Statistics for thread EVE Is dieing |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 96 |
First post | 2007-12-06 09:58:00 |
Last post | 2007-12-06 13:49:00 |
Duration | 0 days (active period), 6284 days (since first post) |
Daily average | |
Typed characters | 83 135 |
Longest post | Andromeda Lee (2948 characters, posted 2007-12-06 10:22:00) |
Average post length | 866,0 chars/post |
Unique authors | 55 (avg 1,7 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
MotherMoon | 11 (11,5%) |
Andromeda Lee | 9 (9,4%) |
Admiral Pelleon | 6 (6,3%) |
SnakeByte86 | 4 (4,2%) |
Rhuyo | 4 (4,2%) |
Erotic Irony | 3 (3,1%) |
Erichk Knaar | 2 (2,1%) |
Andrue | 2 (2,1%) |
isomo gelard | 2 (2,1%) |
Granmethedon III | 2 (2,1%) |
Kharadran Sullath | 2 (2,1%) |
Mica Swanhaven | 2 (2,1%) |
Jeron kahyar | 2 (2,1%) |
NoobMan | 2 (2,1%) |
ry ry | 2 (2,1%) |
Vagablonde | 2 (2,1%) |
The Navigator | 1 (1,0%) |
SoftRevolution | 1 (1,0%) |
Sirial Soulfly | 1 (1,0%) |
Shevar | 1 (1,0%) |
Sendraks | 1 (1,0%) |
Pitt Bull | 1 (1,0%) |
Piotr Anatolev | 1 (1,0%) |
NL Nataku | 1 (1,0%) |
Mr Greetings | 1 (1,0%) |
Morphisat | 1 (1,0%) |
Miharu Murakuma | 1 (1,0%) |
Jaratsri | 1 (1,0%) |
Iyanah | 1 (1,0%) |
me bored | 1 (1,0%) |
Mathias Orsen | 1 (1,0%) |
Malcanis | 1 (1,0%) |
LUH 3471 | 1 (1,0%) |
Lord Pelivar | 1 (1,0%) |
Ki An | 1 (1,0%) |
Kerfira | 1 (1,0%) |
Keorythe | 1 (1,0%) |
Kayna Eelai | 1 (1,0%) |
Joss Sparq | 1 (1,0%) |
Jolliejoe | 1 (1,0%) |
George Petsch | 1 (1,0%) |
F90OEX | 1 (1,0%) |
Alrione | 1 (1,0%) |
Aeaus | 1 (1,0%) |
Crotalus | 1 (1,0%) |
Cronus Hyperion | 1 (1,0%) |
Cpt Branko | 1 (1,0%) |
Cougem | 1 (1,0%) |
Capt Willard | 1 (1,0%) |
Ayumi Fargazer | 1 (1,0%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 54 (56,3%) |
Namtz'aar k'in | 11 (11,5%) |
Burning Horizons | 10 (10,4%) |
SMASH Alliance | 3 (3,1%) |
Digital Renegades | 2 (2,1%) |
Mournival Alliance | 2 (2,1%) |
Veritas Immortalis | 2 (2,1%) |
Agony Empire | 1 (1,0%) |
Band of Brothers | 1 (1,0%) |
Dark Matter Coalition | 1 (1,0%) |
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate | 1 (1,0%) |
Ka-Tet | 1 (1,0%) |
Otaku Invasion | 1 (1,0%) |
Paxton Federation | 1 (1,0%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 1 (1,0%) |
Sev3rance | 1 (1,0%) |
The Church. | 1 (1,0%) |
The Gurlstas Associates | 1 (1,0%) |
Triumvirate. | 1 (1,0%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 40 (41,7%) |
Huang Yinglong | 11 (11,5%) |
White Shadow Imperium | 10 (10,4%) |
0bsession | 3 (3,1%) |
High4Life | 3 (3,1%) |
Digital Fury Corporation | 2 (2,1%) |
Maelstrom Crew | 2 (2,1%) |
Pator Tech School | 2 (2,1%) |
StateCorp | 2 (2,1%) |
A.W.M | 1 (1,0%) |
Agony Unleashed | 1 (1,0%) |
Black Lagoon Inc. | 1 (1,0%) |
Black Nova Corp | 1 (1,0%) |
Caldari Provisions | 1 (1,0%) |
Dark Force Recon | 1 (1,0%) |
Divine Retribution | 1 (1,0%) |
Filiolus Of Bellum | 1 (1,0%) |
Galactic Exploration and Mining Corporation | 1 (1,0%) |
Native Freshfood | 1 (1,0%) |
Rakeriku | 1 (1,0%) |
Shadow Legion Covenant | 1 (1,0%) |
Spartan Industries | 1 (1,0%) |
State War Academy | 1 (1,0%) |
Terra Rosa Militia | 1 (1,0%) |
The Black Rabbits | 1 (1,0%) |
The Bloody Red | 1 (1,0%) |
The Fated | 1 (1,0%) |
Thundercats | 1 (1,0%) |
TOHA Heavy Industries | 1 (1,0%) |
V i r u s | 1 (1,0%) |
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