Statistics for thread Anti-missile weaponry. |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 99 |
First post | 2008-05-12 04:08:00 |
Last post | 2008-05-14 22:50:00 |
Duration | 2 days (active period), 6134 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 49,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 74 422 |
Longest post | Misanth (2822 characters, posted 2008-05-14 14:34:00) |
Average post length | 751,7 chars/post |
Unique authors | 69 (avg 1,4 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Kami Nodachi | 7 (7,1%) |
Hanneshannes | 6 (6,1%) |
Tizoca | 4 (4,0%) |
LittleTerror | 3 (3,0%) |
Adonis 4174 | 3 (3,0%) |
Venkul Mul | 3 (3,0%) |
Winterblink | 3 (3,0%) |
Gan'it Hunhau | 2 (2,0%) |
Frug | 2 (2,0%) |
Gypsio III | 2 (2,0%) |
James Lyrus | 2 (2,0%) |
Phant Zon | 2 (2,0%) |
Rhatar Khurin | 2 (2,0%) |
Revnant | 2 (2,0%) |
Shionoya Risa | 2 (2,0%) |
Ryoji Tanakama | 1 (1,0%) |
RuleoftheBone | 1 (1,0%) |
Roy Batty68 | 1 (1,0%) |
Rheddin | 1 (1,0%) |
Ralara | 1 (1,0%) |
Princess Jodi | 1 (1,0%) |
Le Skunk | 1 (1,0%) |
Kerby Roid | 1 (1,0%) |
Jmanis Catharg | 1 (1,0%) |
PaddyPaddy Nihildarnik | 1 (1,0%) |
Orrelious | 1 (1,0%) |
Mr Siman | 1 (1,0%) |
MotherMoon | 1 (1,0%) |
Miss Xerox | 1 (1,0%) |
Misanth | 1 (1,0%) |
Malcanis | 1 (1,0%) |
Jaggeh | 1 (1,0%) |
Hori To | 1 (1,0%) |
Havohej | 1 (1,0%) |
Grendelsbane | 1 (1,0%) |
000Hunter000 | 1 (1,0%) |
Freya Runestone | 1 (1,0%) |
Faife | 1 (1,0%) |
ExcellciuM | 1 (1,0%) |
elorran | 1 (1,0%) |
Ehranavaar | 1 (1,0%) |
Drizit | 1 (1,0%) |
Dirk Magnum | 1 (1,0%) |
Dionisius | 1 (1,0%) |
diabolic clone | 1 (1,0%) |
Crawler | 1 (1,0%) |
Christari Zuborov | 1 (1,0%) |
Brodde Dim | 1 (1,0%) |
BiggestT | 1 (1,0%) |
Benco97 | 1 (1,0%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 74 (74,7%) |
Notoriety Alliance | 2 (2,0%) |
Overclockers Podpilot Services | 2 (2,0%) |
R.E.P.O. | 2 (2,0%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 2 (2,0%) |
Atrocitas | 1 (1,0%) |
Band of Brothers | 1 (1,0%) |
Black Hand. | 1 (1,0%) |
Black-Out | 1 (1,0%) |
Brutally Clever Empire | 1 (1,0%) |
DEFI4NT | 1 (1,0%) |
eXceed. | 1 (1,0%) |
FOUNDATI0N | 1 (1,0%) |
Hydra Alliance | 1 (1,0%) |
Insurgency | 1 (1,0%) |
SMASH Alliance | 1 (1,0%) |
STYX. | 1 (1,0%) |
Tenth Legion | 1 (1,0%) |
Triumvirate. | 1 (1,0%) |
Twilight Trade Cartel | 1 (1,0%) |
Veto Corp | 1 (1,0%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 32 (32,3%) |
Lobstosity | 7 (7,1%) |
Body Count Inc. | 3 (3,0%) |
MAFIA | 3 (3,0%) |
Bambooule | 2 (2,0%) |
Lyrus Associates | 2 (2,0%) |
Repo Industries | 2 (2,0%) |
Sebiestor tribe | 2 (2,0%) |
Sten Industries | 2 (2,0%) |
The Xenodus Initiative. | 2 (2,0%) |
Uninvited Guests | 2 (2,0%) |
Anomaly Collective | 1 (1,0%) |
aurorae pacificas | 1 (1,0%) |
Chiroptera Factor | 1 (1,0%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 1 (1,0%) |
D00M. | 1 (1,0%) |
Daikoku Fleet Shipyards | 1 (1,0%) |
Deep Core Mining Inc. | 1 (1,0%) |
Department of Defence | 1 (1,0%) |
Evolution | 1 (1,0%) |
Exchangable Properties | 1 (1,0%) |
Fun Inc | 1 (1,0%) |
Galactic Defence Consortium | 1 (1,0%) |
GoonFleet | 1 (1,0%) |
Huang Yinglong | 1 (1,0%) |
Immortal Dead | 1 (1,0%) |
Infortunatus Eventus | 1 (1,0%) |
Low Sec Liberators | 1 (1,0%) |
Ministry of Natural Resources | 1 (1,0%) |
Missiles 'R' Us | 1 (1,0%) |
Noctiscion | 1 (1,0%) |
NorCorp Security | 1 (1,0%) |
Ore Mongers | 1 (1,0%) |
Perkone | 1 (1,0%) |
R.E.C.O.N. | 1 (1,0%) |
School of Applied Knowledge | 1 (1,0%) |
Solar Wind | 1 (1,0%) |
Spawn More Overlords | 1 (1,0%) |
Spearhead Endeavors | 1 (1,0%) |
Stickler inc | 1 (1,0%) |
The Circle | 1 (1,0%) |
The Defias Brotherhood | 1 (1,0%) |
The Graduates | 1 (1,0%) |
The New Order. | 1 (1,0%) |
The Umbrella Union Fleet | 1 (1,0%) |
Thundercats | 1 (1,0%) |
Turov's Raiders | 1 (1,0%) |
Under the Wings of Fury | 1 (1,0%) |
Unseen University | 1 (1,0%) |
Vaere Family Mining Ltd | 1 (1,0%) |
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