Statistics for thread Battlereport 1ix- |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 223 |
First post | 2008-11-21 19:05:00 |
Last post | 2008-12-03 07:02:00 |
Duration | 12 days (active period), 5947 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 18,6 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 157 184 |
Longest post | Sokata (5039 characters, posted 2008-11-23 22:02:00) |
Average post length | 704,9 chars/post |
Unique authors | 114 (avg 2,0 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Endeva | 19 (8,5%) |
Kurt Ambrose | 11 (4,9%) |
Djuma Nihilist | 7 (3,1%) |
Sacul | 6 (2,7%) |
Diehard Si | 5 (2,2%) |
Gumpy Nighthawk | 5 (2,2%) |
Kusotarre | 5 (2,2%) |
Privavarian | 5 (2,2%) |
Halada | 4 (1,8%) |
Mia Archer | 4 (1,8%) |
Sokata | 4 (1,8%) |
Spyra Gryra | 4 (1,8%) |
Vladic Ka | 4 (1,8%) |
Ivan Rakijas | 3 (1,3%) |
Helen | 3 (1,3%) |
Fred0 | 3 (1,3%) |
Aideware Batha | 3 (1,3%) |
Deva Blackfire | 3 (1,3%) |
Tomcat | 3 (1,3%) |
Tudum Zagorac | 3 (1,3%) |
Tyremis | 3 (1,3%) |
B1GHurley | 2 (0,9%) |
Centauris | 2 (0,9%) |
DHB WildCat | 2 (0,9%) |
Ekram Riz | 2 (0,9%) |
fukier | 2 (0,9%) |
Drug Kit0 | 2 (0,9%) |
Han Lector | 2 (0,9%) |
Holy Lowlander | 2 (0,9%) |
Jian Gi | 2 (0,9%) |
Kai page | 2 (0,9%) |
Lee ChanKa | 2 (0,9%) |
Mang0o | 2 (0,9%) |
Mira O'karr | 2 (0,9%) |
Nathal Kryos | 2 (0,9%) |
Rejected Enlightenment | 2 (0,9%) |
Sasha Lyre | 2 (0,9%) |
Straife | 2 (0,9%) |
Technix | 2 (0,9%) |
The Mittani | 2 (0,9%) |
TroNaaR | 2 (0,9%) |
Twoside | 2 (0,9%) |
Veinnail | 2 (0,9%) |
YChin Mei | 2 (0,9%) |
Kanicume Enyorwif | 1 (0,4%) |
kaahooters | 1 (0,4%) |
Jonathan Mcarthur | 1 (0,4%) |
Jogvan | 1 (0,4%) |
Jallem Sims | 1 (0,4%) |
GoodNDead | 1 (0,4%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
G00DFELLAS | 102 (45,7%) |
- | 41 (18,4%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 23 (10,3%) |
Triumvirate. | 15 (6,7%) |
Pandemic Legion | 8 (3,6%) |
Wildly Inappropriate. | 8 (3,6%) |
United For 0rder | 5 (2,2%) |
Band of Brothers | 4 (1,8%) |
Atlas Alliance | 2 (0,9%) |
GoonSwarm | 2 (0,9%) |
Against ALL Authorities | 1 (0,4%) |
Axiom Empire | 1 (0,4%) |
Combined Planetary Union | 1 (0,4%) |
Eradication Alliance | 1 (0,4%) |
Executive Outcomes | 1 (0,4%) |
Heretic Nation | 1 (0,4%) |
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate | 1 (0,4%) |
KIA Alliance | 1 (0,4%) |
Libertas Fidelitas | 1 (0,4%) |
Mostly Harmless | 1 (0,4%) |
Resurgency | 1 (0,4%) |
Sex Drugs And Rock'N'Roll | 1 (0,4%) |
Un-Natural Selection | 1 (0,4%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Most Wanted INC | 41 (18,4%) |
Wreckless Abandon | 22 (9,9%) |
Digital assassins | 15 (6,7%) |
coracao ardente | 10 (4,5%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 9 (4,0%) |
Demonic Corp | 9 (4,0%) |
- | 7 (3,1%) |
Lone Star Joint Venture | 7 (3,1%) |
D00M. | 6 (2,7%) |
Black Fury | 5 (2,2%) |
Octavian Vanguard | 5 (2,2%) |
Sniggerdly | 5 (2,2%) |
Comply Or Die | 4 (1,8%) |
Cruoris Seraphim | 4 (1,8%) |
DAB | 4 (1,8%) |
Insidious Existence | 4 (1,8%) |
Thundercats | 4 (1,8%) |
Blood Music | 2 (0,9%) |
BURN EDEN | 2 (0,9%) |
Destructive Influence | 2 (0,9%) |
Di-Tron Heavy Industries | 2 (0,9%) |
eXceed Inc. | 2 (0,9%) |
GoonFleet | 2 (0,9%) |
Habitual Euthanasia | 2 (0,9%) |
North Eastern Swat | 2 (0,9%) |
Quantum Industries | 2 (0,9%) |
R.U.S.T. | 2 (0,9%) |
Solstice Systems Development Concourse | 2 (0,9%) |
The All-Seeing Eye | 2 (0,9%) |
The Movement | 2 (0,9%) |
The Unpodable Supermen | 2 (0,9%) |
Wyland-Yutani Corporation | 2 (0,9%) |
Amarr Sisterhood of Galactic Sirens | 1 (0,4%) |
BINFORD | 1 (0,4%) |
Black Eclipse Corp | 1 (0,4%) |
Black Nova Corp | 1 (0,4%) |
Blind Industries | 1 (0,4%) |
Blue Sky torpedoes | 1 (0,4%) |
Buttered On The Wrong Side | 1 (0,4%) |
Celestial Apocalypse | 1 (0,4%) |
Cherrypoppinpodders | 1 (0,4%) |
CRICE Corporation | 1 (0,4%) |
Dark Knights of Deneb | 1 (0,4%) |
Demonic Retribution | 1 (0,4%) |
Dissonance Corp | 1 (0,4%) |
Draconic Industries | 1 (0,4%) |
Epiphyte Mining and Exploration | 1 (0,4%) |
Guristari Freedom Fighters | 1 (0,4%) |
Heretic Army | 1 (0,4%) |
Hikage Corporation | 1 (0,4%) |
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