Statistics for thread Garmons back |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 106 |
First post | 2008-12-27 23:23:00 |
Last post | 2009-01-01 20:23:00 |
Duration | 5 days (active period), 5902 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 21,2 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 54 316 |
Longest post | Concorduck (3265 characters, posted 2009-01-01 20:16:00) |
Average post length | 512,4 chars/post |
Unique authors | 61 (avg 1,7 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Count MonteCarlo | 15 (14,2%) |
Concorduck | 12 (11,3%) |
Shigsy | 5 (4,7%) |
Xailz | 5 (4,7%) |
Bai ZongTong | 3 (2,8%) |
CHED | 2 (1,9%) |
Indignant Assault | 2 (1,9%) |
ebonyivory | 2 (1,9%) |
Dun Bynar | 2 (1,9%) |
Kery Nysell | 2 (1,9%) |
Darkstar Deceiver | 2 (1,9%) |
leboe | 2 (1,9%) |
Kirra Liu | 2 (1,9%) |
SunGod RA | 2 (1,9%) |
Zeod | 2 (1,9%) |
Sniper Wolf18 | 1 (0,9%) |
Sister Libertina | 1 (0,9%) |
Kirex | 1 (0,9%) |
Lauren Sheaperd | 1 (0,9%) |
kworld | 1 (0,9%) |
konjev | 1 (0,9%) |
Setana Manoro | 1 (0,9%) |
Raul Watanabe | 1 (0,9%) |
pushdogg | 1 (0,9%) |
Planks | 1 (0,9%) |
Pax Scindus | 1 (0,9%) |
Orogaldeo | 1 (0,9%) |
NoMoreLies | 1 (0,9%) |
Neurotica Zeshi | 1 (0,9%) |
My'kel An'jelo | 1 (0,9%) |
Miss Uylear | 1 (0,9%) |
Miss Naug'ler | 1 (0,9%) |
mikeh24 | 1 (0,9%) |
Karentaki | 1 (0,9%) |
Julia Heart | 1 (0,9%) |
Jazhara Gold | 1 (0,9%) |
de4deye | 1 (0,9%) |
Davey Chase | 1 (0,9%) |
Darth Syphils | 1 (0,9%) |
Harrigan VonStudly | 1 (0,9%) |
Gonada | 1 (0,9%) |
Frisky God | 1 (0,9%) |
eve warrior | 1 (0,9%) |
Euriti | 1 (0,9%) |
Eudamidas | 1 (0,9%) |
Ehranavaar | 1 (0,9%) |
Captain Pompous | 1 (0,9%) |
Buhhdust Princess | 1 (0,9%) |
Bob Smithman | 1 (0,9%) |
Awesome Marie | 1 (0,9%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 76 (71,7%) |
Ignition. | 5 (4,7%) |
Nex Eternus | 5 (4,7%) |
Molotov Coalition | 3 (2,8%) |
Atlas Alliance | 2 (1,9%) |
Red Box. | 2 (1,9%) |
Sylph Alliance | 2 (1,9%) |
Arcane Alliance | 1 (0,9%) |
B.L.A.C.K. | 1 (0,9%) |
Band of Renegades | 1 (0,9%) |
Cry Havoc. | 1 (0,9%) |
Frontal Impact | 1 (0,9%) |
IDLE EMPIRE | 1 (0,9%) |
Intrepid Crossing | 1 (0,9%) |
Liberty. | 1 (0,9%) |
Pandemic Legion | 1 (0,9%) |
Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service | 1 (0,9%) |
Veritas Immortalis | 1 (0,9%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 31 (29,2%) |
Genos Occidere | 17 (16,0%) |
Godless Horizon. | 5 (4,7%) |
Independent Traders | 5 (4,7%) |
The Order of Chivalry | 5 (4,7%) |
Dark Star Cartel | 2 (1,9%) |
Gemini Industries Inc | 2 (1,9%) |
Nysell Incorporated | 2 (1,9%) |
Sanctus Nex Paciscor | 2 (1,9%) |
THE FINAL STAND | 2 (1,9%) |
Apeshit Assassins | 1 (0,9%) |
Apocalypse Ponies | 1 (0,9%) |
Blood Money Bootcamp | 1 (0,9%) |
Caldari Deep Space Ventures | 1 (0,9%) |
Canadian Imperial Armaments | 1 (0,9%) |
Cold Blooded Killers | 1 (0,9%) |
Core Research Estabishment | 1 (0,9%) |
Crepitus Ventris | 1 (0,9%) |
Eve Liberation Force | 1 (0,9%) |
Extreme Solutions | 1 (0,9%) |
Fighting While Intoxicated | 1 (0,9%) |
Filthy Scum | 1 (0,9%) |
Firefly Inc. | 1 (0,9%) |
IDLE GUNS | 1 (0,9%) |
Imperial Academy | 1 (0,9%) |
Maximum Yarrage | 1 (0,9%) |
Mob Thought | 1 (0,9%) |
modro | 1 (0,9%) |
Noshikkan | 1 (0,9%) |
NQX Innovations | 1 (0,9%) |
Priory Of The Lemon | 1 (0,9%) |
Project Nemesis | 1 (0,9%) |
Ray of Matar Assembly | 1 (0,9%) |
Sniggerdly | 1 (0,9%) |
State War Academy | 1 (0,9%) |
Suddenly Ninjas | 1 (0,9%) |
Synthetic Frontiers | 1 (0,9%) |
Task Force Zener | 1 (0,9%) |
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre | 1 (0,9%) |
Unjustified Ancients of MuMu | 1 (0,9%) |
Vale Heavy Industries | 1 (0,9%) |
Vermin. | 1 (0,9%) |
Worst Case Scenario. | 1 (0,9%) |
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