) |
Local Her0 | 1 (1,4%) |
Kovid | 1 (1,4%) |
Kayleigh Lothian | 1 (1,4%) |
Kagura Nikon | 1 (1,4%) |
jamesw | 1 (1,4%) |
Barbarellas Daughter | 1 (1,4%) |
Avalira | 1 (1,4%) |
Arbius V'Talik | 1 (1,4%) |
ForceM | 1 (1,4%) |
Excesse | 1 (1,4%) |
Eamz | 1 (1,4%) |
Dramaticus | 1 (1,4%) |
DonCare | 1 (1,4%) |
DHB WildCat | 1 (1,4%) |
Danton Marcellus | 1 (1,4%) |
Dagam | 1 (1,4%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 24 (34,8%) |
Hedonistic Imperative | 10 (14,5%) |
Nebula Rasa | 5 (7,2%) |
Mercenary Coalition | 4 (5,8%) |
Band of Brothers | 3 (4,3%) |
GoonSwarm | 3 (4,3%) |
Pandemic Legion | 3 (4,3%) |
The Five | 3 (4,3%) |
Atlas Alliance | 2 (2,9%) |
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate | 2 (2,9%) |
The Church. | 2 (2,9%) |
Confederation of Independent Corporations | 1 (1,4%) |
Cruel Intentions | 1 (1,4%) |
Interstellar Services Department | 1 (1,4%) |
KIA Alliance | 1 (1,4%) |
Ministry Of Amarrian Secret Service | 1 (1,4%) |
Terra Incognita. | 1 (1,4%) |
The OSS | 1 (1,4%) |
The Star Fraction | 1 (1,4%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 12 (17,4%) |
Es and Whizz | 10 (14,5%) |
Nebula Rasa Holdings | 6 (8,7%) |
GoonFleet | 5 (7,2%) |
Body Count Inc. | 4 (5,8%) |
Arcane Technologies | 3 (4,3%) |
Evolution | 3 (4,3%) |
Sniggerdly | 3 (4,3%) |
BURN EDEN | 2 (2,9%) |
Di-Tron Heavy Industries | 2 (2,9%) |
Hand Of The Tahiri | 2 (2,9%) |
Infinitus Odium | 2 (2,9%) |
The Geddy Foundation | 2 (2,9%) |
Endgame. | 1 (1,4%) |
Forum Moderator | 1 (1,4%) |
Guardians of the Dawn | 1 (1,4%) |
Jericho Fraction | 1 (1,4%) |
KIA Corp | 1 (1,4%) |
La Mancha Corp | 1 (1,4%) |
Lonely Barbarella | 1 (1,4%) |
MASS | 1 (1,4%) |
No Trademark | 1 (1,4%) |
Omniscient Order | 1 (1,4%) |
POS Builder Inc. | 1 (1,4%) |
The Socialworkers | 1 (1,4%) |
ZiTek Deepspace Explorations | 1 (1,4%) |
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