Statistics for thread MC Standings Reset |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 364 |
First post | 2007-12-15 14:21:00 |
Last post | 2007-12-21 08:28:00 |
Duration | 6 days (active period), 6263 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 60,7 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 199 004 |
Longest post | Narciss Sevar (4218 characters, posted 2007-12-15 16:42:00) |
Average post length | 546,7 chars/post |
Unique authors | 246 (avg 1,5 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
The Mittani | 14 (3,8%) |
Dafuzz | 7 (1,9%) |
Kai Zion | 6 (1,6%) |
Menf | 6 (1,6%) |
OozoO | 6 (1,6%) |
Galgarak | 5 (1,4%) |
George Clinton | 5 (1,4%) |
Ramlir | 5 (1,4%) |
Riddlock | 5 (1,4%) |
Kryztal | 4 (1,1%) |
toto moor | 4 (1,1%) |
Vily | 4 (1,1%) |
WrathOfOprah | 4 (1,1%) |
Dungar Loghoth | 3 (0,8%) |
DoctorGonzo | 3 (0,8%) |
Fred0 | 3 (0,8%) |
Ithur'Iul | 3 (0,8%) |
Jean | 3 (0,8%) |
Poolpy | 3 (0,8%) |
Recluse XXX | 3 (0,8%) |
Scatim Helicon | 3 (0,8%) |
Tarantelita | 3 (0,8%) |
Tearavygh Quillam | 3 (0,8%) |
Waagaa Ktlehr | 3 (0,8%) |
Aleatory | 2 (0,5%) |
Attak | 2 (0,5%) |
Allister Feind | 2 (0,5%) |
Bein Glorious | 2 (0,5%) |
Dianabolic | 2 (0,5%) |
Blue Medusa | 2 (0,5%) |
Elyssa Spacebread | 2 (0,5%) |
Don ZOLA | 2 (0,5%) |
fewl | 2 (0,5%) |
Gontard | 2 (0,5%) |
Hasan Rachid | 2 (0,5%) |
Ivor Gunn | 2 (0,5%) |
Juan Andalusian | 2 (0,5%) |
Laird | 2 (0,5%) |
Lasakywa | 2 (0,5%) |
Leilani Solaris | 2 (0,5%) |
Local Her0 | 2 (0,5%) |
Lowa | 2 (0,5%) |
Lunas Feelgood | 2 (0,5%) |
Map Screen | 2 (0,5%) |
Narciss Sevar | 2 (0,5%) |
Nick Curso | 2 (0,5%) |
Omega Man | 2 (0,5%) |
Orangir | 2 (0,5%) |
Phoenus | 2 (0,5%) |
Proxay | 2 (0,5%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 129 (35,4%) |
GoonSwarm | 65 (17,9%) |
Band of Brothers | 44 (12,1%) |
Mercenary Coalition | 35 (9,6%) |
Triumvirate. | 11 (3,0%) |
Pandemic Legion | 9 (2,5%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 8 (2,2%) |
Against ALL Authorities | 4 (1,1%) |
Enuma Elish. | 4 (1,1%) |
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate | 4 (1,1%) |
Tau Ceti Federation | 4 (1,1%) |
The Church. | 4 (1,1%) |
Firmus Ixion | 3 (0,8%) |
Atlas Alliance | 2 (0,5%) |
Blade. | 2 (0,5%) |
Center for Disease Creation | 2 (0,5%) |
Derek Knows Us | 2 (0,5%) |
FREGE Alliance | 2 (0,5%) |
Power Corrupts Industry's | 2 (0,5%) |
Red Alliance | 2 (0,5%) |
Valainaloce | 2 (0,5%) |
Agony Empire | 1 (0,3%) |
Burning Horizons | 1 (0,3%) |
CORE. | 1 (0,3%) |
Cruel Intentions | 1 (0,3%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
GoonFleet | 56 (15,4%) |
Black Nova Corp | 14 (3,8%) |
Evolution | 14 (3,8%) |
Eternity INC. | 13 (3,6%) |
Destructive Influence | 11 (3,0%) |
- | 9 (2,5%) |
Seraphin Technologies | 8 (2,2%) |
Body Count Inc. | 7 (1,9%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 7 (1,9%) |
The Zion Accounts | 6 (1,6%) |
0.0 Corp | 5 (1,4%) |
Malus Spiritus | 5 (1,4%) |
Mothership Connection Inc. | 5 (1,4%) |
Black Omega Security | 4 (1,1%) |
Eve Corporate Enterprise | 4 (1,1%) |
Reikoku | 4 (1,1%) |
Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams | 4 (1,1%) |
Vidar Fierd | 4 (1,1%) |
Contraband Inc. | 3 (0,8%) |
dev zero | 3 (0,8%) |
Madhatters Inc. | 3 (0,8%) |
North Star Networks | 3 (0,8%) |
Omniscient Order | 3 (0,8%) |
Ragna Rok Corp | 3 (0,8%) |
Section XIII | 3 (0,8%) |
Sniggerdly | 3 (0,8%) |
TAOSP | 3 (0,8%) |
The Collective | 3 (0,8%) |
0utbreak | 2 (0,5%) |
Ace's and Eights | 2 (0,5%) |
Art of War | 2 (0,5%) |
Burning Bush Enterprises | 2 (0,5%) |
Celestial Horizon Corp. | 2 (0,5%) |
Deadly Addiction | 2 (0,5%) |
Domination. | 2 (0,5%) |
E-Truth | 2 (0,5%) |
Fallen Angel's | 2 (0,5%) |
Flat Earth Society | 2 (0,5%) |
Frontier Alliance | 2 (0,5%) |
Funky Monkey Lovers | 2 (0,5%) |
Imperium Technologies | 2 (0,5%) |
Infinitus Odium | 2 (0,5%) |
La Mancha Corp | 2 (0,5%) |
Malevolent Intervention | 2 (0,5%) |
Merch Industrial | 2 (0,5%) |
No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition | 2 (0,5%) |
North Eastern Swat | 2 (0,5%) |
Red Ballz | 2 (0,5%) |
Rionnag Alba | 2 (0,5%) |
S.A.S | 2 (0,5%) |
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