Statistics for thread
Thelung takes DICE for 200b
General statistics  
Total posts 439
First post 2008-10-16 21:40:00
Last post 2008-10-30 21:05:00
Duration 14 days (active period), 5989 days (since first post)
Daily average 31,4 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 255 006
Longest post LadyScarlet (2669 characters, posted 2008-10-17 14:29:00)
Average post length 580,9 chars/post
Unique authors 249 (avg 1,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Tholarim 11 (2,5%)
Goose Hypocrisy 10 (2,3%)
Zenst 9 (2,1%)
thelung187 8 (1,8%)
Viper ShizzIe 8 (1,8%)
Hey You 7 (1,6%)
Admiral Frools 6 (1,4%)
LadyScarlet 6 (1,4%)
Popperr 6 (1,4%)
Rejected Enlightenment 6 (1,4%)
Shadoo 6 (1,4%)
thoth foc 6 (1,4%)
Dark Angelete 5 (1,1%)
EdFromHumanResources 5 (1,1%)
Metal Dude 5 (1,1%)
Nick Curso 5 (1,1%)
Orange Species 5 (1,1%)
bitters much 4 (0,9%)
Ganymede21 4 (0,9%)
Ghost Reaper 4 (0,9%)
Kaeten 4 (0,9%)
Kalissa 4 (0,9%)
Tyrrax Thorrk 4 (0,9%)
DeckardIRL 3 (0,7%)
Johnny Johnny 3 (0,7%)
Kanicume Enyorwif 3 (0,7%)
Lady Lard 3 (0,7%)
Mongo Loid 3 (0,7%)
Namelesz 3 (0,7%)
Oregon sinful 3 (0,7%)
Plim 3 (0,7%)
Poizonous Lizard 3 (0,7%)
Scatim Helicon 3 (0,7%)
Sextus Licinius 3 (0,7%)
Tsu LaKi 3 (0,7%)
Twoside 3 (0,7%)
Volarius 3 (0,7%)
Adm Tecumseh 2 (0,5%)
Amelie Mannerheim 2 (0,5%)
AliusExAlio 2 (0,5%)
ArmyOfMe 2 (0,5%)
Brmble 2 (0,5%)
Cassiuss 2 (0,5%)
Cmndr Griff 2 (0,5%)
Dangerously Cheesey 2 (0,5%)
Defkaleion 2 (0,5%)
Don ZOLA 2 (0,5%)
elohllird 2 (0,5%)
Firkragg 2 (0,5%)
Fred0 2 (0,5%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 148 (33,7%)
Band of Brothers 108 (24,6%)
Pandemic Legion 57 (13,0%)
GoonSwarm 45 (10,3%)
Triumvirate. 17 (3,9%)
RAZOR Alliance 12 (2,7%)
Tau Ceti Federation 6 (1,4%)
Against ALL Authorities 5 (1,1%)
T e r c i o s 5 (1,1%)
Morsus Mihi 4 (0,9%)
Atlas Alliance 3 (0,7%)
Executive Outcomes 3 (0,7%)
Arcane Alliance 2 (0,5%)
Carbide and Diamonds Alliance 2 (0,5%)
Integrity Respect Selflessness 2 (0,5%)
Tech Holdings Limited 2 (0,5%)
Agony Empire 1 (0,2%)
Burning Horizons 1 (0,2%)
Frontal Impact 1 (0,2%)
G00DFELLAS 1 (0,2%)
KIA Alliance 1 (0,2%)
Majesta Empire 1 (0,2%)
Mostly Harmless 1 (0,2%)
Obsidian Empire 1 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Destructive Influence 70 (15,9%)
GoonFleet 39 (8,9%)
The Illuminati. 30 (6,8%)
- 23 (5,2%)
Evolution 23 (5,2%)
Omniscient Order 12 (2,7%)
North Eastern Swat 11 (2,5%)
Black Nova Corp 9 (2,1%)
D00M. 9 (2,1%)
coracao ardente 7 (1,6%)
Developmental Neogenics Amalgamated 7 (1,6%)
Habitual Euthanasia 6 (1,4%)
Cutting Edge Incorporated 5 (1,1%)
Dark Angel Battalion 5 (1,1%)
Princeps Corp 5 (1,1%)
Thundercats 5 (1,1%)
Celestial Apocalypse 4 (0,9%)
Game-Over 4 (0,9%)
Hybrid Syndicate 4 (0,9%)
Nekkid Inc. 4 (0,9%)
Black Eclipse Corp 3 (0,7%)
Cherrypoppinpodders 3 (0,7%)
Dark Knights of Deneb 3 (0,7%)
Federal Defence Union 3 (0,7%)
FinFleet 3 (0,7%)
Oursulaert Technology Institute 3 (0,7%)
Section XIII 3 (0,7%)
Viscosity 3 (0,7%)
2nd Blood Raven Assault Squad 2 (0,5%)
Aliastra 2 (0,5%)
Ars ex Discordia 2 (0,5%)
BINFORD 2 (0,5%)
Blood Music 2 (0,5%)
Blue Labs 2 (0,5%)
Bodgit and Scarper Industrial 2 (0,5%)
Body Count Inc. 2 (0,5%)
Caldari Provisions 2 (0,5%)
COLSUP 2 (0,5%)
eXceed Inc. 2 (0,5%)
Hard Corp 2 (0,5%)
Heretic Militia 2 (0,5%)
Invicta. 2 (0,5%)
Iron-Pulse Inc. 2 (0,5%)
Jealhimet Elite Army 2 (0,5%)
MAIDS 2 (0,5%)
Masters of Mayhem 2 (0,5%)
Mushin Market 2 (0,5%)
Omega Fleet Enterprises 2 (0,5%)
Opinicus Operations 2 (0,5%)
Rage of Inferno 2 (0,5%)

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