Statistics for thread Drake rebalance |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 120 |
First post | 2012-04-16 11:14:00 |
Last post | 2012-06-26 13:28:00 |
Duration | 71 days (active period), 4696 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 1,7 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 133 583 |
Longest post | Lili Lu (6221 characters, posted 2012-06-07 16:06:00) |
Average post length | 1 113,2 chars/post |
Unique authors | 51 (avg 2,4 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Ribikoka | 15 (12,5%) |
Lili Lu | 14 (11,7%) |
Pinky Denmark | 10 (8,3%) |
Mike Whiite | 7 (5,8%) |
PinkKnife | 7 (5,8%) |
DeadDuck | 4 (3,3%) |
El Geo | 4 (3,3%) |
TravelBuoy | 4 (3,3%) |
Mira Lynne | 3 (2,5%) |
Jerick Ludhowe | 3 (2,5%) |
James Amril-Kesh | 3 (2,5%) |
Bouh Revetoile | 3 (2,5%) |
Duchess Starbuckington | 2 (1,7%) |
Mara Rinn | 2 (1,7%) |
Sinigr Shadowsong | 2 (1,7%) |
Untouchable Heart | 2 (1,7%) |
CCP Greyscale | 1 (0,8%) |
Zagdul | 1 (0,8%) |
Vladimir Norkoff | 1 (0,8%) |
TomyLobo | 1 (0,8%) |
Tobiaz | 1 (0,8%) |
TheButcherPete | 1 (0,8%) |
sYnc Vir | 1 (0,8%) |
Selaya Ataru | 1 (0,8%) |
Sarmatiko | 1 (0,8%) |
Ryuichi Hiroki | 1 (0,8%) |
Ruareve | 1 (0,8%) |
Recoil IV | 1 (0,8%) |
RavenTesio | 1 (0,8%) |
Ranger 1 | 1 (0,8%) |
Necro Merc | 1 (0,8%) |
MasterChief Justice | 1 (0,8%) |
Lyrrashae | 1 (0,8%) |
Lloyd Roses | 1 (0,8%) |
Livie Revetoile | 1 (0,8%) |
Levy Break | 1 (0,8%) |
Lapine Davion | 1 (0,8%) |
jonny330 | 1 (0,8%) |
Izuru Hishido | 1 (0,8%) |
itzic | 1 (0,8%) |
ITTigerClawIK | 1 (0,8%) |
I'm Down | 1 (0,8%) |
Hungry Eyes | 1 (0,8%) |
Hun Jakuza | 1 (0,8%) |
Galphii | 1 (0,8%) |
filingo rapongo | 1 (0,8%) |
Drew Solaert | 1 (0,8%) |
Daneel Trevize | 1 (0,8%) |
Arthello | 1 (0,8%) |
Alsyth | 1 (0,8%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 34 (28,3%) |
Amarr Empire | 23 (19,2%) |
Gallente Federation | 10 (8,3%) |
Tactical Narcotics Team | 10 (8,3%) |
Caldari State | 6 (5,0%) |
Tribal Dragons | 4 (3,3%) |
Ares Protectiva | 3 (2,5%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 3 (2,5%) |
Against ALL Authorities | 2 (1,7%) |
Band 0f Brothers | 2 (1,7%) |
Cosmic Consortium | 2 (1,7%) |
Fatal Ascension | 2 (1,7%) |
RvB - RED Federation | 2 (1,7%) |
Apocalyptic Legion. | 1 (0,8%) |
C C P Alliance | 1 (0,8%) |
Caldari State Capturing | 1 (0,8%) |
Elysian Empire | 1 (0,8%) |
En Garde | 1 (0,8%) |
FEARLESS. | 1 (0,8%) |
Ivy League | 1 (0,8%) |
Lost Obsession | 1 (0,8%) |
Northern Coalition. | 1 (0,8%) |
Reckless Ambition | 1 (0,8%) |
RED.OverLord | 1 (0,8%) |
Test Alliance Please Ignore | 1 (0,8%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 15 (12,5%) |
Royal Amarr Institute | 15 (12,5%) |
The Cursed Navy | 10 (8,3%) |
The Scope | 8 (6,7%) |
Keystone Industrial | 6 (5,0%) |
Imperial Academy | 4 (3,3%) |
Pathfinders. | 4 (3,3%) |
4S Corporation | 3 (2,5%) |
State War Academy | 3 (2,5%) |
The Rough Riders | 3 (2,5%) |
Viziam | 3 (2,5%) |
Wraiths of Abaddon | 3 (2,5%) |
Cosmic Industrial Complex | 2 (1,7%) |
Red Federation | 2 (1,7%) |
Science and Trade Institute | 2 (1,7%) |
Starbuckington Manor | 2 (1,7%) |
University of Caille | 2 (1,7%) |
ADVANCED Combat and Engineering | 1 (0,8%) |
Applied Creations | 1 (0,8%) |
Bad Teachers | 1 (0,8%) |
C C P | 1 (0,8%) |
Clan Shadow Wolf | 1 (0,8%) |
Crushed Ambitions | 1 (0,8%) |
D00M. | 1 (0,8%) |
Deep Core Mining Inc. | 1 (0,8%) |
Doctrine. | 1 (0,8%) |
EVE University | 1 (0,8%) |
Exploration and Intelligence Agency | 1 (0,8%) |
Galactic Rangers | 1 (0,8%) |
Imperial Guardians | 1 (0,8%) |
Income Redistribution Service | 1 (0,8%) |
Ivy Mike's Munitions Expulsion Services | 1 (0,8%) |
Liandri Corporation | 1 (0,8%) |
Macabre Votum | 1 (0,8%) |
Martyr's Vengence | 1 (0,8%) |
Ministry of War | 1 (0,8%) |
Night Warder | 1 (0,8%) |
nul-li-fy | 1 (0,8%) |
Outer Ring Applied Logistics | 1 (0,8%) |
Pink Kitten Kommando | 1 (0,8%) |
Posthuman Society | 1 (0,8%) |
Project Cerberus | 1 (0,8%) |
Ranger Corp | 1 (0,8%) |
Sileo In Pacis | 1 (0,8%) |
Spacerats | 1 (0,8%) |
The Maverick Navy | 1 (0,8%) |
Titan Inc. | 1 (0,8%) |
Underworld Protection Agency | 1 (0,8%) |
Vampires of Transilvania | 1 (0,8%) |
Wolfsbrigade | 1 (0,8%) |
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