Statistics for thread
Sticky:New dev blog: U and I - Our Little Improvements Together
General statistics  
Total posts 440
First post 2012-03-07 17:18:00
Last post 2012-06-25 12:23:00
Duration 110 days (active period), 4753 days (since first post)
Daily average 4,0 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 311 369
Longest post Bump Tremor (5198 characters, posted 2012-03-13 00:11:00)
Average post length 707,7 chars/post
Unique authors 204 (avg 2,2 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
CCP karkur 50 (11,4%)
CCP Explorer 35 (8,0%)
Seloena 20 (4,5%)
Syri Taneka 14 (3,2%)
Quade Warren 8 (1,8%)
Bloodpetal 7 (1,6%)
Seleia O'Sinnor 7 (1,6%)
Grey Stormshadow 6 (1,4%)
Jake Dykes 6 (1,4%)
Salpun 6 (1,4%)
Teclador 6 (1,4%)
Zedolf 6 (1,4%)
CCP Punkturis 6 (1,4%)
Nair Alderau 5 (1,1%)
Chokichi Ozuwara 4 (0,9%)
GeeShizzle MacCloud 4 (0,9%)
Korgan Nailo 4 (0,9%)
Kusanagi Kasuga 4 (0,9%)
Liang Nuren 4 (0,9%)
Nova Fox 4 (0,9%)
ORCACommander 4 (0,9%)
PinkKnife 4 (0,9%)
Danny Husk 3 (0,7%)
Creat Posudol 3 (0,7%)
Buzzmong 3 (0,7%)
Kor'el Izia 3 (0,7%)
Magic Crisp 3 (0,7%)
Miliolida 3 (0,7%)
Salpad 3 (0,7%)
Scrapyard Bob 3 (0,7%)
Tenebrae Syrennis 3 (0,7%)
AnzacPaul 2 (0,5%)
Anja Talis 2 (0,5%)
Catho Sharn 2 (0,5%)
Bump Tremor 2 (0,5%)
ChaseTheLasers 2 (0,5%)
Donaldo Duck 2 (0,5%)
Abdiel Kavash 2 (0,5%)
Darthewok 2 (0,5%)
Gilbaron 2 (0,5%)
Helothane 2 (0,5%)
Indeterminacy 2 (0,5%)
Iria Ahrens 2 (0,5%)
John McCreedy 2 (0,5%)
Kata Amentis 2 (0,5%)
Kurai Okala 2 (0,5%)
Lexmana 2 (0,5%)
Mara Rinn 2 (0,5%)
Palovana 2 (0,5%)
Pierced Brosmen 2 (0,5%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 150 (34,1%)
C C P Alliance 95 (21,6%)
Gallente Federation 15 (3,4%)
Broken Chains Alliance 14 (3,2%)
Ivy League 13 (3,0%)
Caldari State 9 (2,0%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 9 (2,0%)
Amarr Empire 8 (1,8%)
Cosmic Consortium 8 (1,8%)
Rising Phoenix Alliance 8 (1,8%)
Confederation of xXPIZZAXx 6 (1,4%)
Tactical Invader Syndicate 6 (1,4%)
Fatal Ascension 5 (1,1%)
Enclave. 4 (0,9%)
Goonswarm Federation 4 (0,9%)
Minmatar Republic 4 (0,9%)
Ev0ke 3 (0,7%)
Northern Coalition. 3 (0,7%)
Silent Infinity 3 (0,7%)
Aurora Irae 2 (0,5%)
Comic Mischief 2 (0,5%)
Drunk 'n' Disorderly 2 (0,5%)
Fidelas Constans 2 (0,5%)
Gentlemen's Agreement 2 (0,5%)
Hansa Teutonica 2 (0,5%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
C C P 95 (21,6%)
Mighty Orca Inc 20 (4,5%)
- 15 (3,4%)
Dopehead Industries 14 (3,2%)
EVE University 13 (3,0%)
Mimidae Risk Solutions 9 (2,0%)
Urban Mining Corp 8 (1,8%)
Drop of Honey 7 (1,6%)
Cosmic Goo Convertor 6 (1,4%)
draketrain 6 (1,4%)
Paramount Commerce 6 (1,4%)
Stardust Heavy Industries 6 (1,4%)
The Dark Space Initiative 6 (1,4%)
The Scope 6 (1,4%)
Ferocious Felines 5 (1,1%)
Science and Trade Institute 5 (1,1%)
5ER3NITY INC 4 (0,9%)
Astral Synthetics 4 (0,9%)
Imperial Academy 4 (0,9%)
Lucky Dragon Convenience 4 (0,9%)
Novafox Shipyards 4 (0,9%)
Parsec Flux 4 (0,9%)
PonyWaffe 4 (0,9%)
Aliastra 3 (0,7%)
Amarrian Micro Devices 3 (0,7%)
Carebears with Attitude 3 (0,7%)
Center for Advanced Studies 3 (0,7%)
Clan Shadow Wolf 3 (0,7%)
Destined for Greatness Inc. 3 (0,7%)
GoonWaffe 3 (0,7%)
Hedion University 3 (0,7%)
Ascendent. 2 (0,5%)
BIG 2 (0,5%)
Cosmic Industrial Complex 2 (0,5%)
Don't Die Interstellar Enterprises 2 (0,5%)
Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium 2 (0,5%)
Eve Defence Force 2 (0,5%)
Federal Navy Academy 2 (0,5%)
Free-Space-Ranger 2 (0,5%)
Holy Arena 2 (0,5%)
Imperial Stout 2 (0,5%)
Inner Fire Inc. 2 (0,5%)
Interstellar Solutions Agency 2 (0,5%)
Invictus Australis 2 (0,5%)
Nomad Inc. 2 (0,5%)
Okala Corp 2 (0,5%)
Paladin Order 2 (0,5%)
Perkone 2 (0,5%)
Priory Of The Lemon 2 (0,5%)
Probe Patrol 2 (0,5%)

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