Statistics for thread
Local chat changes=game ending.
General statistics  
Total posts 351
First post 2008-10-24 19:52:00
Last post 2008-11-05 13:10:00
Duration 12 days (active period), 5983 days (since first post)
Daily average 29,3 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 353 773
Longest post Christari Zuborov (5542 characters, posted 2008-11-01 06:59:00)
Average post length 1 007,9 chars/post
Unique authors 202 (avg 1,7 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Lyria Skydancer 12 (3,4%)
Razin 10 (2,8%)
Karina Bellac 8 (2,3%)
Cpt Branko 7 (2,0%)
DeadDuck 6 (1,7%)
Malachon Draco 6 (1,7%)
Moostang 6 (1,7%)
CCP Casqade 6 (1,7%)
Bellum Eternus 5 (1,4%)
Murina 5 (1,4%)
Beowulf Scheafer 4 (1,1%)
Ashley Thomas 4 (1,1%)
Borgholio 4 (1,1%)
Crellion 4 (1,1%)
Crackzilla 4 (1,1%)
Evan Batarr 4 (1,1%)
Kagura Nikon 4 (1,1%)
Kerfira 4 (1,1%)
Lord Fitz 4 (1,1%)
MotherMoon 4 (1,1%)
Poast Warrior 4 (1,1%)
Scatim Helicon 4 (1,1%)
Shard Merchant 4 (1,1%)
Christari Zuborov 3 (0,9%)
Corp Quas 3 (0,9%)
Jarne 3 (0,9%)
K'Ji 3 (0,9%)
Lili Lu 3 (0,9%)
Mag's 3 (0,9%)
M'etal 3 (0,9%)
Morris Falter 3 (0,9%)
Rexthor Hammerfists 3 (0,9%)
Seishomaru 3 (0,9%)
Shadowsword 3 (0,9%)
Terra Mikael 3 (0,9%)
Vengal Seyhan 3 (0,9%)
Vim 3 (0,9%)
Adm Tecumseh 2 (0,6%)
Elder Langley 2 (0,6%)
Felix Dzerzhinsky 2 (0,6%)
Grim Vandal 2 (0,6%)
Jack Gilligan 2 (0,6%)
James Lyrus 2 (0,6%)
Jason Rockefeller 2 (0,6%)
Kayosoni 2 (0,6%)
Keitaro Baka 2 (0,6%)
Lysander Kaldenn 2 (0,6%)
Megan Maynard 2 (0,6%)
Miriyaka 2 (0,6%)
Nathaniel Hull 2 (0,6%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 223 (63,5%)
GoonSwarm 21 (6,0%)
Legion of xXDEATHXx 10 (2,8%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 9 (2,6%)
Triumvirate. 8 (2,3%)
RAZOR Alliance 7 (2,0%)
Against ALL Authorities 5 (1,4%)
Band of Brothers 4 (1,1%)
Exalted. 4 (1,1%)
G00DFELLAS 4 (1,1%)
KIA Alliance 4 (1,1%)
Nex Eternus 4 (1,1%)
Pandemic Legion 4 (1,1%)
Tau Ceti Federation 4 (1,1%)
Black Hand. 3 (0,9%)
Morsus Mihi 3 (0,9%)
Mostly Harmless 3 (0,9%)
Sons of Tangra 3 (0,9%)
Vanguard. 3 (0,9%)
Atlas Alliance 2 (0,6%)
Axiom Empire 2 (0,6%)
Babylon Project 2 (0,6%)
Executive Outcomes 2 (0,6%)
Pirate Coalition 2 (0,6%)
The Church. 2 (0,6%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 93 (26,5%)
Developmental Neogenics Amalgamated 12 (3,4%)
GoonFleet 10 (2,8%)
The xDEATHx Squadron 10 (2,8%)
DarkStar 1 9 (2,6%)
Amarr Border Defense Consortium 7 (2,0%)
eXceed Inc. 7 (2,0%)
Surge. 7 (2,0%)
The Scope 6 (1,7%)
Death of Virtue 5 (1,4%)
Quantum Industries 5 (1,4%)
Art of War 4 (1,1%)
Destructive Influence 4 (1,1%)
Huang Yinglong 4 (1,1%)
Imperial Academy 4 (1,1%)
Infinity Enterprises 4 (1,1%)
Kiith Paktu 4 (1,1%)
MASS 4 (1,1%)
Project Amargosa 4 (1,1%)
The Shadow Order 4 (1,1%)
Center for Advanced Studies 3 (0,9%)
COLSUP 3 (0,9%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 3 (0,9%)
Increasing Success by Lowering Expectations 3 (0,9%)
North Eastern Swat 3 (0,9%)
Ore Mongers 3 (0,9%)
Private Nuisance 3 (0,9%)
Purveyors of Uber Research Valuables and Ships 3 (0,9%)
Rage of Inferno 3 (0,9%)
Spook Division 3 (0,9%)
Sten Industries 3 (0,9%)
The Collective 3 (0,9%)
THE MuPPeT FaCTOrY 3 (0,9%)
808 Enterprises 2 (0,6%)
Babylon Scientific and Industrial Enterprises 2 (0,6%)
Bottomfeeders Science and Research 2 (0,6%)
D00M. 2 (0,6%)
Hoist The Colors. 2 (0,6%)
Lyrus Associates 2 (0,6%)
Merch Industrial 2 (0,6%)
Mortis Angelus 2 (0,6%)
Out of Order 2 (0,6%)
Priory Of The Lemon 2 (0,6%)
Shadow Company 2 (0,6%)
Tribal Liberation Force 2 (0,6%)
Viper Intel Squad 2 (0,6%)
Wreckless Abandon 2 (0,6%)
32nd Amarrian Imperial Navy Regiment. 1 (0,3%)
4S Corporation 1 (0,3%)
A.W.M 1 (0,3%)

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