Statistics for thread Statement of Support for Jamyl Sarum |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 81 |
First post | 2008-06-10 19:48:00 |
Last post | 2008-06-13 04:13:00 |
Duration | 3 days (active period), 6093 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 27,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 63 859 |
Longest post | Jove X (3348 characters, posted 2008-06-11 23:21:00) |
Average post length | 788,4 chars/post |
Unique authors | 41 (avg 2,0 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Xenea | 6 (7,4%) |
Jove X | 6 (7,4%) |
Lowanaera | 5 (6,2%) |
Andreus Ixiris | 5 (6,2%) |
Shira d'Radonis | 4 (4,9%) |
Tomahawk Bliss | 4 (4,9%) |
Yoshito Sanders | 3 (3,7%) |
Sepherim | 3 (3,7%) |
Hardin | 3 (3,7%) |
Eventy One | 3 (3,7%) |
Dyntheos | 3 (3,7%) |
Archbishop | 2 (2,5%) |
Drakonus Laerdon | 2 (2,5%) |
Istvaan Shogaatsu | 2 (2,5%) |
Ryem Sadar | 2 (2,5%) |
Spoon Thumb | 2 (2,5%) |
Silas Vitalia | 2 (2,5%) |
Yokan Daifuku | 1 (1,2%) |
Victor Vision | 1 (1,2%) |
Tharrn | 1 (1,2%) |
Tar Kovsky | 1 (1,2%) |
Tablaren | 1 (1,2%) |
Senghir | 1 (1,2%) |
Ru Zaldys | 1 (1,2%) |
Rodj Blake | 1 (1,2%) |
Reash | 1 (1,2%) |
Ravin Abai | 1 (1,2%) |
Lerem Mislin | 1 (1,2%) |
Lady Serpentine | 1 (1,2%) |
Kirala Hcsirf | 1 (1,2%) |
Khan Rodak | 1 (1,2%) |
Karanth | 1 (1,2%) |
illapa | 1 (1,2%) |
Ikar Kaltin | 1 (1,2%) |
Gared Lameti | 1 (1,2%) |
Gaius Kador | 1 (1,2%) |
Amira Silvermist | 1 (1,2%) |
Bastables | 1 (1,2%) |
Azure Skyclad | 1 (1,2%) |
Astarte Nosferatu | 1 (1,2%) |
Arderich | 1 (1,2%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 45 (55,6%) |
Curatores Veritatis Alliance | 12 (14,8%) |
Aegis Militia | 6 (7,4%) |
Magna Ordo | 3 (3,7%) |
Phoenix Rising Alliance | 3 (3,7%) |
The Fourth District | 3 (3,7%) |
The Black Horizon | 2 (2,5%) |
A.R.K. | 1 (1,2%) |
FOUNDATI0N | 1 (1,2%) |
Kingdom of Redemption | 1 (1,2%) |
The ENTITY. | 1 (1,2%) |
The Star Fraction | 1 (1,2%) |
Ushra'Khan | 1 (1,2%) |
Vigilia Valeria | 1 (1,2%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 18 (22,2%) |
PIE Inc. | 7 (8,6%) |
The Aegis Militia | 6 (7,4%) |
Celestial Janissaries | 5 (6,2%) |
Mixed Metaphor | 5 (6,2%) |
The Amarr Mission | 4 (4,9%) |
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve | 3 (3,7%) |
Magellan Exploration and Survey | 3 (3,7%) |
Ordo Quaesitoris | 3 (3,7%) |
The Legion of Spoon | 3 (3,7%) |
Guiding Hand Social Club | 2 (2,5%) |
Khanid Provincial Vanguard | 2 (2,5%) |
Paladin Imperium | 2 (2,5%) |
TBH Holdings | 2 (2,5%) |
Auctoritan Syndicate | 1 (1,2%) |
Bruderschaft des Wahrhaftigen | 1 (1,2%) |
Canes Pugnaces | 1 (1,2%) |
Central Intelligence Service | 1 (1,2%) |
Cruoris Seraphim | 1 (1,2%) |
Deep Space Security | 1 (1,2%) |
Eve's Brothers of Destiny | 1 (1,2%) |
Imperial Dreams | 1 (1,2%) |
Jericho Fraction | 1 (1,2%) |
Kingdom of Kador | 1 (1,2%) |
Manu Dei | 1 (1,2%) |
Mithril Lances | 1 (1,2%) |
Sarz'na Khumatari | 1 (1,2%) |
Serpentine Procuration | 1 (1,2%) |
Tardigen Family | 1 (1,2%) |
Vigilia Valeria Expeditionary Forces | 1 (1,2%) |
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